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Daniel Ellsberg7 April 193116 June 2023Author
A feted whistleblower who exposed some details of how the US government was waging the Vietnam War. The fact that he was not persecuted has lead several commentators to suggest that he may not in fact have been all he appears to be. Specifically, the Pentagon Papers may have been a limited hangout.
Zeke Emanuel6 September 1957USBioethicsBrother of Ari Emanuel and Rahm Emanuel
Thomas O. Enders28 November 193117 March 1996USDiplomatUS diplomat. Single Bilderberger
Tom Engelhardt1944USAuthor
Editor of, a website critical of US foreign policy, but not touching deep politics much.
Robert Epstein19 June 1953Author
Steven Erlanger14 October 1952USJournalist
Deep state operative
Deep state connected New York Times journalist. Ditchley Governor, Regular at the MSC and the Brussels Forum
Fritz Ermarth1941USSpook
Deep state operative
Le Cercle. CIA. RAND
Richard Falk13 November 1930USAcademic
Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories
James Fallows2 August 1949USAuthor
US journalist, ACG Young Leaders 1977, CFR, First Bilderberg in 2018 aged 69
Paul Farmer26 October 195921 February 2022USDoctor
Deep state actor
Founder of Partners In Health
Thomas Farmer26 July 19235 February 2015USSpook
Deep state functionary
CIA expert on student recruitment, founder of American Academy in Berlin.
Eric Feigl-Ding28 March 1983Influential zero-covid Twitter voice who "rose to e-prominence during the pandemic as an extreme fear monger"
Douglas Feith16 July 1953USZionism
Deep state actor
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy at the US pentagon on 9-11
Martin Feldstein25 November 193911 June 2019USEconomistUS economist, Trilateral Commission, heavy Bilderberg habit towards the end of his life.
Roger Ferguson28 October 1951USEconomistUS economist, Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 3 Bilderbergs in the late 2010s
Glenn Fine22 March 1956USCivil servantInspector General of the Department of Defense 2016-2020
Jonathan Finer1976Lawyer
Deep state actor
US deep state actor, Bilderberger, 7th Floor Group, CFR, friend of UK and US deep state functionaries
Paul Finney28 October 192918 May 2013USJournalist
Deep state functionary
"Honorary Bilderberg Secretary General for the United States" as of 1981, US editor and author
Ford M. Fraker4 September 2017Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Barney Frank31 March 1940PoliticianUS politician
Chrystia Freeland8 February 1968Author
Deep state functionary
"A bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neoliberal order"
Aaron Friedberg16 April 1956USDeep state functionary
Fabrice Fries10 March 1960FranceBusinesspersonFrench CEO of Agence France-Presse.
Bill Frist22 February 1952USPolitician
Senate Majority Leader from 2003 to 2007
Michael Froman20 August 1962Deep state operativeSerial WEF meeting visitor with many other SDS connections
Graham E. Fuller28 November 1937USAuthor
His daughter married the uncle of a Boston Bombing suspect. The Turkish government has charged Fuller in connection with the failed Turkish coup.
Richard Furlaud15 April 192310 September 2018USLawyer
Big Pharma executive responsible for making his company the global leader of the problematic drug statins.
James K. Galbraith29 January 1952USEconomist
Kate Gallego21 October 1981USPoliticianMayor of Phoenix. WEF Young Global Leader 2020. As part of Covid propaganda, claimed city morgues were overflowing, when they were not.
Alessandra Galloni1974ItalyJournalist
WEF YGL Italian journalist named editor in chief of Reuters in 2021.
Rahul Gandhi19 June 1970IndiaPoliticianPart of the Nehru–Gandhi family. President of the Indian National Congress 2017-2019, but resigned as party leader after poor election results.
George Gao1961ChinaVirologistChinese virologist and immunologist who participated in the notorious Event 201 and the 2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise
José Manuel García-Margallo13 August 1944SpainPoliticianAttended the 2014 Bilderberg as Spain's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Anthony L. Gardner16 May 1963DiplomatU.S. Ambassador to the European Union. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Senior non-resident fellow of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund.
Merrick Garland13 November 1952Lawyer
Bill Gates28 October 1955USProgrammer
Big pharma/Lobbyist
Big Tech/Lobbyist
Multi-billionaire computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Leslie Gelb4 March 193731 August 2019USJournalist
Deep state actor
President of the Council on Foreign Relations and opinion-making New York Times journalist.
David Gergen9 May 1942USDeep state operativeWhite House insider since the 1970s. Two Bilderbergs in the 1990s. Operation Dark Winter
Chadbourne Gilpatric1 February 1989SpookOSS in WW2, then joined the Rockefeller Foundation
François Godement14 June 1949FranceHistorianFrench historian with deep state connections interested in China. First attended the Bilderberg in 2019.
Marshall I. Goldman26 July 19302 August 2017USAcademic
US think-tanker studying the economy of the Soviet Union and Russia.
Alain Gomez18 October 1938FranceBusinesspersonChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Group when he attended the 1983 Bilderberg
Rodrigo Pérez-Alonso González3 June 1978MexicoPoliticianMexican Green politician with interest in digital transformation
Kermit Gordon3 July 191621 June 1976USDeep state functionaryInfluential economic advisor during the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson administrations. Later President of Brookings Institution.
Lincoln Gordon10 September 191319 December 2009USDiplomat
3 Early Bilderbergs, US Ambassador to Brazil in the 1960s, where he helped arrange the 1964 military coup.
Al Gore31 March 1948USAn American politician and Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist who was made 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton.
Neil Gorsuch29 August 1967JudgeUS Supreme Court Judge
Nigel Gould-DaviesUKDiplomat
Chatham House, Integrity Initiative
Donald Graham22 April 1945USBusinesspersonSon of Katharine Graham, TLC, Facebook, 10 Bilderbergs
C. Boyden Gray6 February 1943LawyerGeorge H. W. Bush's White House Counsel