Anne-Marie Slaughter

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Person.png Anne-Marie Slaughter   Powerbase SourcewatchRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Anne-Marie Slaughter.jpg
Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.
Alma materPrinceton University, Worcester College (Oxford), Harvard University
SpouseAndrew Moravcsik
Member ofAspen/Strategy Group, Atlantik-Brücke, Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3, Justice for Kurds, Trilateral Commission, Truman Center for National Policy
Director of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton. Important in the introduction of the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect

Employment.png Director of Policy Planning

In office
January 23, 2009 - January 23, 2011

Anne-Marie Slaughter is an American international lawyer, foreign policy analyst, political scientist and public commentator. From 2002 to 2009, she was the Dean of Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.[1][2][3]

Slaughter was the first woman to serve as the Director of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department from January 2009 until February 2011 under U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.[1][4]

During this time, Slaughter was a prominent exponent of Responsibility to Protect, a doctrine that gave the international community (i.e. US/NATO) the right to intervene in any country in the world under humanitarian pretext. The method often involves letting the CIA first create a conflict, for then to demand a bombing campaign to stop the violence. This was used among others against Libya and Syria.

Since leaving the State Department, Slaughter remains a frequent commentator on foreign policy issues by publishing op-eds in major newspapers, magazines and blogs and curating foreign policy news on Twitter. She appears regularly on CNN, BBC, NPR, and PBS and lectures to academic, civic, and corporate audiences. She has written a regular opinion column for George Soros' Project Syndicate since January 2012.[5]

She was on the boards of numerous non-profit organizations, including the Council of Foreign Relations, the New America Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy, the National Security Network and the Brookings Doha Center. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Center for New American Security, the Truman Project, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies. In 2006, she chaired the Secretary of State's Advisory Committee on Democracy Promotion. From 2004–2007, she was a co-director of the Princeton Project on National Security.[6]

She is a former president of the American Society of International Law and the current President and CEO of New America (formerly the New America Foundation).[7]

On the responsibility to protect

In July 2005, Slaughter wrote in the American Journal of International Law about the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) that:[8]

Membership in the United Nations is no longer a validation of sovereign status and a shield against unwanted meddling in a state's domestic jurisdiction... Sovereignty misused, in the sense of failure to fulfill this responsibility [to protect], could become sovereignty denied.

In a 2006 lecture, Slaughter called the R2P "the most important shift in our conception of sovereignty since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648," and founded it in the Four Freedoms speech by President Roosevelt.[9] She referred to a speech by Kofi Annan, in which he saw that the United Nations had come to a "fork in the road" and in her words "that it was time to decide how to adapt the institution to not the world of 1945 but the world of 2005".[10]

On Libyan intervention

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1970 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, were adopted on 26 February and 17 March 2011, respectively. Resolution 1970 was the first case where the Security Council authorized a military intervention citing the R2P; it passed unanimously. One week after the adoption with many absentions of the latter Resolution, Slaughter wrote a strong endorsement of Western military intervention in Libya.[11]

In this op-ed, Slaughter states her support for the NATO use of force in Libya, describing a lack of NATO as an invitation for other regional governments to increase their repression to remain in power. She frames the conflict as between value-based and interest-based arguments on intervention, stating that they cannot be distinguished from each other, and states her support for the role of President Barack Obama in helping to form an international coalition to oppose Muammar Gadhafi. Slaughter states that she supports the Libyan Transitional National Council draft constitutional charter and states that she supports comparisons to Iraq, arguing they might prevent similar mistakes in Libya.[12]

On Syrian intervention

In a February 2012 op-ed for The New York Times, Slaughter wrote proposing the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad:[13]

Foreign military intervention in Syria offers the best hope for curtailing a long, bloody and destabilizing civil war. The mantra of those opposed to intervention is "Syria is not Libya." In fact, Syria is far more strategically located than Libya, and a lengthy civil war there would be much more dangerous to our interests. America has a major stake in helping Syria's neighbors stop the killing.

She proposed that actors such as Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, "arm the opposition soldiers with anti-tank, countersniper and portable antiaircraft weapons" in order to help the Friends of Syria group intervene.[13] Journalist Michael Hirsh was quick to support her in the National Journal, writing that "even if the U.N. Security Council remains paralyzed, the newly empowered Arab League can provide a cover of legitimacy."[14]

On 8 June 2012, Slaughter returned to the subject of intervention in Syria, with a rebuttal of a Henry Kissinger piece,[15] in which he argued that an intervention would imperil the foundation of world order. Citing two situation reports and claiming that NATO had violated UNSC 1970 in Libya, Slaughter imagined an intervention process without widespread destruction:[16]

These means would include the provision of intelligence and communications equipment, antitank and anti-mortar weapons, and, crucially, air support against Syrian government tanks and troops that seek to enter or overrun a zone. The provision of such support would also require the disabling of Syrian air defenses.

Slaughter sought to provide arms to the rebels, calling for bold action in creating a western backed coalition that would provide heavy weapons to rebels that controlled safe zones which admitted foreign journalists to monitor the rebels' actions.[17] She imagined that "this type of action would force the Russian and Chinese governments to come clean about the real motives for their positions," and proceeded to charge Vladimir Putin with "crimes against humanity, indeed near-genocide... in Chechnya at the turn of the century". Slaughter admitted that the principle of sovereignty was "enshrined in the United Nations Charter," but pointed to the fact that in 2005, the doctrine of R2P had been adopted by the UN.[16]


A Document by Anne-Marie Slaughter

TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Document:Open Letter to Erdoganopen letter30 March 20162016 Turkish coup attempt
Justice and Development Party
Open letter from a number of neocon deep state actors warning Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan to change his ways. The letter was published three months before the failed 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt.


Events Participated in

Bilderberg/20136 June 20139 June 2013Watford
The 2013 Bilderberg group meeting.
Brussels Forum/200920 March 200922 March 2009Belgium
Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and NATO-close German Marshall Fund.
Brussels Forum/201026 March 201028 March 2010Belgium
Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and NATO-close German Marshall Fund.
Brussels Forum/201125 March 201127 March 2011Belgium
Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and NATO-close German Marshall Fund.
Brussels Forum/201223 March 201224 March 2012Belgium
Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund.
Brussels Forum/201421 March 201424 March 2014Belgium
Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund. The theme in 2014 was A World in Transition
Halifax International Security Forum/201118 November 201120 November 2011Canada
Nova Scotia
Spooky conference in Canada in November 2010
Munich Security Conference/20131 February 20133 February 2013Germany
The 49th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/201431 January 20142 February 2014Germany
The 50th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/201612 February 201614 February 2016Germany
The 52nd Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/202014 February 202016 February 2020Germany
The 56th Munich Security Conference, in 2020, "welcomed an unprecedented number of high-ranking international decision-makers."
Munich Security Conference/202218 February 202220 February 2022Germany
Slightly less than 1/3 of the 664 of the participants have pages here
Munich Security Conference/202317 February 202319 February 2023Germany
Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists. The real decisions are made by deep politicians behind the scenes, elsewhere.
Munich Security Conference/202416 February 202418 February 2024Germany
Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists - in their own bubble, far from the concerns of their subjects
WEF/Annual Meeting/201422 January 201425 January 2014World Economic Forum
2604 guests in Davos considered "Reshaping The World"
WEF/Annual Meeting/202222 May 202226 May 2022World Economic Forum
1912 guests in Davos
WEF/Annual Meeting/202316 January 202320 January 2023World Economic Forum
The theme of the meeting was "Cooperation in a Fragmented World"
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. a b
  6. |work=Princeton University
  8. Charles H. Camp and Theresa B. Bowman: "The Responsibility to Protect: Reading Ethical Responsibilities Into the Rule of Law", 20 March 2014
  9. "A New U.N. For a New Century", FLR (2006) 74(6) 2961
  10. "THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ; In Annan and Chirac's Words: 'Fork in the Road' and 'Call a Summit'", 24 September 2003
  11. "Why Libya sceptics were proved badly wrong", 24 August 2011
  13. a b
  14. "ANALYSIS - Getting Serious About Syria"
  15. "Syrian intervention risks upsetting global order", 1 Jun 2012
  16. a b "Syrian intervention is justifiable, and just", 8 Jun 2012
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