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Matías Rodríguez Inciarte23 March 1948Former Bilderberg Steering committee, Spanish banker and possibly deep politician
Manuel Fraga Iribarne23 November 192215 January 2012Member of both Le Cercle and the 1001 Club.
Pablo Isla22 January 1964Chairman and CEO of Inditex (Zara) the largest clothes corporation in the world.
Cristina Martín Jiménez1974
Marina de LarracoecheaSeptember 1947Marina appealed to the five Scottish judges to conduct an independent review of the evidence on the grounds that the full truth behind the Lockerbie bombing had been deliberately withheld. They rejected this request. She applied for permission to intervene and ask questions during the hearing of Megrahi’s appeal. They rejected this application.
Nieves de Larracoechea3 March 194921 December 1988Air stewardess on board Pan Am Flight 103 which exploded over Lockerbie in Scotland on 21 December 1988
Fernando I. Gonzalez Laxe6 September 1952Leader of the Spanish province of Galicia. Attended Bilderberg/1989 when it was held on La Toja Island in his province.
Mario Vargas Llosa28 March 1936Nobel Prize winner in Literature and neoliberal champion
Francisco Luzon Lopez1 January 194817 February 2021Spanish banker who attended Bilderberg/1995 before in 1996 getting leading position in Banco Santander.
Luis Garicano1967In March 2020, proposed a 500 billion euro "COVID-19 bazooka for jobs in Europe"
Juan March4 October 188010 March 1962Spanish business magnate, arms and tobacco smuggler, banker and deep politician.
Miguel Angel Martinez30 January 1940Wrote a working paper for the discussion on The Soviet Union, The West And The Third World. A Case Study: Central America for the 1984 Bilderberg
Joaquín Romero Maura19405 June 2022
Ramón de MiguelPanelist at the 2002 Bilderberg.
Pedro Solbes Mira31 August 1942Spanish economist who attended the 1999 and 2009 Bilderbergs
Javier MonzónSpanish economist
Anna Fontcuberta i MorralSpanish/Swiss physicist, materials scientist and administrator. Bilderberg/2024
Federico Silva Muñoz28 October 192312 August 1997
Carlos Núñez1974Spanish media executive
Miguel Fernández Ordóñez3 April 1945Spanish central banker. Promoter of Central bank digital currency
Amancio Ortega28 March 1936One of the five richest men in the world, allegedly created fortune out of nothing.
Julián Santamaría Ossorio194031 December 2020Spanish opinion poll maker who helped the 'Yes' campaign in 1986 referendum on NATO membership by using his opinion polls for propaganda purposes. Then became Ambassador to the United States. Attended Bilderberg/1987.
Francisco Paesa11 April 1936
Ana Palacio22 July 1948Spanish politician, member of various spooky groups, signed the People’s Vaccine, attended 10 meetings of the Brussels Forum
Loyola de Palacio16 September 195013 December 2006Spanish politician who attended the 2004 Bilderberg
Nicolás de PedroSenior Fellow of the Institute for Statecraft and leader of the Integrity Initiative's Spain Cluster
Pablo Picasso25 October 18818 April 1973
Carlos Robles Piquer13 October 19258 February 2018Cercle visitor.
Ignacio Polanco5 November 1954Spanish Bilderberg TLC media mogul
Jesus de Polanco7 November 192921 July 2007Spanish billionaire media mogul.
Esteban Gonzáles Pons21 August 1964Spanish politician and member of the Integrity Initiative
Tomas Pueyo1980behavioral psychologist who wrote the paper The Hammer & The Dance, which was used as a pretext to justify worldwide lockdowns in 2020.
Jordi Pujol9 June 1930Catalan (Spanish) politician
Pedro J. Ramírez26 March 1952
Eduardo Serra Rexach19 December 1946Spanish Minister of Defence 1996-2000, joined the Integrity Initiative Spanish Cluster
Don Juan Jose Rovira192014 June 2007Spanish diplomat who led several round of negotiations with the U.S. over military bases in Spain. Attended Bilderberg 1978 as outgoing Ambassador to the United States.
Mariano Rubio14 November 19314 October 1999Governor of the Bank of Spain. Attended Bilderberg/1986. Delors committee. Jailed for fraud in 1996.
José Juan Ruiz30 JLChairman of the Spanish think-tank Elcano Royal Institute when he attended the 2024 Bilderberg meeting.
José María Ruiz-Mateos11 April 19317 September 2015
Enrique Sacau
Juan Tomas de Salas30 April 193822 August 2000Liberal Spanish journalist and editor. His magazine was one of the most prestigious and widely read liberal publication in Spain during the Spanish Transition in the late 1970s.
Carlos Ferrer Salat22 March 193118 October 1998Spanish businessman
Miguel Boyer Salvador5 February 193929 September 2014
Narcis Serra30 May 1943Spanish politician and deep state actor. Directed extensive deep state - possibly Gladio-linked - surveillance apparatus. Deputy Prime Minister of Spain 1991-95. Mentioned by IfS.
Javier Solana14 July 1942Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO.
Ignacio Camuñas Solís1 September 1940Spanish politician and editor
Juan Carlos I of Spain5 January 1938
Queen Sofía of Spain2 November 1938Spanish royal with penchant for Bilderbergs
Jaime Carvajal y Urquijo9 June 1939Spanish Bilderberg steering committee member. Close to king Juan Carlos. Trilateral Commission.
Manuel Valls13 August 1962