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Group.png WHO   WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Flag of WHO.svg
AbbreviationWHO, OMS
Parent organizationUN
HeadquartersGeneva, Switzerland
LeaderWorld Health Organization/Director-General
Type Specialized agency of the United Nations
Interest ofAgnès Buzyn, Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, Bob Lee, Peter Salama
Member ofFriends of Europe, Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact
Sponsored byBill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation
Exposed byAstrid Stuckelberger
WHO/Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development
WHO/Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health

Official narrative

A specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health.

1964 Declaration of Helsinki

The World Health Organization's Declaration of Helsinki in 1964 gave legal force to the sentiment expressed by the 1946 Nuremberg Code, that to be ethical medical research should not seek to harm its subjects and should seek their informed consent. This was ignored by those in charge of the U.S. Public Health Service's Tuskegee syphilis experiment, finally exposed after 40 years when Peter Buxtun went to the press with details.


The WHO has been accused of "persistent wasteful spending, utter disregard for transparency, pervasive incompetence, and failure to adhere to even basic democratic standards".[1] In 2017 AP reported that the WHO "routinely has spent about $200 million a year on travel expenses" while it spent about $71 million on AIDS and hepatitis, $61 million to malaria and $59 million for tuberculosis.[2] A research paper from 2015 lays out that a number of the drugs and vaccines recommended by WHO, especially drugs used in psychiatry, in meta analysis of independent studies are found to be harmful and without significant clinical effect.[3]

Ongoing Depleted Uranium cover up

Project Censored wrote in 2014 that "The World Health Organization continues to suppress evidence uncovered in Iraq that US military use of depleted uranium (DU) and other weapons have not only killed many civilians but are also the cause of an epidemic of birth defects and other public health issues. By refusing to release the report publicly, the WHO effectively protects the US military and its government from accountability for the resulting public health catastrophe."[4]


In the past, WHO acted more often than not as lobby for Big Pharma, particularly pressing for large scale vaccination. Influenced among other players by:[5][6]

80% of the total budget comes from private sources, mostly Big Pharma related.[8]

Disinformation and the 2009 H1N1 Hoax

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, March 6, 2020: „Coronavirus: Remember the ‘Fake’ 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency“

“It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan.

(...) The WHO did not act to reassure and inform World public opinion. Quite the opposite: A “Fear Pandemic” rather than a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) was launched. Outright panic and uncertainty were sustained through a carefully designed media disinformation campaign. (...) An atmosphere of fear and intimidation prevailed. The data was manipulated. (...) Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”:

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010)”
Michel Chossudovsky (March 6, 2020)  [9]


An event carried out

Catastrophic ContagionBrussels
An preparation exercise laying the groundwork for a "pandemic" for two areas that largely avoided the "Covid jab" - children and the continent of Africa.


A Document by WHO

TitleDocument typeSubject(s)
File:Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual.pdfWikispooks PageCOVID-19/Censorship
COVID-19/Media Manipulation


Quotes by WHO

Remdesivir“WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.”20 November 2020WHO
WHO/Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health“The TAG is composed of renowned experts representing a broad range of disciplines relevant to behavioural insights and sciences, including psychology, behavioural economics, anthropology, social marketing and more. The group also brings together extensive experience in designing and implementing national health policies and programmes informed by behavioural insights and sciences; in evaluating the impact of behaviourally informed public health initiatives in low- and middle-income countries; and in setting up or running behavioural insights units in organizations.

WHO published the open call for experts in February 2020, soliciting proposals for members to serve on its TAG to inform the work of WHO’s newly established Behavioural Insights and Sciences Initiative. The group will provide expert advice for the development of a road map for WHO to define a mechanism to systematically include behavioural evidence in its work and in national health policies and programme planning. The recommendations of the expert group will be addressed to WHO across the three levels of the Organization (HQ, regional, and country offices). The TAG shall have the following functions:

  1. Advise WHO on how to adopt behavioural insights and science perspectives to support WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work and how to identify priority areas for implementation within WHO and in Member States;
  2. Make recommendations to WHO for the development of an operational framework for the mainstreaming of behavioural insights and sciences into WHO operations, particularly in the area of providing technical advice on national health policies and programme planning;
  3. Advise WHO on potential challenges and risks for the Organization related to the recommendations made by the TAG.”


Related Quotations

"Conspiracy theorist"German Business News: You dedicate a whole chapter to the Bilderbergers. What influence do the Bilderbergers really exert?

Jürgen Roth: Compared to the "round tables" I described, their influence is rather small. What stands out among the Bilderbergers is not so much the secrecy or the strict isolation in luxury enclaves, but who the initiators are. They are US banks and US corporations, as well as the Deutsche Bank. At its core, it is a kind of neoliberal think tank, whose members sometimes have a rather obscure biography. And they try, with more or less great success, to win over politicians who are well-disposed towards them and their goals. These in turn feel flattered when they are invited. And it is particularly revealing that only representatives of neo-liberalism are invited. Critics of capitalism will not be found there.

German Business News: Where is the line between real power and conspiracy theory? You criticize the network of the "Round Tables". What is behind it?

Jürgen Roth: There is no conspiracy theory, only the conspiracy of a small, exclusive, European, economic and political elite against the social and democratic state. Their goal is clearly an ideological revolution, the widespread implementation of a free, untamed market economy. Ulisses Garrido, the former Portuguese trade union leader and current director of the Education Department of the European Trade Union Confederation, is far from any conspiracy theory. He explained it to me like this: "What is to be achieved is a complete change in society, without the population having any say in the matter. It is undoubtedly a silent coup."


Jürgen Roth: The purpose of this silent coup is also the privatization of all state enterprises, or state or municipal real estate. The Deutsche Bank demands this particularly strongly. Companies are sold off at a ridiculous price, often to the favoured of the ruling political system. Vital areas such as education, health and social services are privatized, as in Portugal or Greece. What is practiced here is the expropriation of national property. I don't even want to know how much criminally gained capital has been invested in Greece, Spain or Portugal.”
Jürgen Roth
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten
24 May 2014
Nighat Arif“Will the covid vaccine affect my fertility? There is absolutely no evidence that Covid-19/Vaccines can affect the fertility of a woman or a man there is very strong data that shows that men and women have gone on to fall pregnant after having both doses of the vaccine there's no need to avoid pregnancy after vaccination as the vaccine cannot give your baby COVID-19. The British Fertility Society and the World Health Organization and the JCVI have all looked at the latest data and research and they say that the vaccines are safe and encourage everyone to please take the vaccine when you are offered.”Nighat Arif24 May 2021
Margaret ChanLilian Franck: Important donor nations they want a weak WHO. One could even compare WHO to Titanic I would say. So isn't it your responsibility, Dr Chan, to step down before the end of your 2nd term, in order to signal to the world that your organisation, your ship, is sinking.

Margaret Chan: You ask an excellent question. If I tell you, WHO as an organisation, only 30 percent of my budget is predictable funds. Other 70 percent I have to take a hat and go around the world, to beg for money. And when they give us the money, they are highly linked to their preferences, what they like. It may not be the priority of WHO. So if we do not solve this, you know (hand gesture), we are not going to be as great as we were.”
Margaret Chan
Lilian Franck
11 October 2015
Jeremy Farrar“There is no peacetime any more...Preparedness and readiness is a constant and needs to be part of the fabric of society... My preference would be to streamline the architecture of global health with the WHO in the middle of the web, convening, advising, guiding and providing an emergency response... Crumbs from the table will not cut it in the era of pandemics.”Jeremy Farrar2021
Imperial College London“For the core conspirators, their control of global health authorities meant the pseudopandemic progressed smoothly. The UK State, along with the rest, doffed their caps, believed everything Imperial College and the WHO told them, asked no questions, and set about destroying their own nation and the people who lived in it.”Iain Davis2021
Malaria“The growing dominance of malaria research by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation risks stifling a diversity of views among scientists and wiping out the health agency’s policy-making function”Arata Kochi2008
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies“The lack of complete transparency has echoes of the way the World Health Organisation operated during the 2009 swine flu crisis, when it refused to disclose the names of the scientists it relied on for advice.”'Investigations Team'24 April 2020
Astrid Stuckelberger“The WHO is not the same organization as before. WHO has changed since I was there...There was a change in 2016...It was special: Non-governmental organizations - such as GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization - led by Bill Gates - they joined the WHO in 2006 with a fund. Since then, the WHO has developed into a new type of international organization. GAVI gained more and more influence, and total immunity, more than the diplomats in the UN. GAVI can do exactly what they want, the police can do nothing.”Astrid Stuckelberger



UNAIDS/Programme Coordinating Board/Meeting/43A Geneva meeting of the 43rd Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS



Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationVery influential and rich foundation established to take leadership of global health.
Clinton Foundation


Events Participated in

2021 Monkeypox Tabletop ExerciseA 2021 biological exercise which (presciently) predicted the monkeypox pandemic which started in mid May 2022
Pacific Eclipse9 December 201910 December 2019Washington DC
December 2019 pandemic planning exercise. Using mathematical modelling to create scary-sounding predictions for a smallpox epidemic, the real purpose of the exercise was to indoctrinate the participants from 200 organizations in the necessity of coerced "interventions" to avoid a doomsday scenario. The indoctrination came to fruition during the fake official narrative during Covid.


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:The official death toll in Gaza is a lie. The casualty numbers are far, far higherWikispooks Page31 July 2024Jonathan CookIn July 2024, researchers to The Lancet medical journal very conservatively estimated that the total number of Gazans who will die over the coming months – not just from bombs but as a result of the lack of medical care, insanitary conditions and famine – is 186,000, or 8 per cent of the population.
Document:Was there a Wuhan lab leak?blog post1 June 2021Jonathan CookNo meaningful lessons will be learnt about what really happened in Wuhan. Maintaining the illusion of truth will continue to take precedence over uncovering the truth. And for that reason we are doomed to keep making the same screw-ups. As the next pandemic will doubtless attest.


A document sourced from WHO

File:Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual.pdfWikispooks PageCOVID-19/Censorship
COVID-19/Media Manipulation
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