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Balfour Declaration of 1917
Bo Gritz Letter to George BushA letter from Bo Gritz to George H. W. Bush
Document:A Short History of Israeli State Terrorism
Document:A warring nation, united against usCraig Murray's letter to The Herald from prison in Edinburgh: "As with the previous three times when UK invasions were defeated in Afghanistan, we have united a warring nation in hatred of us."
Document:Al Quds Day letter to Tony BlairLauren Booth writes a scathing open letter to her brother-in-law, Tony Blair...
Document:Alexander Dugin to the American people on UkraineA letter to 'The American people' from senior Russian academic and advisor to President Putin, Alexander Dugin about the Spring 2014 situation in Ukraine and Russia-western relations generally.
Document:BBC's biased and inaccurate reporting of anti-semitism allegations towards Jeremy Corbyn"We regret that the BBC has failed to comply with its own codes with regard to impartiality and accuracy. Given the gravity of allegations of anti-semitism, the role performed by the BBC is all the more critical if it is to live up to Reithian principles of informing the public."
Document:DEFUSE project funding rejection letter
Document:December 2016 Papal LetterA leaked "strictly confidential" set of two letters: one from Pope Francis (in Italian & English) to Knights of Malta Cardinal Patron Raymond Burke, who has added his own covering letter addressed to Grand Master Festing. Pope Francis appears to demand that Freemasonry ("relativist" groups contrary to the Catholic faith) be rooted out of the Knights, and that those complicit (e.g., von Boeselager) in practices contrary to Church teaching be dealt with.
Document:Ex-Scottish Government Ministers: Political Consequences of Public StatementsProfessor Robert Black said that Kenny MacAskill’s contention in his new book that Abdelbaset al-Megrahi had not bought the clothes wrapped around the explosive device that destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 amounted to “the end of the conviction”.
Document:Justice for Megrahi - Black's lies matterDon't let Suppressor Black mess up again at the UK/Supreme Court: much better to employ an English lawyer such as Gareth Peirce with a proven track record of success (Guildford Four, Birmingham Six etc.)
Document:Justice for Megrahi - Scotland must fund Supreme Court appeal#Scotland not #Libya must fund #JusticeForMegrahi appeal to #UKSupremeCourt. Should be a major issue in the #ScottishElections2021. #AlbaParty agree: do the other parties? @Anwar_and_Co @Ali2082009 @PrivateEyeNews @Dabaibahamid
Document:Justice for Megrahi - is Aamer Anwar capable of getting it?Is Justice for Megrahi achieved by blocking Twitter accounts? Is Aamer Anwar capable of getting Justice for Megrahi?
Document:Justice for Megrahi awaits at the Supreme CourtMy recommendation, Mr Anwar, is that you appeal to the UK Supreme Court to quash the Scottish Court in the Netherlands' 2001 conviction of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi on the basis of fabricated timer fragment evidence led by the "non-expert witness" Allen Feraday
Document:Justice for Megrahi is gonna happen!Aamer Anwar said: "I have no doubt that the new democratic Libyan Government headed by Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba will support this final appeal for justice on behalf of the Al-Megrahi family and help in our efforts to prove the innocence of Libya and its people."
Document:Letter to Sir Keir from a newly resigned member of the Labour PartyThe Labour Party is now dead, it has ceased to be, it is bereft of life. You Sir Keir and your fellow travellers disgust me and it is time you PASOKed right off!.
Document:Limit CIA Role To IntelligenceA letter just after the assassination of JFK which was published once and then vanished down the memory hole.
Document:Lobkowicz Thoughts On Reform of The Knights Of Malta ConstitutionA leaked letter written by Prince Johannes Lobkowicz, head of the Knights' Grand Priory of Bohemia. He openly advocates minimising the future leadership role of the professed knights in religious vows, including making the Grand Master a ceremonial figurehead who takes orders from powerful members and their bureaucrats, while ensuring a continuing important official status for the nobility in the Order (including himself).
Document:Lockerbie Bombing and my Reinstatement in HM Diplomatic ServiceFormer diplomat Patrick Haseldine writes to former Prime Minister James Callaghan
Document:Lord McDonald's letter of 5 July 2022When Lord McDonald took to Twitter at 7:30 this morning, he knew the political firestorm he would create. But, quite simply, he had had enough of Number 10′s obfuscation and downright lies about the Chris Pincher scandal. And he was determined to set the record straight. (Huffington Post)
Document:Milosevic letter to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Document:Nadine Dorries resignation letterNadine Dorries has resigned from her Commons seat with a scathing attack on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The Mid Bedfordshire MP's full resignation letter is below in full...
Document:Niklaus Pfluger letter to Bishop WilliamsonA faux-humble example of self-important arrogance in a 'man of God'. A letter from a Catholic priest to his Bishop with an introduction by Michael Hoffman
Document:Open letter to President Putin from 300 GermansAn open letter to President Vladimir Putin from 300 Germans about the secession of Crimea and events in Ukraine since November 2013
Document:Publishing is not a CrimeBelated crocodile tears spilt by elements of the corporate media over Julian Assange
Document:Putin: Letter to European LeadersFull text of the Letter sent by Russian President Vladimir Putin to European Leaders on 9 April 2014, with commentary.
Document:Reinstatement in HM Diplomatic ServiceA plea for reinstatement in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office by "Thatcher's Whitehall Critic"
Document:Request for help from a Ukraine citizenAn appeal to the citizens of Germany for their help and understanding from a resident of the Eastern Ukraine city of Lugansk. It is representative of the position of the majority of the population in Eastern and Southern Ukraine and which is rigorously suppressed in the western media
Document:Targeting of Bernt Carlsson on Pan Am Flight 103Ian Ferguson: "In the early stages of the Lockerbie investigation, Bernt Carlsson's Presikhaaf suitcase was seen as the more likely bomb case. Police sources at the time said that this case was cleared of being the suspect case on November 23rd 1989."
Document:The Occult Technology of PowerA letter and lecture transcripts addressed to a mature son from his father. Their purpose is to prepare the son for his taking the reins of a financial business empire.
Document:Two letters from GuantanamoTwo letters from Shaker Aamer and Emad Hassan sent on the ocassion of the 12th anniversary of the establishment of America's extra-judicial hell-hole at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba..
Document:Why We Should Be Concerned About Christian ZionismA letter from a Palestinian Christian to the news director and lead anchor of EWTN News
Document:Wilmshurst Resignation LetterLetter of resignation from her position as a UK Foreign Office legal adviser over the issue of the legality of military action against Iraq in the absence of a specific UNSC resolution authorising it
File:2010 07 06 PUB David Cameron letter to Peter Gibbs re Torture Inquiry .pdf
File:2010 07 09 Reprieve letter to Prime Minister Cameron re Torture Inquiry.pdf
File:BBC ECU Response about Dr Rola.pdfThe reponse from the BBC to the complaints about the veracity of the Dr Rola footage by Robert Stuart.
File:Letter to Shyam Sunder.pdfA challenge to NIST on 16 specific points and on behalf of its 4,600 professional signatories, proposes a meeting to explore them. A proposal which will likely never be taken up.
Mark Rutte-Klaus Schwab-letter.pngMark Rutte's letter to Klaus Schwab, thanking him for sending a copy of the book "COVID-19: The Great Reset".
File:Timor-oil.pdfThe Timor Gap Treaty versus an East Timor Exclusive Economic Zone: Economic Independence for East Timor
Document:Saddam Hussain message to the people of Iraq
Document:Saddam Hussein letter to the American People
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