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==Official narrative==
==Official narrative==
[[image:Global Financial Crisis.jpg|right|thumb|450px|A trader has a bad day in 2007/8]]
Financial fraud is perpetrated by "[[bad apples]]", who can be brought to justice by [[financial regulator]]s such as the [[SEC]].
Financial fraud is perpetrated by "[[bad apples]]", who can be brought to justice by [[financial regulator]]s such as the [[SEC]].

Latest revision as of 17:20, 24 June 2021

Concept.png Financial fraud 
Financial fraud.jpg
Interest of• Banco Ambrosiano
• Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
• Euan Grant
• Wim Grommen
• David Guyatt
• Chris Hernon
• Shima Keene

Financial fraud is widespread. It does not (usually) include actions which though they may be immoral, murderous and/or deceitful are legal.

Official narrative

A trader has a bad day in 2007/8

Financial fraud is perpetrated by "bad apples", who can be brought to justice by financial regulators such as the SEC.


The SEC is widely cited as a textbook example of the revolving door syndrome whereby the regulators and the regulated work together - on a level of individuals, it is not possible to separate the two populations.

Savings and Loan Fraud

Full article: Savings and Loan Fraud

The notion of a global international financial system which is fundamentally sound, subject only to a few bad actors is certainly questionable. In US, the cover-up of the Savings and Loan fraud is ongoing - as of 2019, although the article itself did talk about fraud, Wikipedia called the event not a "fraud" but a "crisis".



Page nameDescription
"1973 Oil crisis"A huge rise in the price of oil, very probably created by attendees of the 1973 Bilderberg.
"Bailout"A globally organised shift of money from ordinary taxpayers to the already hyper-rich who control the banking and political systems.
"Debt crisis"
"Economic crisis"Economic crises are pretty regular events, and are depicted as quasi-natural phenomena such as earthquakes or floods, as if everyone loses as a result of such phenomena. However, real wealth is not destroyed, but is transferred from the financially poor to the financially rich.
1907 PanicJohn D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan conspired to remove opposition to control of the US money system by the money trust.
1929 Wall Street CrashA dramatic end to the "roaring twenties" - a huge wealth grab by the superrich
2008 Financial Crisis"an evisceration of some banks by others...a cannibalistic binge billed to the tax-payer"<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
9-11A complex and spectacular set of events in New York and Washington. The US government was quick to blame Al Qaeda, though no evidence of guilt was presented and there is much suspicion about what Al Qaeda really is. In the USA 9-11 assisted the Patriot Act's roll back of civil liberties, the stepping up of domestic surveillance and the financial advancement of the military industrial complex. Abroad 9-11 helped launched wars on Iraq and Afghanistan that had been planned long before.
9-11/Insider TradingA mound of evidence points to insider trading. However, the 9/11 Commission decided not to investigate the matter and the SEC destroyed important records.
COVID-19/LockdownNominally caused by a desire to save human life by slowing the spread of COVID-19, the near global campaign to institute lockdowns can also be interpreted as a global power grab by the supranational deep state.
Enron"America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years, especially in the accounting department. Massive bankruptcy in December 2001
Great DepressionA huge impoverishment of the US citizens, resulting from market manipulations by The Money Trust
Howard Springs Quarantine FacilityAustralia's first concentration camp, with two thousand beds, used from November 2021 for mandatory quarantine. Closed in July 2022
InslawComplex financial/political fraud the full dimensions of which were never uncovered, but some of which were forced onto the official record.
Melbourne’s Centre for National ResilienceThis massive and expensive facility had thousands of beds meant for mandatory quarantine during "the Covid "pandemic". Closed its doors in October 2022.
Mortgage fraud
Nugan Hand BankCIA front used to launder heroin money and fund the 1975 coup in Australia
Savings and loan fraud"The largest theft in the history of the world", carried out in broad daylight, with legislative assistance. So many US politicians were directly or indirectly involved, that it was never properly exposed and efforts are ongoing to try to hide the fact that it was no mere accident.
Tax evasion


Related Quotations

1980s“The Savings and Loan crisis was a huge wealth transfer... According to people like Houston Post's Pete Brewton It was intelligence and organized crime that essentially collaborated with major Wall St banks at the time like Drexel Burnham Lambert and some of these other groups. This particular nexus, by taking like 6 billion dollars out of the savings and loan industry when it was deregulated basically buy what they didn't already own of corporate America. And so you have the same group more or less having compromised politicians through sex blackmail for decades, and by the time they own corporate America, due to the role that corporate America plays in US politics they can essentially buy everyone else out... During the same period of time, this network was also basically finding a way to off-the-books finance, erm "activities" — secret wars, really — all over the globe, not just in Nicaragua, at the the time, but really congressional approval to finance proxy armies... and for a long time this was justified with "this is necessary to fight the communists" and of course with the fall of the Soviet Union that excuse sort of collapses. And from that point, I see that power nexus in the 80s, after the fall of the Soviet Union I see that there's two, really a split, and you see it with US politics today. You have people... hungry for a return to the Reagan era days where America is on top and use these same types of illegal activities to further US imperialism, with a sort of warped idea of American nationalism. And then you have this other side that's the internationalist camp or the globalists that want global governance, and you sort of have them competing but... both factions go back to Iran contra and these intelligence, organized crime groups.”Whitney WebbNovember 2022
AUKUS“For $360 billion, we're going to get eight submarines. It must be the worst deal in all history”Paul Keating15 March 2023
John Deuss“An international warrant had been issued for Mr Deuss's arrest after a bank he owns on Curaçao, in the Dutch Antilles, was closed last month during an Anglo-Dutch investigation into carousel fraud. British Customs officials had discovered that every individual arrested and charged with the fraud in the UK in the previous two years had an account at the First Curaçao International Bank (FCIB). Since raiding its headquarters and freezing its assets, investigators have discovered that about 2,500 British citizens suspected of carousel fraud hold accounts there.”John Deuss16 October 2006
Jeffrey Epstein“not just a sex criminal, that's what they want to paint him as exclusively; he was a financial criminal who dabbled in sex crimes.”Jeffrey Epstein
Whitney Webb
Joseph Golia“It's over 8 years, we have been prohibited to have any New York CPLR most basic "due process" to discovery, to deposition, to subpoena to counter claim, to cross claim again and again and our 3rd party summon has been ignore, too.

After contacted NYPD Commissioner Mr. Raymond W. Kelly, Lut. Comofrty in 109 agreed that Det Keith Ng and Det. Kin Lee who investigation the crime should testify to you about the bank's officer and closing lawyer violated law and the bank's closing lawyer internationally accepted fake deposit of Residential contract of sales, fake money order, fake check, falsify bank records to endorsed the fraudulent mortgage and got some money for himself.

There are no reasons you free all the criminals $0 dollars of judgment at all. Would you mind to schedule a hearing as soon as possible?”
Sunny Sheu
Joseph Golia
IGO“Well after Argentina went bust in 1991 it offered most of its creditors about thirty-five cents on the dollar. About ninety percent of these people accepted that but some of them didn't and they tried to sue the bank In Switzerland because that's where its headquarters, but the Swiss courts and I think also the Swiss Federal Council have said that the bank is founded by an international treaty. It is inviolable: it cannot be sued.”2018
Money laundering“Beginning in the very earliest days of the war in Iraq, the New York Federal Reserve shipped billions of dollars in physical cash to Baghdad to pay for the reopening of the government and restoration of basic services.

The money was packed onto pallets inside a heavily guarded New York Federal Reserve compound in East Rutherford, New Jersey, trucked to Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington, and flown by military aircraft to Baghdad International Airport.

By one account, the New York Fed shipped about $40 billion in cash between 2003 and 2008. In just the first two years, the shipments included more than 281 million individual bills weighing a total of 363 tons. But soon after the money arrived in the chaos of war-torn Baghdad, the paper trail documenting who controlled it all began to go cold.”
Eamon Javers25 October 2011


Related Document

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Collateral Damage 911report1 September 2010E. P. HeidnerHow 9/11 buried "the biggest financial crimes in history". An analysis of the highly complex web of US/UK covert operations and criminal banking activities going back to WW2, suggesting Western complicity in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent looting of Soviet industry. The ostensible settlement/roll-over for these instruments were dated through September 2001 and would have clinched several high-level criminal investigations had they been allowed to settle normally.


Convicted of Financial fraud

Kobi Alexander4 May 1952IsraelSpook
A spooky businessman with connections to 9-11 and 7-7.
Robert Creamer28 June 1947USAuthor
Deep state functionary
Suspected deep state functionary and husband of Jan Schakowsky
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