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Concept.png "Terrorism/Preparation"
(“counter-terrorism”,  Disaster/Preparation)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Terror drill.jpg
Two crisis actors chat during a drill
Interest ofMemorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
Terror drills are part of the "war on terror". In theory, they help defend against "terrorists". In practice, they are also used to stage false flag events. This article notes that many such events seem to coincide with or immediately presage actual attacks.

A "terror drill" (or "terror exercise") is a rehearsed "terrorist" attack, purportedly part of the "counter-terrorism" effort to improve or test readiness of response such an event. As the "war on terror" has burgeoned, they have multiplied dramatically (and become increasingly realistic and gory)[1]. Local police and/or the general public may or may not be given advanced warning, although local police are legally required to notify the public in some cases.[2]

Official narrative

Terror drills are intended to help the authorities respond quickly and effectively to the growing threat of "terrorism". Even primary schools should have such exercises. Information about such drills is often of a sensitive nature and so is not generally released publicly. Children may be exposed to such exercises without warning, even fearing for their lives, since withholding the warning allows exercises "to be as realistic as possible."[3] As of May 2019 Wikipedia had no page for "Terror drill" or "Terror exercise" and it was not in the disambiguation page of "drill".[4]


The terror drill in 2016 in which the fake bomber used a "religious phrase".

While such events provide a chance to rehearse responses to atrocities, they also provide similar practice to the perpetrators. Moreover, they provide excellent cover for false flag events.[5] Use of crisis actors allows the possibility to exaggerate or even completely fake such event.

Use of real weapons and explosives

Concerns about safety and realism are inconsistent. In 2016, UK Police publicly apologised after a "fake Islamist suicide bomber" used a "religious phrase" during a drill.[6] In 2016 in USA an "active shooter" drill fatally shot a participant.[7] Real explosives are used in exercises - in 2016, the Washington Post reported that a routine check on a US school bus had spotted explosives which the CIA stated had been accidentally left there after a training exercise a week before.[8]

Going live

Participants may or may not be aware of the possibility that exercises can suddenly "go live" - for example, by the simple expedient of replacing fake explosives with real explosives. The CIA also admits that it lies to its own employees,[9] so should not take much imagination to see that "terror drills" could very easily go live with minimal chance of detection. This conjecture is strengthened by the list of attacks which had coincident drills. Evidence that terror drills actually improve responses to a terrorist alert is uncertain; on 9/11, many people report confusion about whether an event was actually happening or whether it was only a drill.[10]

2016 Saumur Daesh Cell

Full article: Rated 3/5 2016 Saumur Daesh Cell
2016 Saumur Daesh Cell sk.png

On 21 September 2016, chance discovery of in a cave in France revealed an apparent "terrorist" base, complete with audio and video recording equipment, a generator, arabic language newspapers and ISIS flags. Local police, whom protocol required should have been notified in advance of an exercise,[11] denied all knowledge. Information was passed up the chain of command to the DGSE and the French Ministry of Defence. More than two hours after the first report, a statement was made that it was part of an exercise, a claim which although not substantiated by further details or documentation went almost unquestioned by the commercially-controlled media .[12][13]

Co-incident drills and attacks

Various permutations have cropped up, but a large number of attacks, especially those later blamed on "Islamic extremists" seem to have co-incident or near co-incident drills. These are sometimes discovered by accident, sometimes admitted in the face of evidence. The cases of Peter Power (7-7) and Patrick Pelloux[14] (2015-11 Paris attacks) are even more interesting. Both were probably quite familiar with false flag attacks (Power has an "anti-terrorism" background while Pelloux reportedly was at the Charlie Hebdo Attack and informed François Hollande about it) and may have volunteered the information of an almost concurrent drill as a form of life insurance.

1994 MS Estonia sinking

Full article: MS Estonia

On 28 September 1994, the ferry MS Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea, claiming over 800 lives. Chris Bollyn claims that a remarkably similar terrorist drill was held the day before, and that authorities hampered his efforts to find out more about this event.[15]

1999 Russian apartment bombings

Full articles: Russian apartment bombings, 9-99/Ryazan incident
Apartment bombing.jpg

The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in Russia in September 1999. On 22 September 1999, a similar bomb was found and defused in the Russian city of Ryazan and when the suspected perpetrators were arrested, they produced FSB identity cards and were released on orders from Moscow.[16][17] Two days later Federal Security Service (FSS) Director Nikolai Patrushev announced that the Ryazan incident had been a training exercise.[18][19] The Ryazan FSB denied any knowledge.[20]

2001 September 11th

Full article: 9-11/Drills
9-11 drills.jpg

The National Reconnaissance Office exercise of 9 a.m. September 11, 2001 involved a corporate jet crashing into one of the a towers of the NRO Headquarters in Chantilly, Virginia. tellingly, it was not made public until almost a year later.[21][22] A large number of other government organisations had "terrorism" exercises that day. Most remarkable was the fact that NORAD had more exercise on that day than ever before - several of which were involving the hijacking of planes, and lead to not only confusion of employees about what was real and what was an exercise, but a lot of aircraft being elsewhere and so unavailable to intercept the aircraft which crashed into buildings.


Full article: Amerithrax

The Dark Winter exercise predated the Amerithrax false flag attack by around 4 months. The same group later held Event 201.

2004 Madrid train bombings

Full article: 2004 Madrid train bombings

On March 11, 2004, around 7:40 a.m., ten bombs exploded on four trains in the space of a few minutes, killing 191 people. NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, described it as a "coincidence" that on 4 March 2004, there was an anti-terrorist exercise (CMX-04) in Madrid, which anticipated killing 200 people, finishing just a few hours before the bombings. He reportedly visited Madrid on 1 March 2004, just 3 days before the exercise.[23]

2005 London bombings

Full article: Rated 3/5 2005 London bombings

Peter Power, a former Anti-Terrorist Branch Metropolitan police officer and "crisis management specialist" volunteered the information that on 7-7 that he was working running a drill "based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning". In an interview he gave to the Manchester Evening News he spoke of "an exercise involving mock broadcasts when it happened for real".[24] Peter Clarke, head of the Counter Terrorism Command at Scotland Yard reports that he spent "the weekend before the London bombings of July 7 2005 with my colleagues in the anti-terorism[sic] branch, working through our response to.. multiple simultaneous attacks on the Tube".[25]

2015 November Paris attacks

Full article: 2015-11 Paris attacks

Patrick Pelloux, an emergency responder also connected to Charlie Hebdo volunteered the information that a "multi-site attack exercise" had been planned for November 13th, 2015.[26] YouTube has at least 2 video interviews[27][28] about this. He was gave a radio interview to the BBC.[29]

Further incidents in 2015

2018 Skripal Affair

Full article: Skripal Affair
A mock-up of how Colin Powell might have made the case for Russian guilt in the Skripal Affair

On 4 March 2018 in Salisbury, UK, Sergei Skripal, his daughter Yulia and a UK policeman (Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey) were taken ill, reportedly from a chemical weapon. This was co-incident with Exercise Toxic Danger, the largest ever exercise of its type in the UK.[30]

2019 Christchurch Shooting

Full article: Christchurch Mass Shooting

On the day of the Christchurch Mass Shooting, specialist staff from overseas, as well as New Zealand's Defence Force, were "on hand to help, in the city centre and already wearing their gear when the first 111 call was received at 1.41pm on Friday, March 15."[31]

Event 201

Full article: Event 201

Event 201 was an "exercise" in October 2019 that discussed a global coronavirus pandemic. It was co-sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This was a successor to the Dark Winter exercise about a bioweapon attack in the USA in 2001, held 4 months before the Amerithrax event.

There seems to be a smooth transition from simulation to "emergency" in other countries, too. Similar planing is known for Germany with a strategic paper from 2014 {cn} miraculously predicting the events and actions taken 2020.

Systematic Blurring Of Boundaries Between Exercises And Attacks

Dual Security Structure

The US developed a ‘dual security structure’ that included both defensive forces and offensive units that would regularly challenge the defensive force structures. Such dramatic operations are conducted as realistic exercises (‘train as you fight’), but in the mass media they are presented as enemy attacks or intrusions. [32]

In 2000, US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger (in office: 1981–87) confirmed that "... the US had specifically tasked units to play the role of enemy forces. These would secretly attack Western defenses worldwide in order to ‘regularly’ and ‘frequently’ test their capabilities and increase their state of readiness (...) and all this was done on a regular basis and on an agreed upon basis." [32]

A similar unit "set off bombs, wounded US personnel and took hundreds of hostages as part of its operations. According to James Lyons, it was necessary for US forces to get ‘physical’ experience of the terrorist threat in order to ‘change the mindset’ and ‘raise the awareness’ of the troops to prevent a possibly even more devastating attack." Real threats (i.e bombs) have been used as part of a US plan to establish a state of emergency in order to control Italian domestic politics. The same personal conducting the Italian "awareness" drills were involved in planing the real attacks. [32]

In the case of the submarine intrusions into Swedish waters in the 1980s, a couple of admirals trusted by the US were informed about the operations in advance, but the mass media, local military forces and even the host country government were led to believe that the operations were carried out by the ‘enemy’. [32]

Ever more realistic conditions?

These challenges and drills have become increasingly sophisticated. Taken to the extreme "real" threats may be recruited to play a role in an orchestrated event, all under the doctrine of testing resilience and "raising awareness" under "realistic" conditions.

The use of military grade anthrax in the 2001 attacks might be an indication, as well as additional use of controlled demolition in 9-11, the mismatch of commercially-controlled media reactions and actual danger concerning the virus "epidemics" of 2003, 2009 and 2020 - these "coincidences" with planed events (such as laws to cut down civil liberties, drugs sales and behavioural experimentation) suggest a hybrid strategy to prevent a possibly even more devastating attack.

Psychological interpretation

Groups of people often behave like organisms [33]. Phrases such as "the pandemic that the world [read: the in-group] had been anticipating for years finally hit" may reveal a hidden wish. The anticipation and disproportional frenetic efforts to prepare for attacks may reveal aggressive fantasies and provokes at an unconscious level the wished for outcome in such a way that it can be denied by the in-group who externalizes its 'negative' aggressive identity. This is called projection, which presents either a lack of maturation (so called "primitive defense") and/or lack of character development [34] The mark projected upon is either carefully chosen, prepared, provoked ("terrorists"), seduced or coerced to participate. Important psychological gains stem from "rescuing" people and simultaneously exercising omnipotent control. These gains may be realized in fantasy ("exercises", simulation) and/or by dramatic acting out with no clear distinction between the two. [35]



Page nameDescription
"Counter-terrorism"A component of the military-industrial-terrorism-congressional complex which has seen a dramatic growth since 9-11. Originally referred to special forces trained in terrorist warfare, it became a broader meaning for loss of civil liberties and a culture of fear and mistrust.
"War on Terror"The campaign, launched by the USA under the Presidency of George W. Bush with the support of the UK, and most NATO members (at least formally) and other Western-aligned countries. Nominally a response to the events of 11 September 2001, its stated objective is the elimination of so called 'terrorist organisations', it was in fact conceived long before by a group of terrorist experts, including his father and the groundwork laid at a 1979 conference in Jerusalem as a propaganda term used to legitimise wars of aggression and a scare tactic.
2006 Counter Terror World SummitBunch of "counter-terrorists" who met in London 2006
9-11/DrillsA remarkable number of terror drills occured in the US on or around the day of 9-11, including drills about the hijacking of planes and the flying them into buildings. This is agreed by many 9-11 researchers to have been an obfuscation tactic, and to have hindered response to the real attacks.
In the DarkUS Army War College exercise looking into a catastrophic failure of the electrical grid and electronic devices due to EMP or solar storm. Held September 2010.
National Level Exercise 2009NLE09 was a White House-directed, Congressionally-mandated large scale "terrorism" prevention and preparedness exercise. Held July 2009
Operation BlackoutSimulated sabotage of civilian infrastructure - preempting or preplanning? Held November 2019.
Patriot ActA legislative coup d'état


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  1. http://www.govtslaves.info/42-actual-graphic-photos-of-the-drill-before-the-recent-terror-attack-at-brussels/
  2. http://www.voltairenet.org/article193865.html
  3. https://www.courthousenews.com/parents-call-school-drill-abusive-harmful/
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Drill_(disambiguation)&oldid=706650352
  5. See, for example, Webster Tarpley
  6. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/police-apologise-for-making-fake-suicide-bomber-shout-allahu-akbar-during-counter-terror-exercise-in-a7022196.html
  7. http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/08/10/daily-shooter-academy-florida-woman-shot-dead-by-police-during-roleplay-drill/
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/cia-left-explosive-material-on-loudoun-school-bus-after-training-exercise/2016/03/31/428f9824-f78d-11e5-a3ce-f06b5ba21f33_story.html
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/eyewash-how-the-cia-deceives-its-own-workforce-about-operations/2016/01/31/c00f5a78-c53d-11e5-9693-933a4d31bcc8_story.html?tid=a_inl
  10. http://911blogger.com/news/2015-12-28/united-airlines-held-exercise-so-realistic-its-personnel-had-be-reassured-911-attacks-were-not-drill
  11. http://www.voltairenet.org/article193865.html
  12. http://yournewswire.com/france-isis-false-flag-government-exercise/
  13. http://www.voltairenet.org/article193865.html
  14. http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/11/14/paris-terror-attack-the-road-so-far/
  15. http://www.unwelcomeguests.net/742
  16. The Shadow of Ryazan: Is Putin’s government legitimate?, National Review Online, 30 April 2002
  17. {{URL|example.com|optional display text}}
  18. Ответ Генпрокуратуры на депутатский запрос о взрывах в Москве (in Russian), machine translation.
  19. {{URL|example.com|optional display text}}
  20. Edward Lucas, The New Cold War: Putin's Russia and the Threat to the West , Palgrave Macmillan (19 February 2008), ISBN 0-230-60612-1, page 25
  21. NRO Emergency Response to a Small Aircraft Crash, Exercise Concept, 9/11 Commission Documents, Team 8, Box 16, Misc-Work-Paper-Fdr-NRO-Exercise-Plane-Crash-Into-Building, #809
  22. http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=national_reconnaissance_office
  23. http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2010/10/nato-link-to-madrid-bombings-of-2004.html
  24. Manchester Evening News "King's Cross Man's Crisis Course", 8 July 2005
  25. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11719684/77-anniversary-Why-we-can-never-stop-tackling-extremism.html
  26. http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/11/14/paris-terror-attack-the-road-so-far/
  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smq5iQonYeE
  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avfnLZFp1ys
  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7JmG_kx4Hw
  30. https://web.archive.org/web/20180326190041/https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/news-and-latest-activity/news/2018/march/06/180306-toxic-storm-for-royal-marines-in-major-chemical-exercise
  31. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-shooting/111404324/global-expert-sharpshooters-were-training-in-the-city-just-as-the-christchurch-mosque-shooting-unfolded
  32. a b c d Ola Tunander, https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:Democratic_State_v_Deep_State#The_Dual_State_And_The_Dual_Security_Structure
  33. Perls, F., The Gestalt Approach and Eye Witness to Therapy (1973)
  34. Simon, G. K. Character disturbance: The phenomenon of our age. Parkhurst Brothers, 2011
  35. Stavros Mentzos, Hysterie. Zur Psychodynamik unbewusster Inszenierungen. Kindler, München 1980, ISBN 3-463-02212-5