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Philip Lowe1961AustraliaEconomist
Central banker
Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Allison Macfarlane1964AcademicFormer chairman of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Greg Mankiw3 February 1958
Thomas Massie13 January 1971USPolitician
Andrew McAfee1967USAcademicPrincipal research scientist at MIT, techno-optimist
Mark McClellan26 June 1963USBureaucrat
Big pharma/Lobbyist
Food and Drug Administration Commissioner who "streamlined" regulatory requirements for new drugs. Later made big bucks on boards of Big Pharma companies.
Hans Otto Meyer19252002NorwaySpook
Shipping magnate
Deep state operative
Spooky Norwegian businessman and ship owner whose house was found to have a secret Gladio arms cache in 1978.
David Miliband15 July 1965UKPolitician
UK politician
Nader MousavizadehJuly 1969Banker
Deep state operative
Multitudinous connections to deep state groups. Co-founded Macro Advisory Partners
David Mullins28 April 194626 February 2018USEconomistFederal Reserve economist who moved on to the speculator hedge fund Long Term Capital Management until its spectacular collapse.
Charles Murray8 January 1943USAcademic"One of the most influential social scientists in America", AEI, Bilderberg
Nicholas Negroponte1 December 1943USAcademicFounder of Wired, brother of John Negroponte
Benjamin Netanyahu21 October 1949IsraelAuthor
Deep politician
War criminal
"Terror expert"
Israeli deep politician who has been Prime Minister of Israel
Andrew Ng1976USResearcher
AI researcher interested in big data
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala13 June 1954Nigeria
Deep state functionary
GAVI/SDS connected Nigerian banker, twice Nigeria's Minister of Finance, and possible deep state functionary
Michael Oppenheimer28 February 1946USAcademic
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa23 July 194018 December 2010ItalyBanker
Italian Minister of Economy and Finances, Bilderberg steering committee
Lucas Papademos11 October 1947GreeceCentral bankerBanker and economic hitman who on behalf of international finance implemented severe budget austerity in Greece to establish a debt trap.
Steve Pieczenik7 December 1943USAuthor
Media executive
Highly qualified US government insider turned whistleblower/regime critic.
Kyriakos Pierrakakis1983GreecePolitician
Greek computer and political scientist, politician, and Minister of State and Digital Governance in the Cabinet of Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Attended the 2022 Bilderberg
Tony Podesta24 October 1943Lobbyist
Irénée Du Pont21 December 187619 December 1963USDeep politician
Poisoning the US with tetraethyl lead and other chemicals as head of DuPont. A central figure in the unsuccessful 1934 Business Plot to install a puppet leader in US White House.
Theodore PostolApril 1946USAcademic
Subramanian RanganAcademicAcademic with a heavy WEF AGM habit
John Scott Redd10 September 1944USSpook
Deep state functionary
"Scott Redd may be the most important person you've never heard of."
Tanya ReinhartJuly 194317 March 2007IsraelAuthor
Israeli academic and Anti-Zionist critic both of Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon and its occupation of the Palestinian territories after 1967. Lost her position at Tel Aviv University after bureaucratic harassment
Kenneth Rogoff22 March 1953USEconomist
Chess player
Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund 2001-3, WEF AGM regular
Emma Rothschild16 May 1948UKHistorianPanelist on the discussion Is There Work For All? at the 1985 Bilderberg
Henry Rowen11 October 192512 November 2015Spook
Leader of the RAND Corporation
Pardis Sabeti25 December 1975IranBiologistIranian biologist, YGL 2012, Rhodes Scholar 1997, Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy
Stephanie Seneff20 April 1948USScientist
Senior research scientist at MIT who has warned urgently against glyphosate and mRNA-based COVID vaccines.
Ryan Shapiro1976USActivistA FOIA activist whose work helped expose the Dallas occupy plot.
Barry Sherman2 February 194215 December 2017CanadaBusinesspersonCanadian big pharma businessman found strangled with his wife in 2017.
George Shultz13 December 19206 February 2021Politician
US Cold warrior who attended the 1984 Washington Conference on International Terrorism
Aafia Siddiqui2 March 1972PakistanScientistAmerican-educated Pakistani cognitive neuroscientist, tortured and raped for years by US forces, now serving a life sentence after a trial of a highly questionable nature.
Alfred Sloan23 May 187517 February 1966USBusinessperson
Gordon Smith19 July 1941CanadaDiplomat
Attended Bilderberg 1988 as Canadian Permanent Representative to NATO.
Guy M. SnodgrassUSPilot
Deep state operative
Richard Stallman16 March 1953Activist
Joseph Stiglitz9 February 1943Whistleblower
"The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold"
Lawrence Summers30 November 1954USSpook
Deep state operative
US Deep State actor "I've always thought that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted"
John Sununu2 July 1939USEngineerNew Hampshire Governor, Attended the 1990 Bilderberg, lived large as White House Chief of Staff
Akihiko Tanaka7 August 1954JapanAcademic
Deep state actor
Japanese deep state actor, GLT 1995, Trilateral Commission/Asia Pacific Chairman
Laura D'Andrea Tyson28 June 1947USAcademic
American economist. She worked in the Clinton Administration.
John Zysman1946USAcademic