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|constitutes=Researcher, COVID-19/Dissident, Science dissident
|constitutes=Researcher, COVID-19/Dissident, Science dissident
'''Dr Robert W. Malone''' is the medical researcher who invented the [[MRNA vaccine]] and RNA as a drug<ref>https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD</ref>. He does not believe the "[[COVID-19 vaccines]]" are safe.
'''Dr Robert W. Malone''' is the medical researcher who invented the [[MRNA vaccine]] and RNA as a drug<ref>https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD</ref>. After taking two [[COVID-19 jabs]] he became a [[COVID-19 dissident]]. He became an outspoken and articulate critic of the {{on}} about COVID-19, and [[mandation of [[injections for COVID-19]] in particular, and was subsequently censored by big tech.
==Education and Career==
==Education and Career==

Revision as of 18:31, 15 March 2022

Person.png Robert Malone   Gab Gettr LinkedIn Substack Twitter WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(Researcher, COVID-19/Dissident, Science dissident)
Robert malone.jpg
Alma materNorthwestern University, Harvard University, University of California (Davis)
ExposedTrusted News Initiative
Founder ofRNA Vaccine
Member of"Team Worst Case Scenario"
Interests • Vaccines
• COVID-19/Vaccines
Interest ofJoe Atwill, "Philip Cross", George Webb, Diana West
Inventor of the MRNA vaccine, heavily censored and memory-holed from the Internet after expressing safety concerns about the COVID-19 Vaccines.

Dr Robert W. Malone is the medical researcher who invented the MRNA vaccine and RNA as a drug[1]. After taking two COVID-19 jabs he became a COVID-19 dissident. He became an outspoken and articulate critic of the official narrative about COVID-19, and [[mandation of injections for COVID-19 in particular, and was subsequently censored by big tech.

Education and Career

Robert Malone studied medicine at Northwestern University where he obtained a doctorate in medicine, then specialized in clinical research at Harvard University and specialized in the field of pathologies and virology at University of California, Davis[2]. While still a student nearing the end of his doctorate at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, he was one of the principal authors and one of the driving forces of a study describing for the first time how the expression protein in a foreign cell can be triggered by DNA or RNA packaged in fatty globules (liposomes), at a time while gene therapy was still only a concept.

This study is considered the first scientific publication on the basics of, for example, mRNA vaccines that are rolled out during the Covid-19 operation. The co-authors of the 1989 seminal article were Philip Felgner and Inder Verma. Malone was also part of the team that carried out the first mRNA vaccine experiments.

During his career he had a lot of contact with, or did research for, the national security apparatus.[3][4]

June 2021 Dark Horse podcast

On June 11, 2021 Malone appeared on the DarkHorse podcast, warning of the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections of children.[5]

Malone talked about government's lack of transparency about the risks and forcing people to take these experimental injections in violation of bioethical laws. He also pointed out that significant part of the reasons we have no adequate data on the RMNA-vaccine safety is because the US Food and Drug Administration has deliberately chosen not to require rigorous post-vaccination data collection and analysis.

Dark Horse podcast - (Brett Weinstein, Robert Malone & Steve Kirsch) - How to save the world, in three easy steps [6]

Videos of his opinions about the "COVID-19 Vaccines" were quickly removed from YouTube. He was locked out of LinkedIn. Five days after his DarkHorse podcast appearance, Malone's scientific achievements were removed from Wikipedia, and the process of disappearing him from Google started.

RNA Vaccine warnings

Dr. Malone warned that the RNA-vaccine risks outweigh the benefits in children, adolescents, and young adults, and that those who have recovered from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection should not get the injection

In a June 24, 2021 interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News,[7] Malone said:

Robert w malone-Twitter1.png
Robert w malone-Twitter2.png
Malone started receiving death threats after speaking out, prompting this tweet.[8]

“[O]ne of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are. And so, I'm of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept a vaccine or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines, [...] And so, my concern is that I know that there are risks. But we don't have access to the data, and the data haven't been captured rigorously enough so that we can accurately assess those risks — and therefore … we don't really have the information that we need to make a reasonable decision.”
Robert Malone (June 24, 2021)  [9]

Malone regrets getting a COVID-19 vaccine because of safety concerns. He started receiving death threats after speaking out.

On 9th July he was interviewed for the Corona Investigative Committee, where he repeated his position.[10][11]

He went on The Jimmy Dore Show on 15 September 2021.[12]

December 2021 Interview with Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan and Robert Malone on 30th December 2021. In this podcast they also touch on the cancellation of Peter Duesberg in the 90s and the Great Barrington declaration.

The day after Robert Malone was deplatformed by Twitter, Malone did a highly recommmended 3 hour interview with Joe Rogan that has been watched by tens of millions, COVID-19, mass formation and the need to withstand totalitarian policies enacted in the name of COVID-19.[13][14][15] The interview transcript was entered into the Congressional Record by Troy E. Nehls after Twitter and YouTube removed the interview from their platforms.[16]


As late as June 14, 2021, Malone's posts were extensively included in the historical section on Wikipedia's RNA vaccine page. He was listed as a co-developer of a "highly efficient in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection system using cationic liposomes" in 1989. On June 16, his name was removed and his services attributed to unnamed researchers at the Salk Institute, the University of California, and the University of Wisconsin.

The Wikipedia article on RnA-vaccines still credited him on June 14,2021[17]
By June 16,2021, his name had been removed[17]

On 20 July, 2021, a Wikipedia search on Robert Malone forwarded to a US sportsman with the same name. An expanded Wikipedia search on Robert W. Malone gave no results.[18], meaning he has been totally removed from the English-language section of the encyclopedia.

A Google search on his name on July 20, 2021 showed that the memory hole process had started. The top results were to several fact checkers, but highly unusual for a prominent person, the search gave no links to Wikipedia, except to the French version of Wikipedia on page 2. The US sportsman Robert Malone did not show in the results.

Screenshot from July 20, 2021, of the French Wikipedia entry,[19] a German and Spanish article are also existing.[20][21]

At the same time, the Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko is suddenly being promoted by the corporate media as the inventor of mRNA vaccines - a convenient choice considering Kariko is the senior vice president of BioNTech, the developer of Pfizer's COVID injection.[17]

Creation of a new Wikipedia page

An English Wikipedia page on him was created on 29 July 2021. It fairly quickly drew attention from at least one editor suspected as working for British intelligence services, 'Philip Cross'.[22]

Other language versions were kept and expanded; the German version decided to go overboard with their section of his "Misrepresentation of COVID-19 vaccines".[23]


[[Display born on::20 October 1959| ]] 

Quotes by Robert Malone

Generations of warfare“People are hitting Google like crazy with queries regarding Jordon Walker, Pfizer and Veritas. As they did when I said “mass formation psychosis” on Rogan #1757, Google manually interferes with the searches, returning wishy washy “these results are changing rapidly” screens instead of actual links. So, now we have a pretty clear smoking gun involving collusion between Pfizer and Google to suppress the story. Then everything, anything, having to do with Jordon Walker, MD gets memory holed. Wiped from the internet, including the Wayback machine. And then the chaos agents, bots and trolls descend on all social media channels. Sowing doubt that Jordon Walker is even a real person. Floating paranoid conspiracy theories that this is all a big deep-fake set up of Veritas, O’Keefe and myself. Which of course get amplified by the usual actors. Now THAT is an example of Fifth Gen Warfare power!”
Search engine“When trying to triangulate truth these days, it is often useful to employ multiple different search engines.”28 January 2023
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD
  2. https://www.rwmalonemd.com/
  3. http://archive.today/2021.10.15-003733/https://twitter.com/gumby4christ/status/1448762599277936650
  4. http://archive.today/2022.01.01-101327/https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1448762599277936650.html
  5. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/21/mrna-inventor-interviewed-about-injection-dangers.aspx
  6. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-save-the-world-in-three-easy-steps/id1471581521?i=1000525032595 saved at Archive.is
  7. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Dec6KSJbs16t/
  8. http://web.archive.org/web/20210718130625/https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=61789
  9. https://news.yahoo.com/single-most-qualified-mrna-expert-173600060.html
  10. https://www.facebook.com/renate.holzeisen/posts/1456046624734214
  11. https://odysee.com/@Corona-Ausschuss:3/Sitzung-60-Die-Zeit-ist-kein-flacher-Kreis-3-Robert-Malone:d
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwPKnOhJRYg
  13. https://www.dailyangle.com/articles/dr-robert-malone-spends-3-hours-with-joe-rogan-after-twitter-ban
  14. https://odysee.com/@Hartemeester:0/joe-rogan-interviews-dr.robert-malone-joe-rogan-podcast:9
  15. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ru5ii7/joe_rogan_and_dr_robert_malone_md_interview/ saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is
  16. https://nehls.house.gov/posts/joe-rogan-experience-1757-dr-robert-malone-md-full-transcript saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is
  17. a b c https://coercioncode.com/2021/07/11/dr-robert-malone-mrna-vaccine-inventor-censored/
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Robert+W.+Malone&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go&ns0=1
  19. https://web.archive.org/web/20210720190624/https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Malone
  20. https://web.archive.org/web/20210720190455/https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Malone
  21. https://web.archive.org/web/20210720190629/https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Malone
  22. https://archive.is/ZjkDA
  23. http://archive.today/2022.01.28-171319/https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Malone