Operation Gladio/B

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Event.png Operation Gladio/B(False flag) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
PerpetratorsDeep State
Exposed bySibel Edmonds
Interest ofRonald Thomas West
DescriptionA classified development of Operation Gladio to help roll out the war on terror by promoting false flag US-sponsored terrorism to be blamed on Muslim extremists.

Operation Gladio B is a classified ongoing expansion of the original Operation Gladio in which NATO countries created an anti-communist paramilitary terrorist network which carried out false flag operations throughout western Europe during the cold war. Instead it is now expanded internationally and working with Al Qaeda and other groups that feature in the war on terror narrative. It has a designated office at the Pentagon. [1] [2]


The existence of Gladio B was revealed by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. She revealed regular meetings between senior US intelligence agents and current leader of Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri at the U.S. embassy in Azerbaijan and Baku starting in 1997 and continuing right up to the 9/11 attacks, as well as al-Zawahiri, members of the bin Laden family (including Osama Bin Laden) and other mujahideen being transported by NATO aircraft to Central Asia and the Balkans to participate in false flag "destabilization operations". Other operatives were also flown, on US Intelligence orders, to Turkey a major base of the operation, to train and prepare to participate in these operations - locations where, Edmonds reported, some of the 9/11 hijackers were being trained.[3] Additionally she reported that Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri worked with the U.S. government for 3 months after 9/11 to coordinate false flag destabilization operations in the Caucus region. [4] She also reported a Turkish and Israeli run network which paid top intelligence officials to steal nuclear weapon secrets that were sold on the international black market to countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. [5] These and other allegations were confirmed by the largest selling UK newspaper the Sunday Times after speaking to Pentagon and MI6 sources, and by obtaining a document signed by an FBI official confirming the operation's existence. However, apparently due to pressure from political intelligence committees, it the document itself was never published. According to Edmonds 9-11 was a Gladio/B Operation. [6] Edmonds states the objective of Gladio B is:

"projecting U.S. power in the former Soviet sphere of influence to access previously untapped strategic energy and mineral reserves for U.S. and European companies; pushing back Russian and Chinese power; and expanding the scope of lucrative criminal activities, particularly illegal arms and drugs trafficking." [7]

Edmonds told Washington's Blog:

"For the past 11 years I have been emphasizing that my State Secrets Privilege & Gag Orders had to do with the FBI files (covering period 1996-2002 February) on covert-terrorist operations in Caucasus and Central Asia backed, managed and armed by US actors. These US-NATO directed operations in the region involved Bin-Laden and mainly Zawahiri …..

The FBI documents contained damning evidence (audio and written) collected between 1996-2002 tying these terror operations directly to the U.S. persons in the State Department/CIA and Pentagon. Also, how the State Department got Congress to grant huge amounts of funds to “front’ NGOs and businesses (mainly Turkish companies in US-listed/members of ATC) to funnel money to the terrorist cells in this region."

Cover up

Paralleling their orchestrated silence when Gary Webb first revealed the CIA's deep involvement in drug trafficking, the commercially-controlled media have shown a pronounced disinterest in Edmonds' revelations.

"[The] investigation based on Edmonds’ information was supposed to have four parts, but was inexplicably dropped. “The story was pulled half-way, suddenly, without any warning”, the journalist said. “I wasn’t party to the editorial decision to drop the story, but there was a belief in the office amongst several journalists who were part of the Insight investigative unit that the decision was made under pressure from the U.S. State Department, because the story might cause a diplomatic incident... The way the story was dropped was unusual, but the belief amongst my colleagues this happened under political pressure is plausible.” He cryptically described an “editorial mechanism, linked to the paper but not formally part of it, which could however exert control on stories when necessary, linked to certain interests.” When asked which interests, the journalist said, “I can’t say. I can’t talk about that.”

An unamed "lead reporter" on Edwards' series at the Sunday Times.[3]


Ex CIA agent Phil Giraldi wrote in 2008 about Sibel Edmonds and her revelations:

"Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S. government has its way, they never will. The former FBI translator turned whistleblower tells a chilling story of corruption at Washington’s highest levels—sale of nuclear secrets, shielding of terrorist suspects, illegal arms transfers, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, espionage. She may be a first-rate fabulist, but Edmonds’s account is full of dates, places, and names. And if she is to be believed, a treasonous plot to embed moles in American military and nuclear installations and pass sensitive intelligence to Israeli, Pakistani, and Turkish sources was facilitated by figures in the upper echelons of the State and Defense Departments. Her charges could be easily confirmed or dismissed if classified government documents were made available to investigators."[8]

As of 2014, No such classified government documents have been released.

The Sunday Times interviews former FBI special agent:

A journalist with the Sunday Times‘ investigative unit told this author he had interviewed former Special Agent in Charge, Dennis Saccher, who had moved to the FBI’s Colorado office. Saccher reportedly confirmed the veracity of Edmonds’ allegations of espionage, telling him that Edmonds’ story “should have been front page news” because it was “a scandal bigger than Watergate.” [9]

Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says that Edmonds possesses information “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers”. He also says that the White House has ordered the press not to cover Edmonds:

"I am confident that there is conversation inside the Government as to ‘How do we deal with Sibel [Edmonds]?

The first line of defense is to ensure that she doesn’t get into the media. I think any outlet that thought of using her materials would go to to the government and they would be told “don’t touch this . . . .” [10]


Gladio B NATO heroin routes; formerly Russian, controlled by NATO after the Afghanistan War

Like many other such commentators, Edwards points to the international drugs trade as a key role in funding off the books operations such as Operation Gladio/B. She notes that in 2001 the US chose to attack the world's largest producer of opium, Afghanistan, endeavouring to present it as a result of 9-11, but without attempting to present any evidence that the country had any connection to the perpetrators of that attack.[11] [12]


Svoboda Gladio Operatives

Much similar to the original Operation Gladio in which NATO countries worked with Neo Nazi/Fascist paramilitary organizations in Western Europe and were led by recruited Nazi war criminal SS generals including the nicknamed "Butcher of Lyon" Klaus Barbie, Operation Gladio B has continued into Ukraine. Confirmed by U.S. Intelligence Officials and working with Ukrainian Nationalist and Neo Nazi Far-Right militia including the Ukranian National Assembly, Right Sektor, and the Svoboda party lead by people's deputy of Ukraine Oleh Tyahnybok. The groups are suspected of playing a decisive role in the false flag sniper attacks in which they could be seen shooting both supporting demonstrators and policemen causing destabilization that led to the collapse of elected Ukrainian government. Swiss Historian Dr. Daniele Ganser notes was similar to the "strategy of tension" of the Taksim Square massacre in Istanbul apart of the original Operation Gladio. [13] [14]



Page nameDescription
2005 London bombingsA series of coordinated attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour, allegedly carried out by four Muslim suicide bombers.
2015-11 Paris attacksA series of coordinated terrorist attacks in France. Suicide bomber remembered to bring his passport, which survived blast.
2016 Brussels BombingA terrorist attack in Brussels involving 3 explosions which reportedly killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds more. Responsibility for the attack was immediately attributed to ISIS by the commercially-controlled media, clearly assuming the people are still buying this "Muslim suicide bomber" Official Narrative
2016 Saumur Daesh CellIn 2016 gardeners in Saumur, France found what appeared to be a Daesh cell, complete with recording equipment and props such as ISIS flags. Local police were told by the French Ministry of Defense that it was an exercise, although local police knew nothing of it.
Nice truck eventFrench vehicle-ramming attack in Nice on 14 July 2016. It was filmed by Richard Gutjahr, who 8 days later filmed the shooting in Munich.
Quia OportetState secret Dutch company listed in Dutch Ministry of General Affairs as elongation of Operation Gladio


Related Quotation

Fethullah Gülen“He has since established more than 300 madrasahs in Central Asia and what he calls universities that have a front that is called Moderate Islam, but he is closely involved in training mujahideen-like militia Islam who are brought from Pakistan and Afghanistan into Central Asia where his madrasahs operate, and his organization's network is estimated to be around $25 billion.


He has opened several Islamic universities in the United States. As I said it's being promoted under Moderate Islam. It is supported by certain U.S. authorities here because of the operations in Central Asia, but what they have been doing since late 1990s is actually radical Islam and militizing (phonetic) these very, very young, from the age 14, 15, by commandoes they use, and this is both commandoes from Turkish military, commandoes from Pakistani ISI in Central Asia and Azerbaijan, and after that they bring them to Turkey, and from Turkey they send them through Europe, to European and elsewhere.”
Fethullah Gülen
Sibel Edmonds


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Brussels Attack: Another Chapter in NATO's Gladio Strategy?article27 March 2016Wayne MadsenAnalysis of the 2016 Brussels Bombing from an experienced terror-sceptic.
Document:Gladio B: The Origins of NATO’s Secret Islamic Terrorist Proxieswebpage11 March 2013Tom Secker
Document:Terror Theatrearticle26 March 2016Jay DyerCompelling analysis of the nature of the Brussels attacks of 22 March 2016
Document:Who is Bombing European Civilians?article22 March 2016Sott.netSharp questioning of precisely who is responsible for attacks on civilians in Europe


An official example



5star.png 21 June 2016 Robin  Maybe the best summary on WWW of this essential event.
This is not mentioned in the controlled corporate media, preventing it from having its own article on Wikipedia. In light of the increasing number of false flag events in Europe, it is essential information.
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