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Page nameBornDiedNationalitySummaryDescription
Michèle Flournoy14 December 1960Deep state actorUS deep state actor
Oliver Franks16 February 190515 October 1992UKDiplomat
Civil servant
Deep state actor
Bilderberg UK Ambassador to the US, 'One of the founders of the postwar world'.
Louis Freeh6 January 1950USLawyer
Deep state actor
"A legacy of corruption..."
Adrian Fulford8 January 1953Lawyer
Deep state actor
UK judge reportedly involved in backing the Paedophile Information Exchange
Bill GammellDecember 1952Rugby player
Deep state actor
Multi-millionaire Bush family connection and connection to Tony Blair.
Robert Gates25 September 1943Spook
Deep state actor
US deep state actor and spook
Leslie Gelb4 March 193731 August 2019USJournalist
Deep state actor
President of the Council on Foreign Relations and opinion-making New York Times journalist.
Conrad Gerber19412009RhodesianDeep state actor
Close friend of Ted Shackley
Carl Gershman20 July 1943Spook
Deep state actor
President of the National Endowment for Democracy since it was founded in 1984. His entire career has been in and around CIA-connected entities.
James Giffen1941USDeep state actor
Former special advisor of Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev for the US deep state
Hans Globke10 September 189813 February 1973GermanLawyer
Deep state actor
High ranking jurist during the Nazi government; After the war one of the most powerful people in the German government.
Guido Goldman4 November 193730 November 2020USSpook
Deep state actor
Philip Goodhart3 November 19255 July 2015UKPolitician
Deep state actor
UK deep state actor. Attended Le Cercle.
Larry Gostin19 October 1949USAcademic
Deep state actor
Bob Graham9 November 1936Deep state actorA multi-millionaire deep political insider, who headed up the first cover up of 9/11.
Robert Gray2 September 192118 April 2014USPropagandist
Sexual blackmail
Deep state actor
Marshall Green27 January 19166 June 1998USDiplomat
Deep state actor
US coup master
Donald Gregg5 December 1927USSpook
Deep state actor
US deep state actor who worked in the CIA with George H. W. Bush
Lilli Gruber19 April 1957ItalyJournalist
Deep state actor
Multi-Bilderberger Italian journalist. In 2021 she called for mandatory COVID "vaccines".
Pierre Guillaumat5 August 190928 August 1991FranceSpook
Deep state actor
Gaullist spook and deep state actor
Pehr G. Gyllenhammar8 April 1935SwedenDeep state actor
Swedish CEO, European Round Table of Industrialists, Banque Rothschild, with deep state ties
Avril Haines29 August 1969USSpook
Deep state actor
"The proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing". Possible central figure in several major psy-ops, including Russiagate and COVID-19.
H. R. Haldeman27 October 192612 November 1993Deep state actor
Stefan Halper1944USAcademic
Deep state actor
Influential member of Le Cercle.
Lee H. Hamilton20 April 1931USPolitician
Deep state actor
Having chaired some key house committees, Hamilton appears to have established himself as a safe pair of hands for handling potentially damaging information, explaining his choice as fallback vice chairman of the 9/11 Commission.
Armand Hammer21 May 189810 December 1990USDeep state actor
Hal Harvey1961USBillionaire
Deep state actor
Cut-out for Rockefeller family and Bill Gates money to capture state policies. Described as "the most powerful Green politician in the world."
William Harvey1915June 1976Spook
Deep state actor
A deep state actor who was involved in the JFK assassination.
Jerome HauerDeep state actorA deep state actor with multiple connections to the 9-11 event who appeared on television to promote the 9-11 official narrative.
Sasha HavlicekUKSpook
Deep state actor
CEO/Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Brad Hazzard30 August 1951AustraliaPolitician
Deep state actor
health Minister of New South Wales during COVID.
Arnold Heeney5 April 190220 December 1970CanadaDiplomat
Civil servant
Deep state actor
Deep State Canadian civil servant, then Ambassador to the United States. When PM Diefenbaker showed signs of independence, Heeney spent much time lobbying his own government against it.
Paul Helliwell191524 December 1976Spook
Deep state actor
CIA officer central in setting up the agency's involvement in drug trafficking.
Richard Helms30 March 191323 October 2002USSpook
Deep state actor
Michael Hess1939Lawyer
Deep state actor
A witness to the destruction of WTC7 who refused to speak about the the discrepancies he observed from the 9-11 official narrative.
Thomas Hetherington18 September 192628 March 2007Lawyer
Deep state actor
William Higgitt10 November 19172 April 1989CanadaSpook
Police officer
Deep state actor
Esmé Howard15 September 18631 August 1939Diplomat
Deep state actor
An integral member of the small group of men who made and implemented British foreign policy (the Milner group?)
Thomas Hughes11 December 19253 January 2023USDeep state actorTrilateral president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for 20 years, Bilderberg 1971 and 1972
Robert Hunter1940USDiplomat
Deep state actor
Has played a national policy role in eight U.S. presidential election campaigns and written speeches and articles for presidential candidates, three U.S. Presidents four Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State and Defense, Senators, Representatives and other political figures. As United States Ambassador to NATO during the Clinton Administration, he was principal architect and negotiator of the post-Cold War "new NATO" and of the NATO airstrike decisions in the Bosnian War.
Robin Ibbs21 April 192627 July 2014UKLawyer
Deep state actor
Spooky Bilderberg banker. Private adviser to Margaret Thatcher on Efficiency and Effectiveness in Government
Wolfgang Ischinger6 April 1946GermanDiplomat
Deep state actor
Spooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Kenneth Jacobs1958USBanker
Deep state actor
Bilderberger financier
Anders Jahre28 May 189126 February 1982NorwayShipping magnate
Deep state actor
Jean Jardin30 October 19049 November 1976FranceDeep state actor
Trond Johansen13 May 1924NorwaySpook
Deep state actor
Spook and central deep state actor in Norway for more than 5 decades.
Nicholas Katzenbach17 January 19228 May 2012Lawyer
Deep state actor
United States Deputy Attorney General at the time of the JFK assassination who assisted in the cover up
Frederick Kempe5 September 1954USSpook
Deep state actor
Spook and deep state actor
Bernard Kerik4 September 1955Police officer
Deep state actor
A criminal sidekick whom Rudy Giuliani appointed to New York City Police Commissioner and suggested for United States Secretary of Homeland Security.
Philip Henry Kerr18 April 188212 December 1940UKDiplomat
Deep state actor
UK deep state actor who worked under Alfred Milner and Lionel George Curtis