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|constitutes=Journalist, author
|interests=Supranational Deep state, Assassinations, Geoengineering, False Flags, Covid-19, Global Control Grid
|alma_mater=University of Calgary, Trinity College (Dublin)
|description= James Corbett is a popular critic of the US establishment who has been active on the [[internet]] since 2007.
|description= James Corbett is a popular critic of the US establishment who has been active on the [[internet]] since 2007.
'''James Corbett''' is an independent journalist who has been living and working in [[Japan]] since 2004. He has been writing and producing ''[[The Corbett Report]]'', an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007.<ref group=CR name=CorbettReport >{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=Corbett Report |url=http://www.corbettreport.com/ |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref><ref group=CR name=TheCorbettReport >{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James  |title=The Corbett Report |url=http://www.thecorbettreport.com/ |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>, ''"an independent, listener-supported alternative news source"'' featuring ''"podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more."''<ref group=CR name=CorbettReportAbout >{{cite web |last1= |first1= |title=The Corbett Report - About |url=http://www.corbettreport.com/about |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>  
'''James Corbett''' is an independent journalist who has been living and working in [[Japan]] since [[2004]]. He has been writing and producing ''[[The Corbett Report]]'', an online multi-media news and information source, since [[2007]].<ref>''[http://www.corbettreport.com/ "The Corbett Report"]''</ref>
James Corbett is an [[anarchist|anarcho]]-[[voluntaryist]] [[libertarian]], [[agorist]], and [[Humanism|humanist]].<ref group=CR name=MeetCorbett>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=Episode 163 – Meet James Corbett |url=https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-163-meet-james-corbett/ |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref> Raised in [[Canada]], James graduated with a B.A. in English from the [[University of Calgary]] and a Master of Philosophy in Anglo-Irish Literature from [[Trinity College, Dublin]]<ref name=CorbettTEDTalk>{{cite web |last1=Vos |first1=Marieke |title=James Corbett - The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword |url=http://tedxgroningen.com/tedxgroningen2014/james-corbett/ |website=TEDxGroningen |publisher=TED Talks |date=22 December 2014 |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref>In 2004 he began teaching English in [[Japan]] where he happened to fall in love, started a family, and stayed there, prolifically producing material for ''The Corbett Report'' he launched in 2007 and for many other online alternative news publishers.<ref group=CRY name=CorbettInterview>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=Collectivism: Terrorism and Other Consequences |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CnVm8T14M/ |website=YouTube |publisher=Corbett Report & The School Sucks Podcast |date=19 April 2013 |accessdate=3 December 2016}}</ref><ref group=CR name=CorbettReportAbout >{{cite web |last1= |first1= |title=The Corbett Report - About |url=http://www.corbettreport.com/about |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>
James Corbett is an [[anarchist|anarcho]]-voluntaryist libertarian, agorist, and humanist.<ref>''[https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-163-meet-james-corbett/ "Episode 163 – Meet James Corbett"]''</ref> Raised in [[Canada]], James Corbett graduated with a B.A. in English from the [[University of Calgary]] and an M.Phil in Anglo-Irish Literature from [[Trinity College, Dublin]].<ref>''[http://tedxgroningen.com/tedxgroningen2014/james-corbett/ "James Corbett - The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword"]''</ref> In 2004 he began teaching English in [[Japan]] where he happened to fall in love, started a family, and stayed there, prolifically producing material for ''The Corbett Report'' and for many other online alternative news publishers.<ref>''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CnVm8T14M/ "Collectivism: Terrorism and Other Consequences]''</ref><ref>''[http://www.corbettreport.com/about "The Corbett Report - About"]''</ref>
==Corbett Report==
{{FA|Corbett Report}}
The [[Corbett Report]] is a podcast which James Corbett began in [[2007]] and has seen hundreds of episodes. The Corbett Report has been described as ''"an independent, listener-supported alternative news source"'' featuring ''"podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from [[9/11 Truth]] and [[false flag]] terror to the Big Brother [[police state]], [[eugenics]], [[geopolitics]], the [[central banking]] fraud and more."''
===''Who is Bill Gates?''===
In May [[2020]], James Corbett produced an acclaimed four-part investigation titled ''Who is Bill Gates?"''<ref>''[https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/ "Who Is Bill Gates?"]''</ref>
Corbett is a frequent contributor to ''[[NewsBud]]''<ref name=NewsBud >{{cite web |last1=Edmonds |first1=Sibel |title=NewsBud - About Us - Newsbud Contributing Partners |url=http://www.newsbud.com/about-us/ |website=Newsbud |publisher=Newsbud |date= |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>, ''Boiling Frogs Post''<ref name=BFPCorbettTags >{{cite web |last1=Edmonds |first1=Sibel |title=Boiling Frogs Post - Tags for "James Corbett" |url=http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/james-corbett/ |website=Boiling Frogs Post |publisher=Sibel Edmonds |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>, edited by [[Sibel Edmonds]], and the ''Centre for Research on Globalization''.<ref name="GlobalResearchAbout">{{cite web |title=Global Research - About - Partner Websites |url=http://www.globalresearch.ca/about |website=Global Research.ca |publisher=Global Research.ca |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref><ref name="GlobalResearchSearchCorbett">{{cite web |title=Global Research - Search for "James Corbett' |url=http://www.globalresearch.ca/search?q=James+Corbett |website=Global Research.ca |publisher=Global Research.ca |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>  He has made appearances on [[RT (TV network)|RT]].<ref group=YT name=YouTubeRTJamesCorbett>{{cite web |title=YouTube - Search for "RT James Corbett" |url=http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=RT+James+Corbett |website=YouTube |publisher=RT  |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref><ref group=YT name=YouTubeRTCorbettReport>{{cite web |title=YouTube - Search for "RT Corbett Report" |url=http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=RT+Corbett+Report |website=YouTube |publisher=RT News |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref><ref group=YT name=YouTubeRTCorbettReport2>{{cite web |title=YouTube - Search for "RT Corbett Report 2" |url=http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rt+corbett+report&oq=rt+corbett+report |website=YouTube |publisher=RT News |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>  With James Evan Pilato of Media Monarchy<ref name="MediaMonarchy">[http://www.mediamonarchy.com/ Media Monarchy]</ref>, James Corbett co-hosts the podcast ''New World Next Week''<ref name="NewWorldNextWeek">{{cite web |title=#NewWorldNextWeek |url=http://newworldnextweek.tumblr.com/  |website=Tumblr |publisher=The Corbett Report & Media Monarchy |accessdate=30 November 2016}}</ref> and is also an affiliate of the Tragedy and Hope Network<ref name="TragedyAndHope">[http://www.tragedyandhope.com/ Tragedy and Hope Communications].</ref><ref group=YT name=CorbettInterview>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=Collectivism: Terrorism and Other Consequences |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CnVm8T14M/ |website=YouTube |publisher=Corbett Report & The School Sucks Podcast |date=19 April 2013 |accessdate=3 December 2016}}</ref>
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQSYdAX_9JY Part One: "How Bill Gates Monopolised Global Health"]<ref>''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQSYdAX_9JY "How Bill Gates Monopolised Global Health"]''</ref>
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7A_cMpKm6w Part Two: "Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World"]<ref>''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7A_cMpKm6w "Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World"]''</ref>
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igx86PoU7v8 Part Three: "Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid"]<ref>''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igx86PoU7v8 "Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid"]''</ref>
James Corbett is an [[indie]] [[Citizen journalism|citizen journalist]] accused of being [[Russian propaganda]]<ref name=MyChevruta>{{cite web |last1=Goldberg |first1=Itzhak David |title=My Chevruta |url=http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-life-and-religion/217846/my-chevruta |website=TabletMag.com |publisher=Tablet |accessdate=30 November 2016}}</ref> [[fake news]]<ref name=RussianPropaganda>{{cite news |last1=Timberg |first1=Craig |title=Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/russian-propaganda-effort-helped-spread-fake-news-during-election-experts-say/2016/11/24/793903b6-8a40-4ca9-b712-716af66098fe_story.html |date=24 November 2016 |accessdate=28 November 2016 |publisher=The Washington Post}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|title=Russia is Manipulating US Public Opinion through Online Propaganda|url=http://www.propornot.com/p/home.html|accessdate=28 November 2016|publisher=PropOrNot.com|date=27 November 2016}}</ref> that analyzes, deconstructs, re-contextualizes, and clarifies Western [[propaganda]]<ref>{{cite web |last1=Tsakiris |first1=Alex |title=167. Investigative Journalist James Corbett on How Skeptics Shape Our Worldview |url=http://www.skeptiko.com/167-investigative-journalist-james-corbett/ |website=Skeptico}}</ref>, philosophy, economics, and geopolitics<ref>{{cite web |last1=FauxCapitalist |title=James Corbett is the new International Forecaster |url=https://fauxcapitalist.com/2012/08/05/james-corbett-is-the-new-international-forecaster/ |website=FauxCapitalist |publisher=FauxCapitalist |date=5 August 2012 |accessdate=1 December 2016}}</ref> in articles, interviews, podcasts, videos, and documentaries for '''''[http://www.thecorbettreport.com/ The Corbett Report]''''', [[YouTube]], [[Globalresearch.ca|Global Research TV]], [[RT (TV network)|RT]]<ref group=RTY name=CorbettRTFederalReserve>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=James Corbett Breaks The Set on The Federal Reserve |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glWKKOro8QU |website=YouTube |publisher=[[RT (TV network)|RT]]'s [[Breaking the Set]] |date=23 October 2014 |accessdate=1 December 2016}}</ref><ref group=RTY name=CorbettRTOperationGladio>{{cite web |last1=[[Breaking the Set]] |title=Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7o61SMitds |website=YouTube |publisher=[[RT (TV network)|RT]]'s [[Breaking the Set]] |date=6 November 2013 |accessdate=1 December 2016}}</ref>, other shows and websites such as ex-FBI whistleblower [[Sibel Edmonds]]' [[Boiling Frogs Post]], [[NewsBud]], and occasional events.<ref name=CorbettTEDTalk>{{cite web |last1=Vos |first1=Marieke |title=James Corbett - The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword |url=http://tedxgroningen.com/tedxgroningen2014/james-corbett/ |website=TEDxGroningen |publisher=TED Talks |date=22 December 2014 |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref><ref group=YT name=CorbettTEDTalkYouTube>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=The net is mightier than the sword - James Corbett - TEDxGroningen |url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOeAa6Ye4dc |website=YouTube |publisher=TEDx Talks |date=22 December 2014 |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref>
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSvhPnUgyz8 Part Four: "Meet Bill Gates"]<ref>''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSvhPnUgyz8 "Meet Bill Gates"]''</ref>
Without corporate agendas or [[censorship]] while supported by donations, subscriptions, a growing community, and [[open source]] journalism, James Corbett reports [[anti-state|anti-stateism]], [[Truther]] awareness, and anti-[[dogma]] concepts avoided by the {{ccm}}.<ref>{{cite web |title=BREAKING - Reddit Bans #Pizzagate Investigation. The Corbett Report Continues It. |url=http://www.philosophers-stone.co.uk/?p=15954 |website=Philosophers Stone |publisher=Philosophers Stone |date=24 November 2016|accessdate=1 December 2016}}</ref>
In addition to the history of oil<ref group=CR name=HowBigOilConqueredTheWorldEpisode>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=Episode 310 – How Big Oil Conquered The World |url=https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-310-rise-of-the-oiligarchs/ |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |date=28 December 2015 |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref>, power, and economics<ref group=RTY name=CorbettRTChineseEconomy>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=China's Coming Credit Crisis - James Corbett on RT |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-HDBVfrHk0 |website=YouTube |publisher=[[RT (TV network)|RT]]'s [[Breaking the Set]] |date=30 July 2013 |accessdate=1 December 2016}}</ref><ref name=FederalReserveFailure>{{cite web |last1=Hunter |first1=Greg |title=Federal Reserve-A Stunning Failure-James Corbett |url=http://usawatchdog.com/federal-reserve-a-stunning-failure-james-corbett/ |website=USAWatchdog.com |publisher=USA Watchdog |date=27 August 2014 |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref>, [[false flag]] events<ref group=CR name=SearchFalseFlag>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=The Corbett Report - Search for False Flag |url=https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=false+flag |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |accessdate=29 November 2016|}}</ref> like the [[Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories|Oklahoma City bombing]]<ref group=CR name=TimothyMcVeighEpisode>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=Episode 305 – The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh|url=https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-305-the-secret-life-of-timothy-mcveigh/ |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |date=11 May 2015 |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref>, the [[9/11 conspiracy theories|9-11 inside jobs]]<ref group=CR name=911AConspiracyTheory>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=9/11: A Conspiracy Theory |url=https://www.corbettreport.com/911-a-conspiracy-theory/ |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |date=9 September 2011|accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref><ref group=CR name=911TrillionsEpisode>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=Episode 308 – 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money |url=https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-308-911-trillions-follow-the-money/ |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |date=12 September 2015 |accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref>, and [[Operation Gladio]]<ref group=CR name=SearchGladio>{{cite web |last1=Corbett |first1=James |title=The Corbett Report - Search for Gladio |url=https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=Gladio |website=The Corbett Report |publisher=James Corbett |accessdate=29 November 2016|}}</ref>, James Corbett claims to cut through confusing [[disinformation]] and [[National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013#Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012|domestic propaganda]] to detail scandalous corruption, epic fraud, injustices, [[surveillance]]<ref group=RTN name=RTCorbettFBILookInPhone>{{cite news |last1=McKinney |first1=Cynthia |title=Why does the FBI want to take a look inside your iPhone? |url=https://www.rt.com/op-edge/333891-fbi-encryption-keys-iphone/ |publisher=RT News |date=28 February 2016 |accessdate=4 December 2016}}</ref>, the rising [[police state]], disasters<ref>{{cite news|last1=Neslen|first1=Arthur|title=Delay to curbs on toxic shipping emissions 'would cause 200,000 extra premature deaths'|url=https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/oct/07/delay-to-curbs-on-toxic-shipping-emissions-would-cause-200000-extra-premature-deaths|accessdate=29 November 2016|publisher=The Guardian|date=7 October 2016}}</ref>, environmental travesties, and expose [[List of political conspiracies|conspiracies]], [[Psychological warfare|psy-ops]], [[Black operation|black-ops]]<ref>{{cite web|last1=Corbett|first1=James|title=Corbett Report Presents '5 Mind-Blowing Spying Technologies'|url=http://www.newsbud.com/2016/10/08/corbett-report-presents-5-mind-blowing-spying-technologies/|website=NewsBud|publisher=James Corbett|accessdate=29 November 2016|date=8 October 2016}}</ref>, and the covert [[State within a state|deep-state]] secret [[Shadow government|ghost politics]]' [[globalism|globalist]] control, domination, and [[eugenics]] agendas of the [[New World Order]] advocating a "[[revolution]] of the mind" to counter cultural [[brainwashing]] dogmas to ultimately foil all centralized governments' [[Monopoly on violence|monopolistic use of violence]]<ref>{{cite web|last1=Corbett|first1=James|title=Corbett Report- Sibel Edmonds Shines A Light on the Brussels Attacks|url=http://www.newsbud.com/2016/03/25/corbett-report-sibel-edmonds-shines-a-light-on-the-brussels-attacks/|website=NewsBud|publisher=James Corbett & NewsBud|accessdate=29 November 2016}}</ref>.
Corbett was a contributor to ''[[NewsBud]]'',<ref>''https://www.corbettreport.com/fact-checking-newsbuds-syria-under-siege-video/ - [http://www.newsbud.com/about-us/ "NewsBud - About Us - Newsbud Contributing Partners"]''</ref> ''Boiling Frogs Post''<ref>''[http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/james-corbett/ "Boiling Frogs Post - Tags for "James Corbett"]''</ref>, edited by [[Sibel Edmonds]], and the ''Centre for Research on Globalisation''.<ref>''[http://www.globalresearch.ca/about "Global Research - About - Partner Websites"]''</ref><ref>''[http://www.globalresearch.ca/search?q=James+Corbett "Global Research - Search for "James Corbett'"]''</ref> He has made appearances on [[RT]].<ref>''[http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=RT+James+Corbett "YouTube - Search for 'RT James Corbett'"]''</ref><ref>''[http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=RT+Corbett+Report "YouTube - Search for "RT Corbett Report"]''</ref><ref>''[http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rt+corbett+report&oq=rt+corbett+report "YouTube - Search for 'RT Corbett Report 2'"]''</ref> With [[James Evan Pilato]] of [http://www.mediamonarchy.com/ ''Media Monarchy'',] James Corbett co-hosts the podcast ''[[New World Next Week]]''<ref>''[http://newworldnextweek.tumblr.com/ "#NewWorldNextWeek"]''</ref> and is also an affiliate of the ''Tragedy and Hope Network''<ref>''[http://www.tragedyandhope.com/ Tragedy and Hope Communications]''</ref><ref>''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CnVm8T14M/ "Collectivism: Terrorism and Other Consequences"]''</ref>
==Official narrative==
==Official narrative==
In 2015, [[Wikipedia]] had a page for ''The Corbett Report'', from June 2015 until 17 November 2015. Corbett introduces himself and speaks about his background, in Episode 163 of ''The Corbett Report''.<ref>''[http://www.corbettreport.com/episode-163-meet-james-corbett/ "Episode 163 – Meet James Corbett"]''</ref>
In [[2015]], [[Wikipedia]] had a page for ''The Corbett Report'', from June 2015 until 17 November 2015.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log/delete&page=The_Corbett_Report</ref> Corbett introduces himself and speaks about his background, in Episode 163 of ''The Corbett Report''.<ref>''[http://www.corbettreport.com/episode-163-meet-james-corbett/ "Episode 163 – Meet James Corbett"]''</ref>
Corbett has published various books and DVDs.
|subjects=journalism,corporate media,independent media
|text=When there is a question mark in the headline, the answer is always no.
|authors=James Corbett
|date=22 October 2021
|source_url=https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc080-deagel/ at 28 minutes

Latest revision as of 23:11, 1 December 2022

Person.png James Corbett   Patreon Unwelcome Guests Website YouTubeRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(Journalist, author)
James Corbett.jpeg
Alma materUniversity of Calgary, Trinity College (Dublin)
Founder/Owner ofThe Corbett Report
Member ofActivist Post
Interests • Supranational Deep state
• Assassinations
• Geoengineering
• False Flags
• Covid-19
• Global Control Grid
James Corbett is a popular critic of the US establishment who has been active on the internet since 2007.

James Corbett is an independent journalist who has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He has been writing and producing The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007.[1]


James Corbett is an anarcho-voluntaryist libertarian, agorist, and humanist.[2] Raised in Canada, James Corbett graduated with a B.A. in English from the University of Calgary and an M.Phil in Anglo-Irish Literature from Trinity College, Dublin.[3] In 2004 he began teaching English in Japan where he happened to fall in love, started a family, and stayed there, prolifically producing material for The Corbett Report and for many other online alternative news publishers.[4][5]

Corbett Report

Full article: Corbett Report

The Corbett Report is a podcast which James Corbett began in 2007 and has seen hundreds of episodes. The Corbett Report has been described as "an independent, listener-supported alternative news source" featuring "podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more."

Who is Bill Gates?

In May 2020, James Corbett produced an acclaimed four-part investigation titled Who is Bill Gates?"[6]


Corbett was a contributor to NewsBud,[11] Boiling Frogs Post[12], edited by Sibel Edmonds, and the Centre for Research on Globalisation.[13][14] He has made appearances on RT.[15][16][17] With James Evan Pilato of Media Monarchy, James Corbett co-hosts the podcast New World Next Week[18] and is also an affiliate of the Tragedy and Hope Network[19][20]

Official narrative

In 2015, Wikipedia had a page for The Corbett Report, from June 2015 until 17 November 2015.[21] Corbett introduces himself and speaks about his background, in Episode 163 of The Corbett Report.[22]

“When there is a question mark in the headline, the answer is always no.”
James Corbett (22 October 2021) [citation needed]


Documents by James Corbett

TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Document:How Monsanto silences scientific dissentcommentary3 December 2013File:Toxicity of Roundup and Roundup-tolerant GM maize.pdf
Document:Meet Team TrumpArticle12 November 2016Donald Trump
Reince Priebus
Jared Kushner
Steve Bannon
Michael Flynn
Trump supporters: Will you rally around the party flag as a new crew of neocons and banksters and establishment insiders step into their pre-ordained roles?


Quotes by James Corbett

Bioethics“When you start documenting the history of bioethics, you discover that this is exactly what this field of study is meant to do: To frame the debate about hot button issues so that eugenicist ideals and values can be mainstreamed in society and enacted in law. From abortion to euthanasia, there isn’t a debate in the medical field that wasn’t preceded by some bioethicist or bioethics institute preparing the public for a massive change in mores, morays, values and laws.”25 July 2020
X“The medium is the message, and the message of Twitter is: I hate you.”31 March 2018
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