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Ruth SmeethIsrael lobby spin doctor married to Chair of the BAP
Philip StephensSDS-connected British editor
Horst TeltschikTri-Bilderberger chair of the Munich Security Conference 1999-2008
Kenneth WeinsteinPresident and CEO of the deep state think tank Hudson Institute until 2020. Also member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which manages the CIA's open media channels.
James WoolseyEx CIA director still (per 2020) very active in deep state networks.
Meyrav WurmserColumnist for the Jerusalem Post, cofounder of MEMRI, married to David Wurmser
Moshe YaalonFormer General in the IDF, accused of war crimes
Poju ZabludowiczLondon-based billionaire who has funded the Conservative Friends of Israel
Michael ZantovskyBilderberger Czech diplomat