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     Page name     InterestsBornDiedDescription
Bankole Timothy3 July 192320 June 1994
Jürgen TodenhöferIslamic State12 November 1940
Metin Toker192418 July 2002Turkish journalist and writer, and son in law of President İsmet İnönü. Attended the 1982 Bilderberg meeting.
Leo Tolstoy9 September 182820 November 1910
Hans TolzinVaccine
Spanish flu
1958German journalist and author with a focus on vaccines and health.
Ricky Tomlinson26 September 1939
Steve ToppleUK journalist who revealed how Portland Communications manufactured the #LabourCoup against Jeremy Corbyn.
Bertil Torekull16 October 1931Swedish journalist who attended the 1990 Bilderberg
Ola TunanderDeep politics
Deep state
Deep event
19 November 1948A Norwegian Academic and author of a lot of material relating to the Deep State.
Tracy TwymanMind control
Knights Templars
The Holy Grail
28 August 1978July 2019An investigator into claims of paedophilia in Hollywood. She was found dead in 2019. A posthumously released video details death threats made against her.
Craig Unger25 March 1949Wrote an op-ed for the Boston Globe demanding answers from the 9/11 Commission on who gave permission for Saudi nationals to leave the United States.
Mark Urban26 January 1961
Leon Uris3 August 192421 June 2003US author and propagandist for Israel. Probably made propaganda for the CIA as well.
Douglas ValentineDeep politics
"War on Drugs"
Phoenix Program
Dan van der Vat28 October 1939
Walter VeithSecret society
Catholic Church
Society of Jesus
Walter Veltroni3 July 1955Italian politician. His candidacy in the 2008 general elections obtained 33.17% of the votes, but failed to take the government.
Charles Viar1952US spook and author
Gore Vidal3 October 192531 July 2012
Stephen Vines
André Vltchek196322 September 2020Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist.
Kurt Vonnegut11 November 192211 April 2007
Carol Vorderman24 December 1960
Ed Vulliamy1 August 1954
Jackie Walker10 April 1954
James Warburg18 August 18963 June 1969
John Ware
R. Gordon WassonPsilocybin22 September 189823 December 1986
Ben J. Wattenberg"Terrorism"26 August 193328 June 2015Democratic Party Cold War hardliner that moved to neoconservatism during the 1970s.
Whitney WebbCIA
US/Deep state
Operation Warp Speed
Jeffrey Epstein/Affair
17 October 1992Investigative journalist who has published many aspects of The Deep State
Alan J. WebermanJFK Assassination26 May 1945Coauthored an important book on the JFK Assassination.
George Weigel1951
Tim Weiner20 June 1956
Alison WeirIsrael
8 July 1951Executive Director of If Americans Knew
Harold WeisbergJFK Assassination8 April 191321 February 2002
Eyal WeizmanJuly 1970
Orson Welles6 May 191510 October 1985
H. G. WellsNew world order21 September 186613 August 1946English science fiction writer and futurist
Diana WestRobert Malone
Soviet influence operations
8 November 1961
John W. WhiteheadAmerican fascism1946
Elie Wiesel30 September 19282 July 2016
Leon Wieseltier14 June 1952
Simon Wiesenthal31 December 190820 September 2005
John Wight
Andy Wightman29 May 1963
George Will4 May 1941US political commentator, spoke at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism on "Calculating the Public Interest".
Paul WilliamsOperation Gladio
Vatican City
Islamic State
Susan WilliamsDag Hammarskjöld
Peter Lamborn WilsonTemporary autonomous zones1945
Naomi Wolf"COVID-19/Vaccine"12 November 1962American feminist widely criticised after dissenting from a lot of official narratives, subject of hit pieces including a 416 page book by Naomi Klein.