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This page lists key actors in the COVID-19 event who are not Bilderbergers and have no known close connections to the WEF.

Virus R & D

Full article: COVID-19/Origins
Shi Zhengli (left) and Peter Daszak (right), friends who collaborated on "gain of function" research on coronaviruses


Pandemic Planning

Full article: Pandemic/Planning

Task Forces

Full article: COVID-19 Task Force
  • Robert Kadlec - In June 2020, was Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Preparedness and Response).[5]

National Task Forces


  • Jane Halton - Australian deep state functionary with a past as leader of other ruthless operations. Central in managing Australia's part of Covid.


Social change


Full article: COVID-19/Lockdown
  • Luciana Borio - A member of the National Security Council and vice president at the CIA-connected In-Q-Tel, on November 9, 2020, U.S. president-elect Joe Biden named Borio to be one of the 13 members of his COVID-19 Advisory Board. She was a proponent of drastic lockdown measures.

Furlough Schemes



Full article: Mask

Social distancing

Full article: “Social distancing”

Track and Trace

Full article: Rated 3/5 Mass surveillance

Controlling the Narrative



Big media

Promoting panic

Full article: COVID-19/Panic
  • Ab Osterhaus - leading Dutch virologist prominent in cooperate media predicting the most dire consequences

Opinion polling


Full article: COVID-19/Censorship


Full article: “COVID-19/Vaccine”

R & D

Sidelining repurposed drugs

Liability Evasion

Production & distribution

Uncritical promotion

  • Jane Halton - Event 201 participant selected to "investigate" Australia’s Covid vaccine strategy. Her review "recommended advertising campaigns encouraging vaccination should continue until 2024" and did "not make any critical findings about the Coalition."[13]

Scapegoating of non-recipients


Full article: COVID-19/Vaccine/Mandation

"Vaccine Passports"

Full article: Vaccine/Passport

Sidelining natural immunity

  • Scott Gottlieb - Pressured Twitter to label as "misinformation" a tweet about the superiority of natural immunity over jab-derived immunity[14]

Great Reset

Full article: Great Reset

COVID handouts

Financial restructuring - a.k.a. Central Bank Digital Currencies

Digital Identity

Unclassified so far...

Less important roles

Other supposedly "independent" people with conflicted interests included: Kathryn Edwards.[15]

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