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Page nameStartedURLDescription
TruNews to Wikipedia and the ADL, an "anti-semitic" website which has received press credentials by the the Trump administration.
True Pundit
TruePublica2012 independent media website.
Truthstream Media internet based, independent media outlet.
Tucker Carlson Tonight14 November 2016 most-watched program on cable news
Twitch6 June 2011 is an American video live streaming service; mainly used for video games.
UK ColumnJanuary 2006http://www.ukcolumn.orgAn independent media source based in UK.
UnHerd21 July 2017 online magazine; "hosting alternative viewpoints to a mainstream audience". Does however financially tie in with the George Soros network.
Unlimited Hangout investigative website created by Whitney Webb
Unwelcome Guests10 March 2000http://www.UnwelcomeGuests.net1500 hours of highly recommended dissident thought, indexed by category and author.
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Vera Graziadei blogJune 2014 of Vera Graziadei
Veterans Todayhttp://www.veteranstoday.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
Vice News2013 us/newsWarmongering agenda, with skateboards
Vimeo video sharing platform.
Vineyard of the Saker19 May 2007 analysis demonstrating particular expertise on Russia and the Middle East
Voltaire Network24 August 2005' Voltaire Network'. Paris-based, Multilingual, creative commons licensed
Voz de Aztlan11 July 1997
War Is A Crime
Washington's Blog2009*/
We've Read The Documents
Webcrawler.comhttps://www.webcrawler.comMeta search engine
Westminster Journal
What Really Happened1999
Whiteout Press2011
WhoWhatWhyhttp://whowhatwhy.orgEstablishment sceptic user submitted news site, started by Russ Baker.
WikiAlpha Page
Wikidata2012 database for Wikipedia
Wikileaks4 October 2006http://www.Wikileaks.orgInternationally famous leaks site that has published millions of classified and other documents.
Wikimedia Foundation20 June 2003 of Wikipedia
Wikipedia15 January 2001 vast, one of a kind, multi-language, multi-editor encyclopaedia.
Wikipediocracyhttp://wikipediocracy.comA website for discussion and criticism of Wikipedia.
Wikiquotehttp://www.wikiquote.orgA wiki of quotes, from the wikimedia foundation
Wikiscanner2007 public database that live scanned and cross-checked IP-adresses of Wikipedia editors. It turned out in the few years it ran that many topics were actively edited and monitored by deep state fractions, spooks, royals, US Senators, corporations and even the NSA, FBI and CIA themselves. WEF Member and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales called it a "good site for transparency" but did nothing when the owner went broke and pulled the site from the internet.
Wings Over Scotland2011 for Scotland blog
WinterWatchJune 2016
World Socialist Web Site22 January 1998 World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the leadership of the world socialist movement, the Fourth International founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938.
WorldNetDaily1997http://www.wnd.comChristian conservative news aggregation site
Worldnewsdailyreport.com2013"Where facts don't matter"
X21 March 2006https://twitter.comTwitter is a social media service.
Yacy2003https://yacy.netAn open source decentralised web crawler
Yahoo!January 1994https://yahoo.comOld search engine and web company