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     Page name     InterestsBornDiedDescription
Mariana MazzucatoCOVID-19/Lockdown
Climate lockdown
16 June 1968Economist who attended the 2018 Bilderberg meeting. A shill for Big Pharma, she also advocates climate lockdowns.
Terry McAuliffe9 February 1957Virginia politician. Attended two Bilderbergs.
Eleanor McBeanVaccine
Spanish flu
12 September 19056 June 1989
Joseph McBrideJ. D. Tippit/Murder
Orson Welles
Frank Capra
9 August 1947The first to discover documentary evidence that George H. W. Bush was an undercover CIA operative.
Barr McClellanGlobalisation
JFK Assassination
David McGowanThe Pedophocracy
Project MKUltra
Boston Marathon bombings
Apollo program
The Finders
Lincoln assassination
Serial killer
25 March 196023 November 2015A dogged researcher into the vast deceptions of power since well before 9-ll. McGowan has solid claim to being The First 9-11 Sceptic
John McMurtryJohn McMurtry is a professor of philosophy at Guelph university and a Fellow of the Canadian Royal Society
Sean McPhilemyJournalist and documentary film maker who revealed a secret Northern Irish death squad led by prominent Loyalist leaders of society
Norris McWhirter12 August 192519 April 2004
Betty MedsgerFBI
J. Edgar Hoover
James Meek1962Former Moscow bureau chief for the Guardian
Thomas Patrick Melady4 March 19276 January 2014
Joan MellenJFK/Assassination
Johnny Mercer17 August 1981MSC YL soldier politician
Alexander MercourisGeopolitics
Michael Mertes26 March 1953
Thomas MertonPeace
US/Deep state
31 January 191510 December 1968An anti-war monk who referred to the US Deep state as "the unspeakable".
Thierry MeyssanFalse flag
Operation Gladio
US/Deep state
US/Foreign policy
18 May 1957Thierry Meyssan is a French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference.
Judy Mikovits
Hugh MilesMiddle East1977Freelance journalist and author
Kris MilleganDeep politics
Deep state
Secret society
Skull and Bones
Worked with Anthony Sutton to republish America's Secret Establishment and established TrineDay.
Judith Miller2 January 1948Carried the can for the fraudulent story about Iraq's WMD
Mark Crispin MillerPropaganda
Corporate media
"Conspiracy theory"
1949A professor of journalism and prominent critic of commercially-controlled media
C. Wright Mills28 August 191620 March 1962A sociologist who helped expose the US Ruling class
Mark MinnieVIPaedophile14 August 2018A paedophile investigator shot dead nine days after publishing a book about a 1980s VIPaedophile network involving members of the South African government
Fritz Molden8 April 192411 January 2014Austrian journalist, publisher, diplomat who attended 2 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
George Monbiot27 January 1963Turns a Nelson's eye to uncomfortable events.
Santa Montefiore2 February 1970British author married to historian Simon Sebag Montefiore and sister of socialite Tara Palmer-Tomkinson.
Michael MooreConsumerism23 April 1954American documentary film-maker and author, called talking about the 9-11 NORAD stand-down "'un-American".
John MorganDiana Spencer/Premature death195719 November 2015An investigative journalist who has written a series of books about the death of Diana Princess of Wales which convincingly demonstrate that her death was NOT accidental
Piers Morgan30 March 1965Well known British journalist and TV personality.
Vasco Graça Moura3 January 194227 April 2014Portuguese lawyer, writer, translator and politician
Dambisa Moyo2 February 1969Goldman Sachs, World Bank, double Bilderberger, WEF Young Global Leader, Baroness
Malcolm Muggeridge24 March 190314 November 1990
Eustace Mullins9 March 19232 February 2010
Jack MurphyAmerican soldier turned author.
Craig Murray17 October 1958A UK ambassador to Uzbekistan who stood up and did the right thing when confronted with evidence of torture. Smeared and dismissed by the UK deep state, he continues his activism exposing Establishment lies and hypocrisy.
Douglas Murray16 July 1979A neocon "terror expert"
Chester A. Nagle18 June 191920 January 2001US Deep state operative, CIA, member of Task Group Alpha, an associate of Ted Shackley
Maajid NawaazCOVID-19/Resistance2 November 1977British activist; former Islamist. Critical of the ON around COVID.
Mahdi Darius NazemroayaNATO
Middle East
Central Asia
Independent journalist and author
Jawaharlal Nehru14 November 188927 May 1964
Edith Nesbit15 August 18584 May 1924Author and one of the founders of the Fabian Society.
Benjamin Netanyahu21 October 1949Israeli deep politician who has been Prime Minister of Israel
John Newhouse6 February 192910 December 2016US journalist who attended the 1967, 1973 and 1978 Bilderbergs
Christopher Nicholson5 February 1945Retired South African High Court Judge, prolific author
Marcello Ferrada de Noli25 July 1943Swedish/Chilean doctor noted for his public defense of Julian Assange, exposing the false flag gas attacks in Syria and the Skripal case.
Ben NortonForeign policyAmerican journalist.
Richard Norton-Taylor4 June 1944Writer for The Guardian on defence and security matters
Peter NorvigArtificial intelligence14 December 1956