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Group.png Palestine  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
LocationMiddle East
TypeUnited Nations Members.svg nation state
Interest ofMax Blumenthal, Dan Cohen, Jonathan Cook, Andrew Feinstein, Jacob de Haan, Hamas, Jeremy R. Hammond, HonestReporting, Rania Khalek, Gideon Markuszower, Alison Weir, Hilary Wise
Member ofArab League, International Criminal Court

Palestine, recognised officially as the State of Palestine by the United Nations and other entities, is a de jure sovereign state[1][2] in Western Asia claiming the West Bank (bordering Israel and Jordan) and Gaza Strip (bordering Israel and Egypt)[3] with Jerusalem as the designated capital, although its administrative centre is currently located in Ramallah.

The entirety of the State of Palestine has been occupied since 1948, first by Egypt and Jordan and then by Israel after the Six-Day War in 1967.[4] Palestine has a population of 5,051,953 as of February 2020, ranked 121st in the world.[5]


An example

Page nameDescription
Two-state solutionPrivate Eye's two-state solution in October 2023: A state of war... and a state of more war


Related Quotations

2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War“There had already been a significant increase in violence by Israeli settlers this year, even before the Hamas attack, according to UN data, with more than 100 incidents reported each month and about 400 people driven from their land between January and August.

Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem told the BBC that since the attack, it had documented "a concerted and organised effort by settlers to use the fact that the entire international and local attention is focused on Gaza and the north of Israel to try to seize land in the West Bank". Partial data compiled by B'Tselem, covering the first six days after the Hamas attack, recorded at least 46 separate incidents in which it said settlers threatened, physically attacked or damaged the property of Palestinians in the West Bank.

"A lot of shepherding families and communities have fled because they were threatened in the past week by settlers," said Roy Yellin, a spokesman for B'Tselem. "Settlers have been giving residents a deadline to leave and telling them if they don't they will be harmed. And some villages have been totally emptied out."”
Joel Gunter
George Carlin“Sanctity of life. You believe in it? Personally, I think it’s a bunch of shit. Well, I mean, life is sacred? Who said so? God? Hey, if you read history, you realize that God is one of the leading causes of death. Has been for thousands of years. Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Christians all taking turns killing each other ‘cause God told them it was a good idea. The sword of God, the blood of the land, vengeance is mine. Millions of dead motherfuckers. Millions of dead motherfuckers all because they gave the wrong answer to the God question. “You believe in God?” “No.” Boom. Dead. “You believe in God?” “Yes.” “You believe in my God? “No.” Boom. Dead. “My God has a bigger dick than your God!” Thousands of years. Thousands of years, and all the best wars, too. The bloodiest, most brutal wars fought, all based on religious hatred.”George Carlin
Election/Fraud“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake. And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.”Hillary Clinton2006
Sigrid Kaag“Happily there were pro-Israeli demonstrators in Tel-Aviv that said the road of Benjamin Netanyahu, that soundbite, with an almost racist demagogue.... about the Palestinian peace-partner that has been isolated. But look at their environments, day in, day out, 1 million people are prisoners.”Sigrid Kaag10 June 1996
Daniel Pipes“There can be either an Israel or a Palestine, but not both. To think that two states can stably and peacefully coexist in the small territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is to be either naive or duplicitous. If the last seventy years teach anything, it is that there can be only one state west of the Jordan River. Therefore, to those who ask why the Palestinians must be deprived of a state, the answer is simple: grant them one and you set in motion a chain of events that will lead either to its extinction or the extinction of Israel.”Daniel PipesApril 1990



1948 Palestine war
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas WarHamas attack on dozens of illegal Israeli settlements in Southern Israel provoking mass retaliatory killings by Israel. Corporate media call it the Israeli "9-11", while critics of Israel refer to "10-7" as a staged, military operation in order to manufacture consent for a disproportionate response.
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War/October 7Hamas attacks Israeli settlements in Southern Israel, mass raping and abducting, which get called an Israeli "9-11" by CCM. The NYT and Al Jazeera claimed the Israeli government knew of the impending attack, ignored warnings, shot some of their own civilians, made up several stories and used the resulting increased death toll to go on a revenge killing spree in the 2023 Israeli invasion of Gaza.
Bombing of the King David Hotel
Itamar attack



Palestinian Liberation Organisation


Citizens of Palestine on Wikispooks

Ziad Abu-Amr1950Double Bilderberger Palestinian leader who attended Georgetown
Hussain Hashem Al-Hussaini9 September 1965
Nihad Awad1964
David Ben-Gurion16 October 18861 December 1973
Levi Eshkol25 October 189526 February 1969
Ahmed Jibril19387 July 2021
Mohammed Nashashibi192527 January 2020Finance minister in Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority, went to the 2001 Bilderberg
Abu NidalMay 1937August 2002Terrorist known for his attacks creating spectacularly a bad image for the Palestinian cause. Was probably recruited by the Mossad, and for decades used to commit assassinations and bombings under false flag.
Edward Said1 November 193524 September 2003


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