Puppet leader

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Concept.png Puppet leaderRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Puppet leader trump.jpg
A puppet leader is a 'leader' who is actually a follower. Many national leaders are in secret thrall to powerful forces who established their 'power'.

A Puppet leader is a leader who is actually controlled from behind the scenes by one or more stringpullers (a.k.a. deep politicians). Examples abound in contemporary political life. A particularly up to date example, according to WhoWhatWhy, is Donald Trump, who was suggested in an article from February 2017 to be a puppet of Steve Bannon.

Official Narrative

Interestingly, Wikipedia has nothing much to say on the matter. The phrase "puppet leader" occurs about 35 times in English wikipedia, but the corresponding page redirects to puppet state, which is quite a different concept.[1]

Control mechanisms

This term could be applied to a lot of modern politicians, with varying degrees of applicability. In reality, especially in so-called "Western democracies" the commercially-controlled media almost invariably presents "elected leaders" as being "in charge", but a more accurate portrayal would reveal that many are merely functionaries who read from a script and perform for the camera and divert attention away from the deep politicians who pull their strings. Barack Obama's presidential campaign was a winner of multiple marketing awards.[2]


The most obvious 'string' is financial self-interest, and the influence of money on politics is readily admitted even by the commercially-controlled media. A 2015 article in The Guardian concludes by asking "How can we expect politicians who routinely receive campaign money, lucrative job offers, and lavish gifts from special interests to make impartial decisions that directly affect those same special interests? As long as this kind of transparently corrupt behavior remains legal, we won’t have a government that truly represents the people."[3] By focusing on this level of corruption the report implicitly directs attention away from other, more clandestine levels, while reinforcing the learned helplessness of voters in the modern "democratic" state.


In Confessions of An Economic Hitman, John Perkins describes how the IMF and World Bank routinely install puppets in "developing nations" so that they can be manipulated to benefit multinational corporations. He names Omar Torrijos and Jaime Roldós Aguilera as two examples of national leaders who could not be corrupted. Both died in fiery plane crashes. Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi constitute two more examples of other leaders violently reminded who calls the shots.

In Europe, such events are rare (though not unprecedented).[4] Assassination of leaders is usually of a metaphorical nature - such as their entrapment and subsequent exposure. Since many of them have in fact committed illegal acts of a serious nature, entrapment is often not required - blackmail alone suffices to control them. The deep state, in particular, seems to regularly use sexual blackmail.

Puppet leader.jpg

Personal loyalty

In Western Europe, assassinations are far from unknown - consider for example Olof Palme or Aldo Moro, both of whom are widely considered to have been murdered by Operation Gladio-related hit squads). However, such cases are failures of the deep state, which usually manages to control party politics covertly. Politicians tend not to succeed on their own efforts, but because they have been groomed by or draw upon the assistance of intelligence agencies or other deep state milieus. This is an ad hoc, flexible process, but patterns of control can be made out - for example, the Bilderberg group has chosen the Secretary General of NATO from amongst its members since at least 1971, possibly earlier.

Recent Example

In 2017, former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was arrested after having been impeached in December 2016 by the Korean National Assembly on charges related to the influence over her of Choi Soon-sil.



Page nameDescription
Jan Peter BalkenendeDutch PM for 8 years in 2000s, became PM after his opponent - who was leading in the polls - got assassinated. Single Bilderberger, joined the war on terror, oversaw the decade with the most deaths from terror-attacks on Dutch soil.
Joe BidenUS deep state actor accused of sexual assault in 1993. As US Senator aggressively pushed for the patriot act, mass surveillance and death penalty for anyone who was not the CIA. As VP famous for sniffing and grabbing children on camera. Became US President in a quite weakened mental state.
Felipe CalderónWEF/Global Leader for Tomorrow 1997. President of Mexico 2006-2012.
Gerald FordUS Deep State functionary who was made US President by The Cabal after they removed Richard Nixon with the Watergate Coup
Park Geun-hyeKorean President who became spectacularly unpopular after been exposed as a deep state operative
Saddam HusseinA brutal dictator who enjoyed US support until he ceased following their orders.
Boris JohnsonDeep state functionary Bullingdon puppet leader
Manuel NoriegaA puppet leader being used in CIA Drug trafficking.
Barack ObamaA puppet of the deep state, groomed for a top job. Has overseen a rollout of police state tactics such as torture, mass surveillance and assassination.
Mohammad Reza PahlaviThe Shah of Iran. "I don't believe the tortures attributed to the SAVAK are as common as people say, but I can't run everything. "
Keir StarmerA suspected deep state operative, who as Director of Public Prosecutions failed to prosecute Jimmy Savile but pressed on with charges against Julian Assange.
Justin TrudeauPuppet leader of Canada, YGL 2005, in early 2022 froze the bank accounts of Canadians who were protesting government overreach
Donald TrumpBillionaire businessman puppet leader who was US president 2017-2021
Liz TrussA former Lib Dem who lasted just 45 days as Tory PM
Henk VredelingMysterious smuggler between CIA and Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Operated without government knowledge. Officially the connection of the Dutch to the 1973 Oil Crisis.
Woodrow WilsonA tool of the US deep state.
Volodymyr ZelenskyComedian turned deep state functionary who was made President of Ukraine in 2019


Related Quotation

Susan Berresford“The program we designed [the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program], which we're funding to the tune of $300 million — the largest single grant in the history of the foundation — is just wrapping up its first year. Over the next ten years, it will support about thirty-five hundered people around the world for up to three years of graduate study. And we hope they will not only take advantage of this opportunity — paid in full, anywhere in the world — but that they will return to their home countries and begin to function effectively as leaders. Eventually, we think that out of this group will emerge some extraordinary world leaders — at least we hope so. We do need to be thinking consciously about where the next generation of world leaders is going to come from.”Susan Berresford28 May 2002
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