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Group.png Sorbonne  
P1300734 Paris V place de la Sorbonne rwk.jpg
HeadquartersParis, France


Employees on Wikispooks

Anne-Laure BonnelCourse managerSeptember 20072022Contract not renewed for "not respecting the values of the establishment."
Georges VedelProfessor of Law19491979Attended Bilderberg/1970


Alumni on Wikispooks

Bertrand BadréFranceBankerFrench banker with SDS connections
Abolhassan Banisadr22 March 19339 October 2021IranPolitician
Wilfrid Baumgartner21 May 19021 June 1978FrancePolitician
Central banker
Governor of the Bank of France, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Nicolas Baverez8 May 1961FranceJournalist
Bilderberg Steering committee. French proponent of transatlantic neoliberal globalization. Believes that for the masses, "time freed up by shorter working hours means conjugal violence - and alcoholism on top of that."
Edvard Beneš28 May 18843 September 1948CzechoslovakiaPolitician
Franz Blankart27 November 193617 January 2021SwitzerlandDiplomatSwiss diplomat who attended the 1988 Bilderberg meeting as head of the Federal Office for Foreign Trade.
Anne-Laure Bonnel1982FranceAcademic
Documentary film maker
French film maker who made two documentaries focusing on the atrocities committed by Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias in the Donbass. The films, shot in 2015 and 2022 were made from the separatists' side, and led to losing her job and her bank account blocked.
Suella Braverman3 April 1980Politician
Albert BressandFranceFrench academic
Aristide Briand28 March 18627 March 1932Politician
John Cairncross25 July 19138 October 1995UKSpookBritish civil servant who became an intelligence officer and spy during the Second World War. He was alleged to be the fifth member of the Cambridge Five.
Albin Chalandon11 June 192029 July 2020FrancePolitician
French Gaullist politician who attended a Bilderberg in both the 1960s and 70s. French Minister of Justice in the late 1980s. A close collaborator of president Charles de Gaulle, a biography described him as "the man of secret networks, the powers of money, hidden financing, etc."
Emmanuelle Charpentier11 December 1968FranceResearcherGM researcher who advanced CRISPR gene editing. Attended the 2016 Bilderberg
Marion de Chastelain24 May 191017 January 2000SpookAmerican-born Canadian who worked as an agent for the British Security Coordination and Secret Intelligence Service during World War II.
Roger Seydoux de Clausonne28 March 19083 July 1985FranceDiplomat
Spooky French diplomat who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Marcel Clement8 April 2005Journalist
Federica D'AlessandraItalyAcademicacademic who work on creating legal fig-leafs for "humanitarian interventions"
Jacques DelorsFrancePolitician
Deep state functionary
Spearheaded European integration and the euro in close cooperation with the European Roundtable of Industrialists
Pierre Dupuy9 July 189621 May 1969CanadaDiplomatCanadian diplomat who conducted delicate missions in Vichy France. Like his son, Michel Dupuy, a Bilderberger diplomat
Ruben DuranteItalyAcademicMedia researcher
Jacques de Fouchier18 June 191111 March 1997FranceFinancier
French financier
Tristan Mendès France7 March 1970FranceSpook
Part of the French cluster of the intelligence service operation Integrity Initiative, now working to implement internet censorship through his Stop hate money project.
Allan Francovich23 March 194124 April 1997USFilmmakerFrancovich was a talented and courageous filmmaker who produced unparalleled exposés of various misdeeds by the powerful. Termed a 'charlatan' by some, a "conspiracy theorist" by others (though not by Wikipedia).
Andreas Gerwig10 November 192830 April 2014SwitzerlandPoliticianInfluential Swiss Social Democratic politician
Alain Gomez18 October 1938FranceBusinesspersonChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Group when he attended the 1983 Bilderberg
Erik Izraelewicz6 February 195427 November 2012FranceAuthor
Editor-in-chief in many newspapers
Joseph Kraft4 September 192410 January 1986USJournalistDouble Bilderberg US journalist
Annie Kriegel9 September 192626 August 1995FranceAcademicFrench historian who spoke at JCIT on "Public Opinion, Intellectuals and Terrorism in Western Europe."
Jörg Kukies21 February 1968GermanEconomistGoldman-Sachs bankster who became State Secretary and guiding hand for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Attended the 2022 Bilderberg Conference.
Andy Lack16 May 1947USEditorCorporate news media executive
Fatima LahnaitFrench?Journalist
"Terror expert"
Institute for Statecraft "terror expert"
Yann LeCun8 July 1960FranceProgrammerFrench computer scientist working primarily in the fields of machine learning, computer vision, mobile robotics, and computational neuroscience who attended the 2022 Bilderberg
Henri Lesguillons1938FranceAcademic
French legal scholar on EU and International trade law connected to Jean Monnet. Attended the 1970 Bilderberg meeting at age 32.
Willy Linder16 March 192215 August 2000SwitzerlandJournalist
Swiss economist journalist and champion of neoliberalism. Attended Bilderberg/1977 where one of the subjects was North American and Western European attitudes towards the future of the mixed economies in the Western democracies.
Gabriel Matzneff12 August 1936FranceAuthor
Henri de Monpezat11 June 193413 February 2018Denmark
RoyaltyPrince Consort of Denmark. Attended Bilderberg/1969.
Dominique Moïsi21 October 1946FranceAcademicPanelist for the discussion about Consequences of the War Against Terrorism at the 2002 Bilderberg.
Şefika PekinTurkeyLawyerTurkish corporate lawyer who attended the 2011 Bilderberg meeting.
Oreste Pinto9 October 188918 September 1961Spook
René Pleven15 April 190113 January 1993FrancePoliticianFrench PM from the early 1950s. Attended the 1963 Bilderberg
Guy Quaden5 August 1945BelgiumEconomist
Central banker
Belgian central banker sitting on many boards
Andre Raynauld20 October 192711 April 2011CanadaPolitician
Canadian economics professor who attended the 1972 Bilderberg and subsequently switched to politics.
Olivier Reverdin15 July 191316 June 2000SwitzerlandSpook
Swiss politician and academic. He attended the 1969 and 1972 Bilderberg meetings. He was a member of the Swiss stay-behind network P26. A founding member of the Club of Rome and the Swiss WWF.
Juan Tomas de Salas30 April 193822 August 2000Spain
JournalistLiberal Spanish journalist and editor. His magazine was one of the most prestigious and widely read liberal publication in Spain during the Spanish Transition in the late 1970s.
Léo Sauvage191530 October 1988FranceJournalist
Erik Seidenfaden24 April 191013 April 1990DenmarkSpook
SOE-agent during World War 2, then influential editor.
Andre de Staercke19132003BelgiumDiplomatAttended the 1969 Bilderberg as Belgian Permanent Representative to NATO
Clarence Streit21 January 18966 July 1986USJournalist
Deep state operative
Played a prominent role in the Atlanticist and world federalist movements
Jürgen Todenhöfer12 November 1940GermanAuthor
Rick Turner25 September 19418 January 1978Activist
... further results
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