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Brussels Forum/2007

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LocationBrussels,  Belgium
ParticipantsMorten Aasland, Arban Abrashi, Valdas Adamkus, Bengt Albons, Mark Allen, Monitor Group, James Appathurai, Anne Applebaum, Uzi Arad, Ronald Asmus, Shlomo Avineri, Ertan Aydın, Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, Egemen Bağış, David Bakradze, Valteris Baliukonis, Donald K. Bandler, Katinka Barysch, Toms Baumanis, Markus Baumanns, Alan Beattie, Andre Belelieu, Robert Bennett, Marcel Bens, Matthias Berninger, Gela Bezhuashvili, Carl Bildt, Manfred Bischoff, Jim Bittermann, Richard Black, Amaya Bloch-Lainé, Svetoslav Bojilov, Julian Borger, Marcin Bosacki, Tzvetelina Borislavova, Dirk Brengelmann, Stephen G. Breyer, Esther Brimmer, Elmar Brok, Alexis Brouhns, Martin Bruncko, Nicholas Burns, Ian Buruma, Frances Burwell, Sabine Busse, Reinhard Bütikofer, Ben Butters, Deb Callahan, Gökhan Çetinsaya, Marc Champion, Eric Chevallier, Eric Chilton, Vladimir Chizhov, Nicola Clase, Hendrik Coolsaet, Robert Cooper, Christopher Cox, Hannelore Crolly, Stanley Crossick, Ran Curiel, Ghislain d'Hoop, Susan Danger, Marta Dassù, Etienne Davignon, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Karel De Boeck, Noël De Bruyne, François-Xavier de Donnea, Karel De Gucht, Gilles de Kerchove, Claudio De Luca, Gijs de Vries, Koert Debeuf, Philippe Delva, Pavol Demeš, Helēna Demakova, Pavol Demeš, Filip Dierckx, Viet Dinh, Daniel Dombey, Karen Donfried, Mia Doornaert, Thanos Dokos, Seda Saadet Domaniç, Xenia Dormandy, Daniel Drezner, Dirk Emile Driessens, Sorin Ducaru, Mikuláš Dzurinda, Bill Echikson, Markus Ederer, Harriet Edmonds, Konstantin Eggert, Christoph Eichhorn, Juurd Eijsvoogel, Oded Eran, Fredrik Erixon, Steven Erlanger, Petra Erler, John Evans, Steven Everts, Andreas Falke, Daniel Fata, Hakan Fidan, Tina Nelson-Fordham, Luis G. Fortuńo, Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, Albert Frère, Daniel Fried, Ralph Fücks, Mark Fuller, Moshe Garelik, John Erik Garr, Rayna Gavrilova, Terri Givens, Laurette Glasgow, Hanns Glatz, John K. Glenn, Misha Glenny, François Godement, Simon Godwin, Ana Maria Gomes, Ulysse Gosset, Nik Gowing, Heather Grabbe, Charles Grant, C. Boyden Gray, Nathan Graham, Marek Grela, Marc Grossman, Nikola Gruevski, Rita Grumadaite, Chengyuan Guan, István Gyarmati, Alexander Hagelucken, Anne-Marie Hauser, Sasha Havlicek, Lutfi Haziri, Connie Hedegaard, Morten Helveg Petersen, Annette Heuser, Jörg Himmelreich, Erich Hochleitner, Richard Holbrooke, Rosemary Hollis, Chris Hoornaert, Raffi Hovannissian, Joylon Howorth, Werner Hoyer, Jana Hybášková, David Ignatius, G. John Ikenberry, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Darrell Issa, Oliver Ivanović, Bruce P. Jackson, Tamar Jacoby, Jackson Janes, Kęstutis Jankauskas, Josef Janning, Patrick Jarreau, Vincent Jauvert, Milan Ježovica, Cherno Jobatey, Eric Johnson, Mikael Jonsson, Robert Kagan, David Kamenetzky, Jonathan Katz, Laza Kekić, Gilles Kepel, Stephen Kimmel, Robert M. Kimmitt, Riina Ruth Kionka, Suat Kınıklıoğlu, Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, Caio K. Koch-Weser, Jim Kolbe, Fawzia Koofi, John Kornblum, Stefan Kornelius, Konstantin Kosachev, Bernard Kouchner, Karel Kovanda, Andreas Kraemer, Ingrid Kramer, Ivan Krastev, Heinrich Kreft, Ján Kubiš, Ieva Kupce, Charles Kupchan, Johannes Lambertz, Johannes Laitenberger, Karel Lannoo, Bert Lanting, F. Stephen Larrabee, Philippe Legrain, Lotte Leicht, Michael Leigh, Mark Leonard, Ian Lesser, Pierre Lévy, Robert Liberatore, Roger Liddle, Kadri Liik, Zhi-bin Lin, Tod Lindberg, Maria Lipman, Pascal Lizin, Osman Faruk Loğoğlu, Jack Lowe, Simon Lunn, Orysia Lutsevych, Rui Machete, Peter MacKay, Heike MacKerron, Abdul Salam Majali, Erika Mann, Joseph Manso, Jonathan Marcus, Hanns Martens, Maurizio Massari, Michael Matthiessen, Saulius Mazrimas, Johannes Meier, Giles Merritt, Alexander Milinkevich, Ognyan Minchev, Robin Mishra, Antonio Missiroli, Claude Misson, Liz Mohn, Endrik Mõistlik, Marie-Louise Moller, Mario Monti, Jennifer Morgan, Mark Morrison, Dietmar Müller-Elmau, Stanislav Mundil, Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Krisztina Nagy, Vassi Naidoo, Hryhoriy Nemyria, Jim Neuger, Konrad Niklewicz, Vyacheslav Nikonov, Victoria Nuland, James O'Brien, Amir Oren, Andres Ortega, Vartan Oskanian, Norbert Otten, Ana Palacio, Volker Perthes, Jan Petersen, Petra Pinzler, Ruprecht Polenz, John Pomfret, Wolfgang Proissl, Vesna Pusić, Olli Rehn, European Union Commission, Alex Reyn, John Richardson, Thomas Ries, Airis Rikveilis, Edgars Rinkēvičs, Sergey M. Rogov, Eckhard Rohkamm, Alexandros Rondos, Daniel Runde, Güven Sak, Richard Salt, Özdem Sanberk, Eberhard Sandschneider, Andrei Sannikov, Nicola de Santis, Giuseppe Sarcina, Mary Elise Sarotte, Kori Schake, Wolfgang Schäuble, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Randall Scheunemann, Karin Schlautmann, Vivien Schmidt, Gary J. Schmitt, Wolfgang Schmitt, John Schmitz, Gregor Peter Schmitz, Carl J. Schramm, Maroš Šefčovič, Radmila Šekerinska, Peter Semneby, Simon Serfaty, Samad Seyidov, Snezana Samardzic-Markovic, Jamie Shea, Radosław Sikorski, Stefano Silvestri, Rajeev Singh-Molares, Ljiljana Smajlović, Gary Smith, Julianne Smith, Eugeniusz Smolar, Randall Soderquist, Jaromir Sokolowski, Javier Solana, Ulrich Speck, Gerhard Spoerl, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Steve Stensson, Philip Stephens, Bruce Stokes, Dominique Struye de Swielande, Elin Suleymanov, Roger Svensson, Goran Svilanović, Paweł Świeboda, Hannes Swoboda, Aferdita Syla, Aleksander Szczyglo, Réka Szemerkényi, István Szent-Iványi, Laimonas Talat-Kelpša, Pirkka Tapiola, Borys Tarasyuk, Luc Tayart de Borms, Paul Taylor, Mario Telò, Stefan Theil, Gunter Thielen, Michael Thumann, Jürgen Thumann, Pertti Torstila, Dan Twining, Yulia Tymoshenko, Sinan Ülgen, Matthias Ummenhofer, Franciskus van Daele, Peter Van Praagh, Jef Van den put, Udo van Kampen, Mabel van Oranje, Joachim Fritz Vannahme, Jana Vanaveski, John Vassallo, Ivan Vejvoda, Myriam Verger, Guy Verhofstadt, Andžejs Viļumsons, Karel Vinck, Leslie Vinjamuri, Karsten D. Voigt, Wilhelm Prinz von Hessen, Eckart von Klaeden, Alexandr Vondra, Lord William Wallace of Saltaire, Margaret Warner, Patrick Weil, Jeffrey Werner, Robert Wexler, William S. White, Robert Wielaard, Andre Wilkens, Lodewijk Willems, Monika Wohlfeld, Kenneth Wollack, Richard Wright, Murat Yalҫintaş, Semih Yalman, Grigory Alexeyevich Yavlinskiy, Murat Yetkin, Islam Yusufi, Paweł Zalewski, Diane Zeleny, Leah Zell, Taleh Ziyadov, Robert B. Zoellick, Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg
PerpetratorsGerman Marshall Fund
Description2007 get-together of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and NATO-close German Marshall Fund.



Known Participants

100 of the 378 of the participants already have pages here:

Valdas AdamkusUS exile community Lithuanian 'parachuted' in to run country
Mark AllenSpy turned businessman and lecturer via the revolving door
James AppathuraiNATO apparatchik who attended Bilderberg/2024
Anne ApplebaumIntegrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core, claimed that Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't a major news story.
Ronald AsmusExpanded NATO eastwards
Aslı AydıntaşbaşTurkish journalist in Cumhuriyet, Milliyet, CNN Türk. Deep state connections. Attended the 2013 Bilderberg meeting.
Egemen BağışBilderberg Turkish politician. Former president of the Federation of Turkish American Associations.
Robert BennettMormon US Senator who attended Brussels Forums
Carl BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Manfred BischoffMSC regular
Julian BorgerIn July 2015 Julian Borger was diplomatic editor for The Guardian
Elmar Broklobbyist and European parliament politician, MSC regular
R. Nicholas BurnsUS Ambassador to NATO 2001-2005, plenty of other deep state connected roles
Ian BurumaDutch writer and editor who lives and works in the United States.
Reinhard BütikoferGerman politician, regular at the Brussels Forum, also attends WEF AGMs
Robert CooperUK diplomat with a string of interesting roles. "One of the top 100 "public intellectuals" in the world"...
Ghislain D'hoopHigh ranking Belgian diplomat with connections to the Royal Household and UN drug commission
Marta DassùDeep state connected general director of the international activities of Aspen Institute Italy. NATO, Trilateral Commission, European Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute for Strategic Studies...
Étienne DavignonBelgian deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president
Ahmet DavutoğluFormer Turkish Prime Minister
Viet DinhAs United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy a panelist for the discussion Have Civil Liberties Been Unnecessarily Eroded? at the 2002 Bilderberg. Chief architect of the USA PATRIOT Act and is a former member of the Board of Directors of News Corporation.
Karen DonfriedUS spook, German Marshall Fund President 2014-2021
François de DonneaBelgian establishment politician. Attended the 1997 Bilderberg as Mayor of Brussels
Sorin DucaruRomanian diplomat who held various senior posts
Mikuláš DzurindaSlovak politician with a heavy BF habit
Oded EranPossibly spooky Israeli diplomat
Steven ErlangerDeep state connected New York Times journalist. Ditchley Governor, Regular at the MSC and the Brussels Forum
Klaus-Dieter FrankenbergerTransatlantic German editor
Daniel FriedSpooky US diplomat
Ralf FücksGerman politician married to Marieluise Beck of the German cluster of the Integrity Initiative
François GodementFrench historian with deep state connections interested in China. First attended the Bilderberg in 2019.
Nik GowingUK Deep state connected TV journalist
Heather GrabbeAcademic BF regular, WEF GLT 2003 amongst other Deep State ties
C. Boyden GrayGeorge H. W. Bush's White House Counsel
Marc GrossmanMember of Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery, attended the 1998 and 2007 Bilderbergs.
Karl-Theodor zu GuttenbergBorn with silver spoon as scion of the zu Guttenberg family, but blew his political career in 2011 after academic plagiarism was discovered. Since then has stayed in spooky think-tanks.
Sasha HavlicekCEO/Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Connie HedegaardDanish politician, multi-Bilderberger
Richard HolbrookeBilderberg/Steering committee, deep state operative
Jana HybáškováCzech diplomat
David IgnatiusAttender of spooky "security" conferences
Toomas IlvesPresident of Estonia with a lot of Deep State connections, including membership of the Munich Security Conference Advisory Council.
Bruce JacksonUS spook. His later career focused on accelerating the integration of the Western Balkan countries, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia into the European Union and NATO. Member of the Henry Jackson Society.
Robert KaganCo-founder of the Project for the New American Century
Udo van KampenJournalist, Atlantik-Brücke member, visited the Brussels Forum 2007-2009
Gilles Kepel"Terror expert" with a focus on "Islamic terrorism" who attended the 2015 Bilderberg
Gilles de Kerchove"EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator" since 2007
Robert KimmittUS deep state functionary, CFR, Bilderberg etc. Facebook's "Lead Independent Director" since March 2020
Eckart von KlaedenTriple Bilderberg German politician
Thomas Kleine-BrockhoffVice President and Executive Director of the Berlin office at the German Marshall Fund, attender of a lot of deep staste events. The Alphen Group
... further results
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