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Page nameStartedURLDescription
Socialist Review1950 monthly magazine of the British Socialist Workers Party
Softpanorama1996http://www.softpanorama.infoA mix of politics and programming
SourceWatch2003http://www.SourceWatch.orgThis wiki based site is a source of content and was an inspiration when setting up Wikispooks. It remains a recommended site when researching Wikispooks related content.
South China Morning Post1903 based in Hong Kong
Spartacus EducationalSeptember 1997http://www.spartacus-educational.comA lot of useful material on intelligence agencies and biographies of shady characters. Since 2014 there has been a forum.
Spiked Online2001 internet magazine
Spy Culture2012http://www.spyculture.comA website focused on the intersection of the intelligence agencies and the entertainment industries.
StartPage1998https://startpage.comSearch engine in cooperation with Linux Mint
StephenLendman.org website of US analyst Stephen Lendman
StopFake2 March 2014https://www.stopfake.orgSpooky "fact checking" website to counter "Russian Propaganda". Backed by an alliance of groups including the Integrity Initiative. Some staff crossover with the Institute for Statecraft.
Strategic Culture Foundation8 June 2010 anti-Zionist think tank and web publishing organisation
SubscribeStarhttps://www.subscribestar.comAlternative to Patreon
Swisscows2014 engine which claims not keep track of the searches carried out on its site. Does however use Microsoft Bing for web search.
Tarpley.Nethttp://Tarpley.NetThe website of writer Webster Tarpley.
Telegram14 August 2013 is a social media service.
Terror Finance Blog2006
The Atlantic1856 liberal establishment magazine owned by billionaires.
The Black Vault1999http://www.theblackvault.comA source of FOIAed US government documents
The Canary
The Conservative Woman2014 British and Irish news website; part of the COVID-19/Resistance.
The Corbett Report2007http://www.CorbettReport.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot. Censored and deranked by Youtube and Twitter.
The Deep State BlogJune 2018
The Dees Illustration Studiohttp://ddees.comCurrent and archived graphics work of Oregon-based American commercial artist David Dees
The Duran view on US/Nato foreign policy.
The Electronic Intifada
The Exposé
The Free Thought Project website which publishes "conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability." Negatively reviewed by "fact-checker" Snopes.
The Gateway Pundit23 October 2004 Gateway Pundit is an online news publication consisting of news, commentary and analysis.
The Grayzone
The Greanville Post
The Guardian"The neo-con warmongers’ house journal"
The Harrogate Agenda24 July 2013 presence of "The Harrogate Agenda", a movement aimed at making the the citizens of the UK legally sovereign over both Parliament and the Crown.
The Hill1 September 1994 news outlet, only MSM to focus solely on the federal government; US Congress, White House, Supreme Court.
The Intercept2014 funded by billionaire and deep state operative Pierre Omidyar. Secured control over the documents from Edward Snowden, for then to publish a minuscule percentage of them and hide the rest forever. Has a tendency to reveal whistleblowers.
The Jimmy Dore ShowJune 2009https://JimmyDore.comAmerican political comedy show.
The Juice Media2010 of videos
The Killing Hope Website
The Kim Iversen ShowJanuary 2019 analysis of today's politics. Foreign Policy, Pandemic, Elections and More.
The Last American Vagabond censored by Western corporate/governments for Covid-19 coverage and other deep state subjects.
The Local
The Occidental Observer
The Opperman Report alternative media outlet that releases weekly audio interviews.
The Post Millennial2017 news website.
The Real News2007http://www.TheRealNews.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News".
The Register1994 Register is a UK based website focusing on IT.
The Rwanda Document Project1 January 2008 document archive pertaining to Rwanda from 1990 onwards
The Smoking GunApril 1997