Property:Has isgp

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Status: experimental
This property is for ISGP URLs

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      ISGP URLs
  • Predicate:  Has isgp
  • Object:        URLs of ISGP pages (type URL)

90 Pages use the property "Has isgp"

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Page nameHas isgp
The 1001 Club
Far West
Bohemian Grove Grove
Jack Ruby 1960s 70s Jack Ruby Tom Howard Sam Giancana Johnny Roselli Jim Koethe Bill Hunter deaths.php
Sam Giancana 1960s 70s Jack Ruby Tom Howard Sam Giancana Johnny Roselli Jim Koethe Bill Hunter deaths.php#ruby mobsters
Warren Reynolds 1964 01 23 Warren Reynolds shot Tippit Kennedy.php
Hugh Ward 1964 05 23 Hugh Ward Guy Banister associate airplane crash.php
Mary Pinchot Meyer 1964 10 12 Mary Pinchot Meyer death Crowley.php
Maurice Gatlin 1965 05 Maurice Brooks Gatlin death.php
Dorothy Kilgallen 1965 Dorothy Kilgallen.php
David Ferrie 1967 02 22 David Ferrie death.php
George Piazza 1967 03 30 George Piazza death.php
Martin Luther King 1968 04 04 MLK death.php
MLK 1968 04 04 MLK death.php
Jules Delaune 1968 71 deaths of Nicholas Chetta Henry Delaune Jules Delaune Jim Garrison trial.php
Roger Craig 1975 05 15 Roger Craig death.php
Mitsuhiro Shimada 1976 Yoshio Kodama assassination attempt and others.php
Yoshio Kodama 1976 Yoshio Kodama assassination attempt and others.php
John Arthur Paisley 1978 09 24 John Arthur Paisley death.php
Mino Pecorelli 1979 murder of Carmine Pecorelli.php
Edward Cutolo 1980 Colonel Edward Cutolo affidavit.php
Silme Domingo 1981-06-02-silme-domingo-and-gene-viernes-murder.php
Gene Viernes 1981-06-02-silme-domingo-and-gene-viernes-murder.php
Thomas D. Willhite 1983-thomas-willhite-plane-crash-bbrdw
Olof Palme 1986-02-28-olof-palme-assassination-cia-p2.php
Mena 1987-08-22-Don-Henry-Kevin-Ives-Washington-Weekly-Daniel-Hopsicker
Cyrus Hashemi 1987 06 03 LATimes Cyrus Hashemi death.php
Amiram Nir 1988 12 18 LATimes Amiram Nir death.php
Richard Malvesti 1990-08-02-colonel-richard-j-malvesti-death
Dexter Jacobson 1990 08 14 Dexter Jacobson death.php
Danny Casolaro 1991 09 01 Washington Post Danny Casolaro death.php
Kathy Ferguson 1993-05-10-kathy-ferguson-death-clinton.php
Yann Piat 1994 Yann Piat murder.php
Monte Overacre 1995 04 Monte Overacre.php
Mario Ferraro 1995 07 Mario Ferraro.php
William Colby 1996 04 27 William Colby death
Gary DeVore 1997 06 28 Gary Devore death.php
Christian Jambert 1997 08 Christian Jambert body found.php
Horacio Estrada 1998 08 death Horacio Estrada.php
Lori Klausutis 2001 07 19 Death of Lori Klausutis.php
Arne Kruithof 2002 07 04 Arne Kruithof crash.php
Rudi Dekkers 2003 01 25 Naples Daily News Ruddi Dekkers crash.php
Anton Surikov 2009 11 Anton Surikov.php
James Sabow 2010 03 05 Colonel James Sabow death.php
Gareth Williams 2010 Gareth Williams death Daily Mail.php
Deborah Palfrey 2011 05 11 death of Deborah Palfrey.php
Fred de Brouwer 2014 03 14 Fred de Brouwer death.php
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Alex Jones
American Security Council
The Pedophocracy
Dutroux Affair
Marc Dutroux
Wilfred Martens
Boston Marathon bombings
CIA/Drug trafficking
James Woolsey
Dag Hammarskjöld
Toulouse VIP sex ring
Zoé's Ark
Russia/Deep state
Joris Demmink
Le Cercle
Jodie Foster
Diane von Fürstenberg
Institute for Policy Studies
Corporate media
Gary Underhill list/data/1964 05 Gary Underhill.pdf
Rose Cheramie list/data/1965 Rose Cheramie HSCA thrown out car by apparent JFK assassination insiders Arcacha and Santana associates of banister Ferrie.pdf
Eladio del Valle list/data/1967 04 30 National Inquirer del Valle ties to Ferrie Harold Weisberg archive.pdf
Paul Stehlin list/data/1975 06 23 Milwaukee Journal General Paul Stehlin of Northrop ran over by bus.gif
Alexis Goodarzi list/data/1977 06 08 Jack Anderson Leader Herald Alexis Goodarzi Pimp for congress.pdf
George de Mohrenschildt list/data/1977 11 29 George de Mohrenschildt death CIA friend of Oswald Bush Hunt Sid Richardson.pdf
Kevin Mulcahy list/data/1982 10 28 Times Daily Kevin Mulcahy CIA believed assassinated.gif
Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George
Rockefeller Foundation
Opus Dei
Peak Oil
The Pilgrims Society
Pim Fortuyn
Marina Abramović
Robert Crowley
Allen & Company
Kay Griggs
Showing 20 pages using this property.