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<b>Kamala Harris</b> is a U.S. [[Naval Intelligence]] Asset associated with the Jewish Mafia circles and the California Burton Machine. She currently sits on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee and is a declared candidate at the Federal Elections Commission in the 2020 Presidential Elections.
|image=Kamala Harris.jpg
|birth_date=20 October 1964
|birth_place=Oakland, California, US
|description=US VP. Famous in California for aiding prison-industrial complex and protecting paedophiles within the [[Catholic Church]].
|constitutes=politician, lawyer, deep state functionary, US/2024 Presidential election/Candidate
|alma_mater=Howard University, University of California/Hastings College of the Law
|spouses=Doug Emhoff
|title=Vice President of the United States
|start=20 January 2021
|title=United States Senator from California
|start=3 January 2017
|end=18 January 2021
|title=Attorney General of California
'''Kamala Devi Harris''' is a [[US]] [[politician]] and [[lawyer]] who has been [[Vice President of the United States]] since 20 January 2021.<ref>''[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55738741 "Kamala Harris becomes first female, first black and first Asian-American VP"]''</ref> A member of the [[Democratic Party]], Kamala Harris was a [[United States Senator]] from California from 2017 to 2021, and as the [[Attorney General of California]] from [[2011]] to [[2017]].
In July 2024, Kamala Harris was presented as candidate by then president [[Joe Biden]], for the [[US/2024 Presidential election]], after Biden dropped out due to internal pressure regarding his personal health.<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/21/biden-drops-out-kamala-harris-takeaways</ref><ref>https://apnews.com/article/biden-drops-out-2024-election-ddffde72838370032bdcff946cfc2ce6</ref>
Although her actual name is unknown, it is believed her family name is "Brown." She is from Thousand Oaks, California, and dropped out of Newbury Park High School. She was recruited at March Air Force Base and the US Naval Weapons Research facility in Norco, California sometime around 1991 by the US Intelligence Community and Israeli arms trader Arnan Milchon. They scouted her from the print version of a local weekly that was the predecessor of "Backpage.com." At first, she was assigned to various sexual blackmail rings at Jeffrey Epstein's compounds in Calabasas and Marina Del Ray, but due to her stunning performance, a US Air Force Intelligence General at USAF Base Los Angeles who liasoned recommended her for Elite Training in the Inland Empire. At the time, Milchon had picked up the screenplay for a film called "3000" and was adapting it for Walt Disney Productions with a fairy tale ending, and Milchon took repeated trips between El Segundo on California S.R 91 to Norco, and Harris became his carpool. At other times, she would rely on very tiring bus trips between locations. This film would become "Pretty Woman." This predictive programming would form the basis of Kamala Harris's "Legend:" Pretty Woman Goes to Washington, an inside joke based on on Mary Magdalene and Horatio Alger. In the film, the Pretty Woman builds Big Ships in Newport News, Virginia, and this is the end-game of emplacing her in the White House.  
== Career ==
Harris started her career as a lawyer in [[1990]], after graduating from [[Howard University]] and the [[University of California]]'s [[Hastings College of the Law]], at the Alameda County district attorney’s office in [[Oakland]]. From there, she was recruited to the San Francisco district attorney's office to run the department’s career criminal unit.
To celebrate the election of Harris to the US Senate in 2016 and emplacement to the Select Intelligence Community, the Intelligence Community (recalling the tedious commute from Harris's youthful years) with a grand psyop in Las Vegas in October 2017 called the Rt. 91 Harvest Festival. In other words, they were harvesting what had been planted so long ago in 1991.
=== Willie Brown ===
In the mid-[[1990s]], Kamala Harris started dating [[Willie Brown]], the mayor of [[San Francisco]] and one of California’s most powerful politicians. Brown was [[BRISPEC sting operation|investigated by the FBI]] when he was speaker of the California Assembly and as mayor was dogged by conflict of interest, as he used his political machine to steer government contracts and jobs to allies.
Harris's name is a pun on "Camel Toe & Her Ass." She was named after the Kamala Neighborhood in the corrupt city of Oxnard, California where United Fruit has a terminal. Her last name was chosen based on a local minor wrestler named Jason Harris who also chose the stage name Kamala. The wrestling competition advertisements also appeared on the print version of the Backpage issues facing Harris's Escort Ads, which had first attracted the attention of Ghislaine Maxwell who introduced her to Epstein.
In 2003, Harris’ critics used the relationship with Brown to contend that she was not independently qualified to hold office and that, if elected, she would hesitate to investigate corruption at City Hall. [[Eric Jaye]], a political strategist in the city, said Harris’ emergence from San Francisco politics reminds him of Andy Dufresne, the Tim Robbins character from The Shawshank Redemption. “Andy Dufresne,” he said, quoting a line from the movie, “who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side."<ref>https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/01/24/kamala-harris-2020-history-224126</ref>
By 1993 after attending intelligence training and rudimentary law school at Santa Clara University, Kamala had been paired with a CIA economist at Stanford who passed her off has his daughter from a former marriage in Berkeley. The FBI then emplaced her as a high profile escort with Willie Brown in Sacramento, mirroring the character in the movie, as part of their two and a half year sting operation called SHRIMPSCAM. This involved entrapping various legislatures in a scheme regarding shrimp and free enterprise zones, with Willie Brown being the main informant - a feat he would reprise later in 2008 for his other protege (gigolo Gavin Newsom - originally hired by Gordon Getty to make his developmentally disabled son presentable in elite society and passed off as the son of a prominent District Court Judge who was in the Getty clan's pocket) in a matter called SHRIMPBOY.  
=== Mid-Career ===
In [[2003]], she was elected district attorney of San Francisco. She was elected Attorney General of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris was made junior United States senator from California from [[2017]] to [[2021]].
In Sacramento, Brown appointed Harris to a number of state sinecures. As in Pretty Woman, Harris was an escort for Brown at numerous high profile events in Sacramento and also played a role in the rigged 1995 election of Willie brown as "Da Mayor" of San Francisco. Brown was 60 and married. In City Hall, Harris worked in the City Attorney's office as a liaison between Zula Jones, Charles Walker, and Edwin Lee running a corrupt contracting racket out of the Human Rights Commission. Harris also assisted in the 1997 49-ers Stadium election where she assisted Vester Lee Flanagan Sr. and Sulu Palega in hauling stuffed ballot boxes from the Visitacion ST. Projects to the Dept of Elections under Germaine Wong.
==Protecting paedophiles==
{{FA|Catholic Church/VIPaedophile}}
In [[2019]] [[The Intercept]] reported that "thanks to Kamala Harris’s predecessor, the San Francisco DA’s office had files on clergy sex abusers. But Harris refused to share them with victims." The newspaper ''SF Weekly'' asked Harris to release the church abuse personnel files in [[2005]] and [[2010]]. In both cases, her office refused, even after legal counsel told several [[whistleblowers]] and the paper that Harris was the force blocking them and the paper was planning to report on her. Harris even doubled down by sealing the the files.<ref>https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/kamala-harris-san-francisco-catholic-church-child-abuse/</ref> While working as [[San Francisco]]'s district attorney for seven years and then as California's attorney general for an additional six years, Harris "never brought a single documented case forward against an abusive priests.  
Through the Democratic Central Committee and its Pentagon Go-Between Dennis Herrera and Matthew Rothschild, in 2003 Harris was emplaced as District Attorney of San Francisco. This was a accomplished by stuffing ballot boxes and through Palega's voter intimidation racket known as TURF in the Valencia Gardens Projects.
[[Peter Schweizer]], in his book ''Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite'' suggested that the primary reason for her soft approach towards abuse in the Roman Catholic Church was due to the political debt she owed prominent Catholics in the Bay Area. Her predecessor and opponent in the district attorney's race, [[Vincent Hallinan]], was aggressively pursuing such abuse cases and threatened to bring dozens of these incidents to light. His gathering of incriminating evidence drove those implicated Catholics afraid of his findings into Harris's arms. According to San Francisco election financial disclosures, high-dollar donations to Harris's campaign at the time poured in from those tied to the Catholic Church institutional hierarchy. "Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic Church or Catholic organizations, but the money still came in large, unprecedented sums," Schweizer wrote.<ref>https://thepostmillennial.com/revealed-kamala-harris-failed-to-prosecute-a-single-documented-case-of-child-sexual-abuse-by-priests-as-california-ag</ref><ref>https://www.harpercollins.com/products/profiles-in-corruption-peter-schweizer?variant=32126628560930</ref>
As DA in San Francisco, Harris protected various drug informant rings for the CIA as well as human smuggling into the Port of San Francisco. She also helped various massage parlors flourish in providing accupressure. Finally, she buried a prosecution of the killers of political consultant Les Natali who was shot down by a Vietnamese Triad in 1994.  
==Protecting the Prison-Industrial complex==
During her run for president, several outlets, including The Atlantic and ''[[The Intercept]]'' noted her abysmal track record in [[California]] as Attorney General.
In San Francisco, she lived in a third story condo built by DBI inspector Angus McCarthy held in trust in the name of Ammon Hulhey, a law partner of the Gettys. This condo was two blocks from the Hall of Justice. In 2018, her next door neighbor of a decade was decapitated with his torso left in a fishtank. This was evidently a mafia hit meant to intimidate Harris - who was a headless torso entering a Shark Tank.
|text=On June 6, 1998, police were summoned to a bar in the San Fernando Valley where a fight had broken out. The Los Angeles Police Department officers Michael Rex and Thomas Townsend rolled into the parking lot and turned on their floodlights. They later testified that they saw Daniel Larsen, then 30, pull a long, thin object from his waistband and throw it under a vehicle; that they ordered everyone in the parking lot to get down on their knees; that they retrieved a double-edged knife with a weighted handle from beneath a car; and that they arrested Larsen, who was convicted of felony possession of a deadly weapon during a jury trial, despite protesting his innocence. Larsen had two prior felonies and was sentenced to 28 years to life. A federal court later found, though, in the words of the California Innocence Project which went to bat on Larsen’s behalf, that he was “innocent, the police officers who testified at his trial were not credible, and his trial attorney was constitutionally ineffective for failing to call witnesses on his behalf.” On June 14, 2010, Larsen was still in prison, but the state was ordered to either retry him within 90 days or to release him. Harris, who was elected attorney general that year, could have chosen to free the man who had already served more than a decade in prison for possessing a knife that almost certainly wasn’t his.
Harris is currently married to Mob Lawyer Douglas Emhoff of DLA Piper and lives close to her birth family in the Malibu Hills.
Under her leadership, the attorney general’s office instead filed an appeal attempting to block his release because he hadn’t filed his claim for relief in a timely manner. It sought to keep a man in prison on procedural grounds, despite strong evidence of innocence. But here’s the thing: before Larsen was released, the California Attorney General appeal the judge’s ruling, arguing that even if Larsen was innocent of the crime, he shouldn’t be released and his conviction shouldn’t be overturned because he had waited too long to file his paperwork. That’s right: the California AG was okay with an innocent man spending his life in prison, his entire life behind bars, over a freaking technicality.
|subjects=California, Prison-Industrial Complex
|source_name=The Atlantic, The Intercept
|source_URL=https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/08/kamala-cop-record/596758/, https://theintercept.com/2019/01/31/kamala-harris-and-the-myth-of-a-progressive-cop/
|authors=Conor Friedersdorf/Deconstructed The Intercept
|text=In 2010, the crime lab run by the San Francisco Police Department was rocked by a scandal when one of its three technicians was caught taking evidence––cocaine––home from work, raising the prospect of unreliable analysis and testimony in many hundreds of drug cases. It was later discovered that, even prior to the scandal, an assistant district attorney had emailed Harris’ deputy at the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office complaining that the technician was “increasingly UNDEPENDABLE for testimony.”
But even after the technician was caught taking home cocaine, neither Harris nor anyone in her office notified defense attorneys in cases in which she had examined evidence.
“A review of the case, based on court records and interviews with key players, presents a portrait of Harris scrambling to manage a crisis that her staff saw coming but for which she was unprepared,” The Washington Post reported in March. “It also shows how Harris, after six years as district attorney, had failed to put in place written guidelines for ensuring that defendants were informed about potentially tainted evidence and testimony that could lead to unfair convictions.”
In fact, her office initially blamed the San Francisco police for failing to tell defense attorneys about the matter. A judge was incredulous, telling one of the assistant district attorneys, “But it is the district attorney's office affirmative obligation. It's not the police department who has the affirmative obligation. It's the district attorney. That's who the courts look to. That's who the community looks to, to make sure all of that information constitutionally required is provided to the defense.”
|subjects=California, Prison-Industrial Complex
|source_name=The Intercept, The Atlantic
|source_URL=https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/08/kamala-cop-record/596758/, https://theintercept.com/2019/01/31/kamala-harris-and-the-myth-of-a-progressive-cop/
|authors=Conor Friedersdorf/Deconstructed - The Intercept
|text=For years, R. Scott Moxley, an indefatigable alt-weekly reporter, has covered police and prosecutorial misconduct for OC Weekly, a beat that never left him short for material, and that absolutely exploded in 2014, when Harris was attorney general. As he summarized it, “Sheriff’s deputies had spent years running unconstitutional jailhouse scams against pretrial inmates to secretly secure prosecutorial victories at trials. In return, prosecutors under then–District Attorney Tony Rackauckas looked the other way when deputies hid, doctored or destroyed exculpatory evidence from defendants; repeatedly committed perjury; and disobeyed lawfully issued court orders. Tens of thousands of pages of records inside the Orange County Superior Court, as well as at the California Court of Appeal, prove beyond a reasonable doubt each element of what became known nationally as the jailhouse-informant scandal.” For example, Harris’ investigators incredibly obeyed Orange County Sheriff’s Department commands not to audio record certain statements from accused deputies.
More telling, however, is the fact that the alleged investigation long ago landed in bureaucratic oblivion. Though Goethals and the California Court of Appeal officially announced disgust with OCSD perjury years ago, the AG’s office—first under Harris and now with Xavier Becerra—hasn’t held anyone accountable after a probe that so far has lasted more than 1,411 days.
|subjects=Prison-Industrial complex, California
|source_name=The Intercept
|source_URL=https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/08/kamala-cop-record/596758/, https://theintercept.com/2019/01/31/kamala-harris-and-the-myth-of-a-progressive-cop/
|authors=Conor Friedersdorf/ The Intercept
== Views on Israel ==
In July 2019, Kamala Harris was interviewed on the [[Kyle Kulinski]] show, and was asked whether she considered [[Israel]] was meeting international standards of [[human rights]]. Harris seemed determined to say nothing that could be remotely construed as critical.
Her initial answer consisted of this word salad:
:“I think that [[Israel]] as a country is dedicated to being a democracy and is one of our closest friends in that region and that we should understand the shared values and priorities that we have as a democracy, and conduct foreign policy in a way that is consistent with understanding the alignment between the American people and the people of [[Israel]].”
|caption=Q: “Does [[Israel]] meet your [[human rights]] standards to your personal satisfaction?” A: “Overall, yes.”
Unsatisfied, the interviewer followed up:
:“Does [[Israel]] meet your [[human rights]] standards to your personal satisfaction?”
Playing for time, Harris asked:
:“What specifically are you referring to?” before finally answering the question: “Overall, yes.”
This means that Harris sees no problem with [[Israel]]’s policy of sending snipers to systematically and deliberately kill unarmed civilians, including children, who protest their internment in the besieged [[Gaza]] Strip.
It means she sees no problem with [[Israel]]’s skyrocketing demolitions of [[Palestinian]] homes in the occupied [[West Bank]] to make way for [[Jewish]]-only settlements – a [[war crime]].
It means she sees no problem with [[Israel]]’s military detention and torture of [[Palestinian]] children.
It means Harris sees no problem with dozens of [[Israeli]] laws that discriminate against [[Palestinian]] citizens of [[Israel]] solely for not being [[Jewish]]. These include laws and policies that promote the kind of housing discrimination and official segregation that is banned in the [[US]] thanks to the civil rights laws she claims to uphold.
It means she sees no problem with [[Israel]]’s recent [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/19/israel-adopts-controversial-jewish-nation-state-law Nation-State Law] explicitly affirming superior rights for [[Jews]] over [[Palestinians]].
[[Kyle Kulinski]], an influential left-wing commentator and a founder of the progressive political action committee [[Justice Democrats]], offers a scathing response.
He says that Harris brushing aside [[Israel]]’s horrific record shows that her “moral” and “ethical concerns” are “nonexistent”:
:“She’s playing the political game that people play in the United States of America to try to get ahead.”
:“It shows you that she’s unlikely to change anything,” he adds. “That’s why this is important.”<ref>''[https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/kamala-harris-supports-segregation-supporting-israel "Kamala Harris supports segregation by supporting Israel"]''</ref>
==Democrats control the Senate==
On 20 January [[2021]], Democrats officially took control of the Senate when Vice President Kamala Harris swore in three new members, after she took her own oath of office, giving her party control of the White House and Congress.
Harris delivered the oath of office to the new Democratic senators: [[Jon Ossoff]] and [[Raphael Warnock]] of Georgia and [[Alex Padilla]], who replaced her representing the state of California.
She returned to Capitol Hill, almost five hours after she became the first female Vice President, to preside over the Senate for the first time. The VP also serves as president of the Senate.<ref>''[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9169487/Democrats-control-Senate-Kamala-Harris-swears-new-senators.html "Democrats take control of the Senate as Kamala Harris swears in Georgia winners Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff and her own replacement Alex Padilla - giving her the casting vote in 50-50 tie"]''</ref>
*[https://odysee.com/@Laf:6/Banned-video-about-Planned-Parenthood-and-Kamala-Harris:9 Banned video] about [[Planned Parenthood]] and Kamala Harris

Latest revision as of 06:54, 11 September 2024

Person.png Kamala Harris  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(politician, lawyer, deep state functionary, US/2024 Presidential election/Candidate)
Kamala Harris.jpg
Born20 October 1964
Oakland, California, US
Alma materHoward University, University of California/Hastings College of the Law
SpouseDoug Emhoff
Member ofDonald Trump/Conspiracy theories, Truman Center for National Policy
US VP. Famous in California for aiding prison-industrial complex and protecting paedophiles within the Catholic Church.

Employment.png Vice President of the United States

In office
20 January 2021 - Present
Preceded byMike Pence

Employment.png United States Senator from California

In office
3 January 2017 - 18 January 2021

Kamala Devi Harris is a US politician and lawyer who has been Vice President of the United States since 20 January 2021.[1] A member of the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris was a United States Senator from California from 2017 to 2021, and as the Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017.

In July 2024, Kamala Harris was presented as candidate by then president Joe Biden, for the US/2024 Presidential election, after Biden dropped out due to internal pressure regarding his personal health.[2][3]


Harris started her career as a lawyer in 1990, after graduating from Howard University and the University of California's Hastings College of the Law, at the Alameda County district attorney’s office in Oakland. From there, she was recruited to the San Francisco district attorney's office to run the department’s career criminal unit.

Willie Brown

In the mid-1990s, Kamala Harris started dating Willie Brown, the mayor of San Francisco and one of California’s most powerful politicians. Brown was investigated by the FBI when he was speaker of the California Assembly and as mayor was dogged by conflict of interest, as he used his political machine to steer government contracts and jobs to allies.

In 2003, Harris’ critics used the relationship with Brown to contend that she was not independently qualified to hold office and that, if elected, she would hesitate to investigate corruption at City Hall. Eric Jaye, a political strategist in the city, said Harris’ emergence from San Francisco politics reminds him of Andy Dufresne, the Tim Robbins character from The Shawshank Redemption. “Andy Dufresne,” he said, quoting a line from the movie, “who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side."[4]


In 2003, she was elected district attorney of San Francisco. She was elected Attorney General of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris was made junior United States senator from California from 2017 to 2021.

Protecting paedophiles

Full article: Stub class article Catholic Church/VIPaedophile

In 2019 The Intercept reported that "thanks to Kamala Harris’s predecessor, the San Francisco DA’s office had files on clergy sex abusers. But Harris refused to share them with victims." The newspaper SF Weekly asked Harris to release the church abuse personnel files in 2005 and 2010. In both cases, her office refused, even after legal counsel told several whistleblowers and the paper that Harris was the force blocking them and the paper was planning to report on her. Harris even doubled down by sealing the the files.[5] While working as San Francisco's district attorney for seven years and then as California's attorney general for an additional six years, Harris "never brought a single documented case forward against an abusive priests.

Peter Schweizer, in his book Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite suggested that the primary reason for her soft approach towards abuse in the Roman Catholic Church was due to the political debt she owed prominent Catholics in the Bay Area. Her predecessor and opponent in the district attorney's race, Vincent Hallinan, was aggressively pursuing such abuse cases and threatened to bring dozens of these incidents to light. His gathering of incriminating evidence drove those implicated Catholics afraid of his findings into Harris's arms. According to San Francisco election financial disclosures, high-dollar donations to Harris's campaign at the time poured in from those tied to the Catholic Church institutional hierarchy. "Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic Church or Catholic organizations, but the money still came in large, unprecedented sums," Schweizer wrote.[6][7]

Protecting the Prison-Industrial complex

During her run for president, several outlets, including The Atlantic and The Intercept noted her abysmal track record in California as Attorney General.

“On June 6, 1998, police were summoned to a bar in the San Fernando Valley where a fight had broken out. The Los Angeles Police Department officers Michael Rex and Thomas Townsend rolled into the parking lot and turned on their floodlights. They later testified that they saw Daniel Larsen, then 30, pull a long, thin object from his waistband and throw it under a vehicle; that they ordered everyone in the parking lot to get down on their knees; that they retrieved a double-edged knife with a weighted handle from beneath a car; and that they arrested Larsen, who was convicted of felony possession of a deadly weapon during a jury trial, despite protesting his innocence. Larsen had two prior felonies and was sentenced to 28 years to life. A federal court later found, though, in the words of the California Innocence Project which went to bat on Larsen’s behalf, that he was “innocent, the police officers who testified at his trial were not credible, and his trial attorney was constitutionally ineffective for failing to call witnesses on his behalf.” On June 14, 2010, Larsen was still in prison, but the state was ordered to either retry him within 90 days or to release him. Harris, who was elected attorney general that year, could have chosen to free the man who had already served more than a decade in prison for possessing a knife that almost certainly wasn’t his. Under her leadership, the attorney general’s office instead filed an appeal attempting to block his release because he hadn’t filed his claim for relief in a timely manner. It sought to keep a man in prison on procedural grounds, despite strong evidence of innocence. But here’s the thing: before Larsen was released, the California Attorney General appeal the judge’s ruling, arguing that even if Larsen was innocent of the crime, he shouldn’t be released and his conviction shouldn’t be overturned because he had waited too long to file his paperwork. That’s right: the California AG was okay with an innocent man spending his life in prison, his entire life behind bars, over a freaking technicality.”
Conor Friedersdorf/Deconstructed The Intercept [8]

“In 2010, the crime lab run by the San Francisco Police Department was rocked by a scandal when one of its three technicians was caught taking evidence––cocaine––home from work, raising the prospect of unreliable analysis and testimony in many hundreds of drug cases. It was later discovered that, even prior to the scandal, an assistant district attorney had emailed Harris’ deputy at the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office complaining that the technician was “increasingly UNDEPENDABLE for testimony.”

But even after the technician was caught taking home cocaine, neither Harris nor anyone in her office notified defense attorneys in cases in which she had examined evidence. “A review of the case, based on court records and interviews with key players, presents a portrait of Harris scrambling to manage a crisis that her staff saw coming but for which she was unprepared,” The Washington Post reported in March. “It also shows how Harris, after six years as district attorney, had failed to put in place written guidelines for ensuring that defendants were informed about potentially tainted evidence and testimony that could lead to unfair convictions.”

In fact, her office initially blamed the San Francisco police for failing to tell defense attorneys about the matter. A judge was incredulous, telling one of the assistant district attorneys, “But it is the district attorney's office affirmative obligation. It's not the police department who has the affirmative obligation. It's the district attorney. That's who the courts look to. That's who the community looks to, to make sure all of that information constitutionally required is provided to the defense.””
Conor Friedersdorf/Deconstructed - The Intercept [9]

“For years, R. Scott Moxley, an indefatigable alt-weekly reporter, has covered police and prosecutorial misconduct for OC Weekly, a beat that never left him short for material, and that absolutely exploded in 2014, when Harris was attorney general. As he summarized it, “Sheriff’s deputies had spent years running unconstitutional jailhouse scams against pretrial inmates to secretly secure prosecutorial victories at trials. In return, prosecutors under then–District Attorney Tony Rackauckas looked the other way when deputies hid, doctored or destroyed exculpatory evidence from defendants; repeatedly committed perjury; and disobeyed lawfully issued court orders. Tens of thousands of pages of records inside the Orange County Superior Court, as well as at the California Court of Appeal, prove beyond a reasonable doubt each element of what became known nationally as the jailhouse-informant scandal.” For example, Harris’ investigators incredibly obeyed Orange County Sheriff’s Department commands not to audio record certain statements from accused deputies. More telling, however, is the fact that the alleged investigation long ago landed in bureaucratic oblivion. Though Goethals and the California Court of Appeal officially announced disgust with OCSD perjury years ago, the AG’s office—first under Harris and now with Xavier Becerra—hasn’t held anyone accountable after a probe that so far has lasted more than 1,411 days.”
Conor Friedersdorf/ The Intercept (2019)  [10]

Views on Israel

In July 2019, Kamala Harris was interviewed on the Kyle Kulinski show, and was asked whether she considered Israel was meeting international standards of human rights. Harris seemed determined to say nothing that could be remotely construed as critical.

Her initial answer consisted of this word salad:

“I think that Israel as a country is dedicated to being a democracy and is one of our closest friends in that region and that we should understand the shared values and priorities that we have as a democracy, and conduct foreign policy in a way that is consistent with understanding the alignment between the American people and the people of Israel.”
Q: “Does Israel meet your human rights standards to your personal satisfaction?” A: “Overall, yes.”

Unsatisfied, the interviewer followed up:

“Does Israel meet your human rights standards to your personal satisfaction?”

Playing for time, Harris asked:

“What specifically are you referring to?” before finally answering the question: “Overall, yes.”

This means that Harris sees no problem with Israel’s policy of sending snipers to systematically and deliberately kill unarmed civilians, including children, who protest their internment in the besieged Gaza Strip.

It means she sees no problem with Israel’s skyrocketing demolitions of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank to make way for Jewish-only settlements – a war crime.

It means she sees no problem with Israel’s military detention and torture of Palestinian children.

It means Harris sees no problem with dozens of Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel solely for not being Jewish. These include laws and policies that promote the kind of housing discrimination and official segregation that is banned in the US thanks to the civil rights laws she claims to uphold.

It means she sees no problem with Israel’s recent Nation-State Law explicitly affirming superior rights for Jews over Palestinians.

Kyle Kulinski, an influential left-wing commentator and a founder of the progressive political action committee Justice Democrats, offers a scathing response.

He says that Harris brushing aside Israel’s horrific record shows that her “moral” and “ethical concerns” are “nonexistent”:

“She’s playing the political game that people play in the United States of America to try to get ahead.”
“It shows you that she’s unlikely to change anything,” he adds. “That’s why this is important.”[11]

Democrats control the Senate

On 20 January 2021, Democrats officially took control of the Senate when Vice President Kamala Harris swore in three new members, after she took her own oath of office, giving her party control of the White House and Congress.

Harris delivered the oath of office to the new Democratic senators: Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock of Georgia and Alex Padilla, who replaced her representing the state of California.

She returned to Capitol Hill, almost five hours after she became the first female Vice President, to preside over the Senate for the first time. The VP also serves as president of the Senate.[12]



Appointments by Kamala Harris

Philip GordonNational Security Advisor to the Vice President21 March 2022
Sarah GoudaDeputy Director of SpeechwritingMarch 2021


Events Participated in

Munich Security Conference/202218 February 202220 February 2022Germany
Slightly less than 1/3 of the 664 of the participants have pages here
Munich Security Conference/202317 February 202319 February 2023Germany
Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists. The real decisions are made by deep politicians behind the scenes, elsewhere.
Munich Security Conference/202416 February 202418 February 2024Germany
Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists - in their own bubble, far from the concerns of their subjects


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Document:Internalised Dangerblog post6 November 2020Craig MurrayAmerica urgently needs a radical dose of social and economic reform as championed by Bernie Sanders. It needs the Green New Deal, and the world needs a real commitment in Washington to environmentalism.
Document:Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocideArticle26 July 2024Jonathan CookMembers of the US Congress roared “USA!” to their satrap from Israel, just as Roman senators once roared “Glory!” to generals whose victories they assumed would continue forever. Every empire falls. Its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have become.
Document:Reflection on the Role of the U.S. Vice PresidencyArticle25 September 2024Ludwig De BraeckeleerOn 12 April 1945, Vice President Truman was preparing to have a drink in House Speaker Sam Rayburn’s office when he received an urgent message to go immediately to the White House, where Eleanor Roosevelt told him that her husband had died after a massive cerebral hemorrhage. Suddenly, the ‘piano player’ was responsible for overseeing the final phase of World War II and shaping the postwar global order: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, and the UN.
Document:You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying?Article4 September 2024Jonathan CookWestern politicians and media are never going to admit that Israel is carrying out a genocide in Gaza. The moment they do, the veil of illusions fostered for decades about Israel - designed to conceal the West’s complicity in Israeli crimes - would be torn away. In committing a genocide, a state crosses a threshold. It cannot be armed into moderation. Nor can it be reasoned into peacemaking. It must be aggressively isolated and sanctioned.
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  1. "Kamala Harris becomes first female, first black and first Asian-American VP"
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/21/biden-drops-out-kamala-harris-takeaways
  3. https://apnews.com/article/biden-drops-out-2024-election-ddffde72838370032bdcff946cfc2ce6
  4. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/01/24/kamala-harris-2020-history-224126
  5. https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/kamala-harris-san-francisco-catholic-church-child-abuse/
  6. https://thepostmillennial.com/revealed-kamala-harris-failed-to-prosecute-a-single-documented-case-of-child-sexual-abuse-by-priests-as-california-ag
  7. https://www.harpercollins.com/products/profiles-in-corruption-peter-schweizer?variant=32126628560930
  8. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/08/kamala-cop-record/596758/, https://theintercept.com/2019/01/31/kamala-harris-and-the-myth-of-a-progressive-cop/ The Atlantic, The Intercept
  9. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/08/kamala-cop-record/596758/, https://theintercept.com/2019/01/31/kamala-harris-and-the-myth-of-a-progressive-cop/ The Intercept, The Atlantic
  10. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/08/kamala-cop-record/596758/, https://theintercept.com/2019/01/31/kamala-harris-and-the-myth-of-a-progressive-cop/ The Intercept
  11. "Kamala Harris supports segregation by supporting Israel"
  12. "Democrats take control of the Senate as Kamala Harris swears in Georgia winners Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff and her own replacement Alex Padilla - giving her the casting vote in 50-50 tie"