University of California

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Group.png University of California  
Formation23 March 1868
Type Public
Sponsored byHewlett Foundation, Open Philanthropy
SubpageUniversity of California/Berkeley
University of California/Davis
University of California/Hastings College of the Law
University of California/Irvine
University of California/Los Angeles
University of California/San Diego
University of California/Santa Cruz
One of the main American universities. The Irvine campus mandated Covid-19 vaccination in 2021.

The University of California is a university in California.


Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz.


In October 2021, The University of California, Irvine placed their Director of Medical Ethics, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, on "investigatory leave" after he challenged the constitutionality of their COVID-19 vaccine mandate.[1]


Related Quotations

Victor Marchetti“To the Clandestine Services the universities represented fertile territory for recruiting espionage agents. Most large American colleges enrolled substantial numbers of foreign students, and many of these, especially those from the Third World, were (and are) destined to hold high positions in their home countries in a relatively few years. They were much easier to recruit at American schools — when they might have a need for money, where they could be easily compromised, and where foreign security services could not interfere — than they would be when they returned home. To spot and evaluate these students, the Clandestine Services maintained a contractual relationship with key professors on numerous campuses. When a professor had picked out a likely candidate, he notified his contact at the CIA and, on occasion, participated in the actual recruitment attempt. Some professors performed these services without being on a formal retainer. Others actively participated in agency covert operations by serving as "cut-outs," or intermediaries, and even by carrying out secret missions during foreign journeys.”Victor Marchetti1974
Victor MarchettiHelms asked his staff to find out just how many university personnel were under secret contract to the CIA. After a few days of investigation, senior CIA officers reported back that they could not find the answer. Helms immediately ordered a full study of the situation, and after more than a month of searching records all over the agency, a report was handed in to Helms listing hundreds of professors and administrators on over a hundred campuses. But the staff officers who compiled the report knew that their work was incomplete . Within weeks, another campus connection was exposed in the press. The contact was not on the list that had been compiled for the Director.”Victor Marchetti1974



Hewlett FoundationHuge foundation setting the agenda by funding lots of deep state projects.
Open PhilanthropyGrant maker funneling deep state money among other things to pandemic planning. Financed Event 201.


Related Document

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:The Kiss of Deatharticle2005Leuren MoretInsight into where privatisation of the US Nuclear weapons program and military/weapons/surveillance developments are leading the world. It also provides shocking information about the extent of the apparently quite deliberate and calculated radiation contamination resulting from ever-expanding use of depleted uranium munitions.


Alumni on Wikispooks

Gary AguirreUSWhistleblower
An SEC whistleblower
Michael A. Aquino16 October 19461 September 2019Spook
US spook, psyop specialist, satanist
Robert Baer1 July 1952USSpookAmerican author and former CIA operative; some very interesting stuff, some suspected misdirection.
Deniz Baykal20 July 1938TurkeyPoliticianTurkish perennial politician, had to resign after 2010 sextape
Hamzah BehbehaniBusinessperson
Leonid Bershidsky23 November 1971RussianJournalistWEF/Young Global Leaders 2005. Columnist for Bloomberg News.
Barbara Bodine28 August 1948Diplomat
David Bohm20 December 191727 October 1992Academic
David Brock2 November 1962USPolitical operative
Jerry Brown7 April 1938Politician
Willie Brown20 March 1934PoliticianCalifornia State Assembly Speaker, later became mayor of San Francisco. Never proven allegations of corruption.
Mae Brussell29 May 19223 October 1988ResearcherA renowned researcher and investigative journalist in the field of deep politics.
John Ehrlichman20 March 192514 February 1999Whistleblower
Nixon insider who blew in 1994 the whistle on the "War on Drugs"
Tom Enders21 December 1958GermanDeep state operative
Atlantik-Brücke, American Council on Germany/Young Leaders, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Munich Security Conference/Advisory Council ...
Rodrigo de Rato Figaredo18 March 1949SpainPoliticianBilderberg 1992, 1994, 2005 and 2007, embezzler, money laundering, IMF managing director, Panama Papers
Reiner Fuellmich1958GermanActivist
Dissident lawyer who was involved with the Corona Investigative Committee, now accused of theft.
John K. Galbraith15 October 190829 April 2006USDiplomat
John Taylor Gatto15 December 193525 October 2018USAuthor
Probably the most famous teacher in USA, who became an unschooling activist, having turned up irrefutable proof that the forced schooling system was never intended to benefit children, but quite the reverse.
Rebecca Goldstein23 February 1950USAuthor
US philosopher and author who attended her first Bilderberg in 2018.
Marc Grossman23 September 1951USDiplomat
Deep state functionary
Member of Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery, attended the 1998 and 2007 Bilderbergs.
Philip Habib25 February 192025 May 1992USDiplomatUS diplomat who died aged 72 of a cardiac arrhythmia the day after the 1992 Bilderberg where he was a panelist on Whither The United States?
H. R. Haldeman27 October 192612 November 1993Deep state actor
Gikas Hardouvelis8 October 1955GreecePolitician
US educated former Greek Minister of Finance. Bilderberg 2011, same year assisting Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos during talks with bondholders about debt and with the Troika on Greece’s second adjustment program.
Hiram Johnson2 September 18666 August 1945PoliticianA leading US "isolationist" politician.
DeAnne Julius14 April 1949US
Deep state functionary
CIA, World Bank,Chatham House,University College London...
Tom Lantos1 February 192811 February 2008Politician
Implicated in corruption by Sibel Edmonds
Timothy Leary22 October 192031 May 1996USPsychologist
Tom Malinowski23 September 1965USPolitician“If anyone still thinks that the only people who dreamt up the idea about torturing prisoners were just some privates and corporals at Abu Ghraib, this document should put that myth to rest.”
Frank Mankiewicz16 May 192423 October 2014Journalist
Political advisor
Robert Mardian23 October 192317 July 2006Deep state functionaryUnited States Republican party official who worked in the administration of Richard Nixon, and was indicted in the Watergate scandal.
John McCone4 January 190214 February 1991Spook
Ariel Merari1939Academic
"Terror expert"
Retired "terrorism expert"
Eugene Meyer31 October 187517 July 1959Spook
Central banker
Norman Mineta12 November 1931US Secretary of Transportation whose revealing testimony to the 9-11 commission was covered up in their final report.
Andrew Ng1976USResearcher
AI researcher interested in big data
Peter Norvig14 December 1956Author
Mark Riebling1963USAcademic
John Ruggie18 October 194416 September 2021Canada
AcademicBilderberg academic
Thomas Schelling14 April 192113 December 2016USAcademicUS academic who coined the phrase "collateral damage" in 1961.
Eric Schmidt27 April 1955USDeep politician
US billionaire who works for Alphabet (a.k.a Google). A 1997 WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow with numerous other deep political connections.
Ben Shapiro15 January 1984USAuthor
Political commentator
"Alt right" media personality that somehow is not censored and instead "shadow-boosted" by social media corporations like Facebook and Twitter.
Robert Shapiro2 September 1942USLawyerLawyer who successfully defended O. J. Simpson in 1995.
John K. Singlaub10 July 1921SpookFounding member of the CIA, where he for more than half a century organized death squads and terrorist groups around the world, funded by drugs smuggling.
William French Smith26 August 191729 October 1990LawyerAttorney General "tough on drugs", at the same time as the CIA-Cocaine-Contra scheme
Frank SouthardUSBankerPromoted to IMF/Deputy Managing Director the year after he attended the 1961 Bilderberg
Ted Stevens18 November 19239 August 2010
Earl Warren19 March 18919 July 1974USUS chief justice. Blackmailed to go along with The Cabal's Warren Commision cover up of the JFK assassination
Joseph Wilson6 November 194927 September 2019USDiplomatUS diplomat husband of Valerie Plame
Susan Wojcicki5 July 19689 August 2024Poland
Businesswoman and Youtube CEO 2014 to 2023
Ron Wyden3 May 1949Oregon Senator
... further results
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