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Page nameBornDiedNationalitySummaryDescription
Jerome Adams22 September 1974USDoctorDonald Trump's Surgeon General
John Bodkin Adams21 January 18994 July 1983UKDoctor
Serial killer
Gary AguilarResearcher
Leading authority on the medical evidence in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Member of Assassination Archives and Research Center.
David AgusAcademic
Academic physician with a very heavy WEF AGM habit
Saleyha AhsanDecember 1970UKSpook
A freelance reporter, film maker and A&E doctor with a Sandhurst background. She has traveled to conflict zones in North Africa and Asia and made films and news reports including Libya, Syria, Bosnia, Palestine, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. She appeared with "Dr Rola" in the controversial 2013 video shown on the BBC's Panorama news programme calling for humanitarian bombings of Syria.
Salvador Allende26 June 190811 September 1973ChilePolitician
Civil servant
The first marxist to be elected in South America. Deposed by the CIA.
Rosena Allin-KhanPolitician
British Member of Parliament from the Labour Party.
Eva Andersson-Dubin1961SwedenDoctor
Former Miss Sweden who dated Jeffrey Epstein for 11 years, then married hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin. Mentioned in Epstein's Black book, flew the Lolita Express.
Marcia Angell20 April 1939USDoctor"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine."
Nighat Arif9 February 1984UKPropagandist
TV doctor. One of the biggest promoters of the Covid-19/Vaccine in Britain - received undisclosed payments from AstraZeneca.
Mustafa Barghouti1 January 1954Activist
Five-pillar alternative approach for Palestine
John Barrasso21 July 1952Politician
US physician and politician, multiple visits to the MSC
Wouter Basson6 July 1950Spook
John Bell1 July 1952Canada
Medical researcher who attended the 2013 Bilderberg. Appointed to the UK Vaccine Task Force. Became a center of attention when he stated that COVID-19 vaccines "are unlikely to completely sterilize a population".
Martin Birnstingl17 June 192421 January 2011Activist
British surgeon who questioned the verdict of suicide given on the death of the arms inspector David Kelly
Russell Blaylock15 November 1945USAuthor
Rupert Blue30 March 186812 April 1948DoctorUS Surgeon General of the United States during he Spanish flu. President of the Rockefeller-dominated American Medical Association.
Randall Bock1956Author
Mark Boguski18 March 2021USDoctor
COVID-19/Premature death
American medical researcher that killed himself in 2021.
Ranjeet BrarJuly 1974Author
Activist speaking against and writing about Zionism
Peter Breggin11 May 1936USDoctor
Peter Breggin ended psychosurgery in the United States.
Alfred Broughton18 October 19022 April 1979UKPolitician
The one missing MP vote that brought down the James Callaghan government in 1979, and led to Margaret Thatcher becoming Prime Minister
Ola Brown1986Nigeria
Healthcare entrepreneur
British-Nigerian medical doctor, WEF YGL 2013, AI NVF 2013, leading a team pushing ventilators and designing COVID-19 testing in Nigeria. Founded the Flying Doctors Healthcare Investment Group
Christopher Burns-CoxDoctor
John BuseUSWhistleblower
When he warned of risks with GlaxoSmithKline diabetes drug Avandia, the company forced him to retract by threatening to destroy his academic career and a huge lawsuit for loss in stock value.
Rashid Buttar20 January 196618 May 2023USDoctor
COVID-19/Premature death
US physician targeted for censorship and harassment as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" by the Center for Countering Digital Hate and the US government during the Covid deep event. Died prematurely in 2023, shortly after a CNN interview where he claimed he had been poisoned.
Agnès Buzyn1 November 1962FrancePolitician
French politician, France/Minister of Health during COVID-19.
Dolores CahillEireActivist
Science/Science dissident
Irish molecular biologist and immunologist who early and loudly protested against the official pandemic narrative. Predicts disaster from experimental gene therapies peddled as vaccines.
Luis Posada Carriles15 February 192823 May 2018Doctor
David Cartland1982Doctor
UK doctor who resigned about the COVID-19 event and came out as a COVID-19 dissident
Ignazio Cassis13 April 1961SwitzerlandPolitician
As president of the Swiss confederation, Cassis took a leading role to "redefine" Swiss neutrality to align with NATO. Attended 2023 Bilderberg meeting.
Kerry ChantAustraliaDoctor
Deep state actor
Chief Health Officer of New South Wales during COVID.
Helen ChuWhistleblower
An expert in infectious diseases whom the CDC told to stop her tests for COVID-19 in January 2020.
Rachel Clarke1972UKDoctorSpooky UK doctor who got cartoonist Bob Moran fired from the Daily Telegraph during the Covid event.
Angelique Coetzee1950South AfricaDoctorSouth African physician who discovered the Omicron variant.
Vernon Coleman18 May 1946Doctor
Science/Science dissident
Medical doctor with decades of experience. His Wikipedia article received a complete re-write when he started to criticize the official narrative on Covid-19.
Tony ColesDoctor
CFR pharma businessman
Francis Collins14 April 1950Doctor
Deep state functionary
Became NIH Director in 2009. "I suggest going to FEMA’s new Coronavirus Rumor Control web site."
Charles CrenshawDoctor
Rolando Cubela1932CubaSoldier
Cuban revolutionary leader who later became "an important asset" of the CIA, and worked with them on plots to assassinate Fidel Castro.
Theodore Dalrymple11 October 1949UKAuthor
British conservative writer and cultural critic
Ara Darzi7 May 1960Politician
Rafil DhafirDoctor
Prisoner of conscience
Us Muslim doctor persecuted by the US justice system for providing humanitarian aid to sanctioned Iraq.
Richard Doll28 October 191224 July 2005UKDoctor
Key Opinion Leader
Lionized medical expert who received large consultancy fees from Monsanto and other chemical companies for more than 20 years while "investigating" cancer risks in the industry.
Philippe Douste-Blazy1 January 1953FrancePolitician
French Health and Foreign Minister - arrested in Morocco on suspicion of underage prostitution.
Arthur Conan Doyle22 May 18597 July 1930UKAuthor
Creator of Sherlock Holmes
İhsan Doğramacı3 April 191525 February 2010TurkeyAcademic
Turkish doctor and university administrator
Victor Dzau23 October 1945USDoctorChinese/US doctor, member of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, very heavy WEF AGM habit
Magdy ElamirDoctor
Paul Farmer26 October 195921 February 2022USDoctor
Deep state actor
Founder of Partners In Health
... further results


Related Quotations

"Anti-vaxxer"“It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an "anti-vaxxer". Virtually no physicians are "anti-antibiotics" or "anti-surgery", whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested.”Jane OrientJuly 2021
Evidence-based medicine“It sounds so believable and benign...By the 1990s, doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals practice was geared to protocols, being geared by protocols, and shaped by protocols. Once these protocols were instituted, it became very difficult for doctors and nurses to use their own clinical acumen, they had to follow protocols. So what's happened with the evidence-based approach, is that it's become a form of dogma, an ideology, and this is the issue with evidence-based practice, because a lot of the evidence is created around quantitative research and the randomized control trial, and that's funded by various funding mechanisms and also the pharmaceutical industryKevin CorbettApril 2024
Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil“No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by the experience of life as that you never should trust experts. If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome: if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent: if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe. They all require to have their strong wine diluted by a very large admixture of insipid common sense.”Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil
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