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Concept.png Disaster/Preparation
(Paranoia?,  Social engineering,  Population_control)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Interest of• Federal Emergency Management Agency
• US/Department/Homeland Security
The tendency in the 21st century is to institutionalize and roll over various local and international "states of emergency" making them suspiciously permanent.

Preparation for Disasters and Emergencies includes CoG, emergency legislation, suspension of democracy, social control, crowd control and importantly funding with special financial instruments. The tendency in the 21st century is to institutionalize and roll over various local and international "states of emergency" making them suspiciously permanent.

Another important tendency is to prepare for disasters which occur with statistical predictability from time to time in such a way, that the pre-planned reaction to the event is more harmful than the actual disaster itself when it happens.

In other words, in some types of disasters the enemy image is drastically inflated, demonized and not unlike wars, arms races are promoted. But similar to drug overdose in medical care, overreaction might be fatal, when such a paranoid ideation prevails. Analysts of deep statecraft come to the uncomfortable conclusion, that such an outcome must have been intended in some cases, when in hindsight the long term orchestrated effort comes to the surface.


Preparation for and reaction to Disasters includes funding with special financial instruments, i.e. governments accepting debts and central banks printing money. These funds flow toward tax exempt foundations and profiteers from crisis (deemed system relevant), who lobbied for preparation in the first place. Consequently, all sorts of crisis are seen as catalytic events for monopolizing power, control and profits by these NGOs and businesses.

This self-enforcing mechanism is known as moral hazard in financial theory, resulting in reduced risks for investors.

When the "solution" is the problem

Moral hazard is an example, when the proposed financial "solution" makes matters worse in the long run. Vaccines may kill more people than the disease, aerosols may cause climate change rather than prevent it, drugs sales increase in the face of hard-nosed prohibitions and "terrorism" might well be the result of the "war" against it. Paul Watzlawick attributes this phenomenon to common thinking errors in humans[1], but it might as well be a strategy for manipulating the masses, as Berne described it in the popular game: I'm only trying to help you!.[2]

Taken one step further, peace-makers and critics may then be accused of being irresponsible, immoral, unpatriotic or insane for not recognizing the imminent urgency and danger. Paranoid psychopaths and criminals will go as far as to "prove their point" by "making it happen on purpose"[3] (Daniele Ganser). As Putin put it: "I would have found WMD's." (Regarding Colin Powell's failure to produce evidence for a casus belli to invade Iraq).

Dual Security Structure

Full article: Terrorism/Preparation#Dual_Security_Structure

The US developed a ‘dual security structure’ that included both defensive forces and offensive units that would regularly challenge the defensive force structures. Such dramatic operations are conducted as realistic exercises (‘train as you fight’), but in the mass media they are presented as enemy attacks or intrusions. [4]

In 2000, US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger confirmed that "... the US had specifically tasked units to play the role of enemy forces. These would secretly attack Western defenses worldwide in order to ‘regularly’ and ‘frequently’ test their capabilities and increase their state of readiness (...) and all this was done on a regular basis and on an agreed upon basis." [4]

Need to know basis

"Big" exercises may have smaller ones under its umbrella. The date might be picked according to foreknowledge of impending disasters to make the drill more realistic. Hand picked military personal might know, but even governments are kept in the dark: In 2020, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (slip of the tongue) tacitly admits in a somewhat contradictory statement that the COVID-19 is a “Live Exercise”, an “Operation”:

“This is not about retribution,... This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.” To which president Trump retorted “you should have told us”. [5]

COVID-19 as "exercise"?

Based on a compartmentalized need to know basis, larger prep effords may contain smaller exercises under its umbrella, realistically simulating threats. Politicians as well as the general public may be unaware of the real nature and blurring of boundaries between real disasters and prep effords.

In a leaked internal report[6] Germany’s Ministry of the Interior speaks of a global false alarm, with the significance to highlight vulnerabilities and weaknesses of critical intrasructure in case of a "real pandemic"(p. 2 of the report) or real emergency. COVID-19 is labeled as a test case for perparedness and resiliance in case of a "bioterrorist attack", the report cites UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. [7][8]



Page nameDescription
"Bailout"A globally organised shift of money from ordinary taxpayers to the already hyper-rich who control the banking and political systems.
"Continuity of Government"A plan for undermining and infiltrating government, activated by the US Deep state on 9-11
"Emergency legislation"Purportedly only to be used in "emergencies", this is a recurring element of deep state tactics
"Protect the NHS"A slogan used in Great Britain to justify government actions around the NHS during COVID-19.
"Terrorism/Preparation"Terror drills are part of the "war on terror". In theory, they help defend against "terrorists". In practice, they are also used to stage false flag events. This article notes that many such events seem to coincide with or immediately presage actual attacks.
9-11/DrillsA remarkable number of terror drills occured in the US on or around the day of 9-11, including drills about the hijacking of planes and the flying them into buildings. This is agreed by many 9-11 researchers to have been an obfuscation tactic, and to have hindered response to the real attacks.
Biological weapon/Preparation
Chemical warfare/Preparation
Civil unrest/Preparation
Climate change/Preparation
Cyber PolygonExercises arranged by the World Economic Forum to simulate a collapse of the internet
Cyberattack/PreparationPreparation for Cyber attacks includes "simulations" to recognize "central points of vulnerability"
Cyberterrorism/PreparationPreparation for Cyberterrorism includes stepping up internet surveillance of the general public and censorship.
Exercise CygnusSimulation exercise to estimate the impact of a hypothetical H2N2 influenza pandemic in the UK. One of the purposes of the scenario prepared by experts from Imperial College London was to overcome Whitehall skepticism of their earlier absolutely wrong epidemic forecasting, and to drill politicians to make certain prepared responses in case of an emergency. Held October 2016.
Human experimentationExamples of unethical "human subject research" abound.
In the DarkUS Army War College exercise looking into a catastrophic failure of the electrical grid and electronic devices due to EMP or solar storm. Held September 2010.
National Emergencies ActBasis for later coup d'état legislation and CoG activation
Nuclear disaster/Preparation
Operation Dark WinterAn exercise where senior former officials would respond to a bioterrorist induced national security crisis. Uncannily predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks and other narratives. Held June 2001.
Planning exercise
Toxic DaggerThe largest chemical warfare exercise in the UK, coinciding with the Skripal Affair. Held February 2018.
War on Drugs/Preparation


Related Quotations

"Climate change"“we came up with the idea that ... global warming ... and the like, would fit the bill.”Alexander King
Club of Rome
Bertrand Schneider
Biological weapon“The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus features a so-called furin cleavage site (FCS), which makes the virus more infectious and virulent than it would otherwise be. Such an FCS is not known in any other SARS-like coronavirus, but it is often inserted as part of gain-of-function studies in virus research. However, similar FCS are known to occur in non-SARS-like coronaviruses, hence a natural origin cannot be excluded based on this. The furin cleavage site found in SARS-CoV-2 uses an arginine (amino acid) double codon, which is rather rare in natural coronaviruses, but quite common in engineered viruses used in lab experiments (...)”
Peter Power“POWER: Today we were running an exercise for a company - bearing in mind I'm now in the private sector - and we sat everybody down, in the city - 1,000 people involved in the whole organisation - but the crisis team. And the most peculiar thing was, we based our scenario on the simultaneous attacks on an underground and mainline station. So we had to suddenly switch an exercise from 'fictional' to 'real'. And one of the first things is, get that bureau number, when you have a list of people missing, tell them. And it took a long time -

INTERVIEWER: Just to get this right, you were actually working today on an exercise that envisioned virtually this scenario?

POWER: Er, almost precisely. I was up to 2 o'clock this morning, because it's our job, my own company. Visor Consultants, we specialise in helping people to get their crisis management response. How do you jump from 'slow time' thinking to 'quick time' doing? And we chose a scenario - with their assistance - which is based on a terrorist attack because they're very close to, er, a property occupied by Jewish businessmen, they're in the city, and there are more American banks in the city than there are in the whole of New York - a logical thing to do. And it, I've still got the hair....”
Peter Power7 July 2005
Peter Power“HOST: How do you effectively provide security on an underground system?

POWER: You're quite right. Security at the very best is proportionate, it'll never ever be absolute. The thing that concerns me is that what are we doing for the thousands of men and women actually who are in London working. And I say that because at half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.
HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but [if] they're listening they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.”
Peter Power7 July 2005
Peter Power“There has been much nonsense written about why my company ran an exercise on 7 July 2005 that had very close parallels to the real thing that day. Since then I have made several attempts to add my own comments to numerous sites that seem to get increasingly excited about their own conspiracy theories and in the process exclude any rational debate. It seems those who occupy the world of finding conspiracy theories to replace just about any coincidence, do not want to have any dialogue with those offering a different view, but I have not yet given up hope. I am therefore hoping, perhaps naively, that someone might like to read an honest and factual account about a particular exercise my company ran in London three years ago.

Unfortunately, the BBC had postponed in 2008 a programme in their ‘conspiracy files’ series that would have done this. Our client three years ago agreed to be named in the BBC programme since the attitude of the producer and his team was very balanced (several conspiracy theorists were also invited to take part). We even allowed our complete exercise material to be made available to the BBC. Regrettably broadcasting in 2008 might have jeopardised an ongoing court case, so they had little choice about postponing it to 2009.

Early in 2005 Reed Elsevier, an organisation specialising in information and publishing that employs 1,000 people in and around London, asked us to help them prepare an effective crisis management plan and rehearse it before sign-off. Several draft scenarios were drawn up and the crisis team themselves set the exercise date and time: 9.00am on 7 July.

The test was planned as a table-top walk through for about six people (the CM team) in a lecture room with all injects simulated. Everything was on MS PowerPoint. The location of their Central London office near to Chancery Lane was chosen as one test site. With many staff travelling to work via the London underground system, the chosen exercise simulated incendiary devices on three trains, very similar to a real IRA attack in 1992, as well as other events.

As there had been eighteen terrorist bomb attacks on tube trains prior to 2005, choosing the London Underground was logical rather than just prescient. With this in mind it was hardly surprising that Deutsche Bank had run a similar exercise a few days before and, prior to that, a multi-agency (and much publicised) exercise code-named Osiris II had simulated a terrorist attack at Bank tube station. Moreover, I had also taken part in a BBC Panorama programme in 2004 as a panellist alongside Michael Portillo MP et al, in an unscripted debate (we had no idea at all what the scenario was to be?) on how London might once again, deal with terrorist attacks, only this time it was fictional (created entirely by the BBC).

In short, some of the research for our exercise had already been done. The scenario developed for our client even started by using fictitious news items from the Panorama programme then, as with any walk through exercise, events unfolded solely on a screen as dictated by the facilitator without any external injects or actions beyond the exercise room. Also factored into the scenario was to be an above ground fictitious bomb exploding not far from the head office of the protected Jewish Chronicle magazine where for exercise purposes, our imagined terrorists would have been aware that commuters would now be walking to work (past a building already considered a target) as some tube stations would have been closed.

Of just eight nearby tube stations that fell within possible exercise scope, three were chosen that, by coincidence, were involved in the awful drama that actually took place on 7 July 2005. A level of scenario validation that on this occasion, we could have done without.

An exercise that turns into the real thing is not that unusual. For example, in January 2003, thirty people were injured when a tube train derailed and hit a wall at speed. At the same time, the City of London Police were running an exercise for their central casualty bureau where the team quickly abandoned their plans and swung into action to cope with the real thing.

For a surprising number of people such coincidents[sic] cannot be accepted as such. There just has to be a conspiracy behind them, despite the obvious point that painstaking research will always identify probable above possible scenarios. By the way, the only reason I was asked to speak on TV news that day, when there was still much confusion about the real tragedies, was to encourage more organisations to thoroughly plan their own exercises knowing the threat of "terrorism" is and remains, very real. One tragic consequence being Islam, a great Abrahamic, monotheistic faith (along with Judaism and Christianity), has undeservedly become vilified by some people.”
Peter Power6 April 2009


Official examples

2016 Saumur Daesh Cell
9-99/Ryazan incident
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  1. Paul Watzlawick, When the solution is the problem (1987), Paul Watzlawick, John H. Weakland, Richard Fisch (2011) Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution, WW Norton & Co
  2. The I'm only trying to help you!-Player helps himself while pretending to help others. Eric Berne, Games people play, Pegnuin, 1964
  3. Samenow, S. E. (2014), Inside the criminal mind, Broadway Books. avail. online as audiobook.
  4. Jump up to: a b Ola Tunander,