Munich Security Conference/Guests/WEF AGM

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A incomplete list of visitors to the Munich Security Conference/Meetings who have also attended one or more WEF AGMs

The 15 Munich Security Conference/Meetings listed here have had 555 recorded attendees who also attended one or more WEF AGMs.


Visitors to WEF AGM meetings who attended the Munich Security Conference

PersonWEF AGMsMunich Security ConferencesDescription
Christine Lagarde142Bilderberger President of the European Central Bank
Achim Steiner123Deep state functionary, UNDP administrator since 2017
Bill Gates123Multi-billionaire computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
George Soros128Financial speculator, Beneficiary of Black Wednesday
Ilham Aliyev115President of Azerbaijan since 2003.
Børge Brende1110Bilderberg Steering Committee, President of the World Economic Forum 2017-
Paul Achleitner1114Austrian banker businessman with deep state connections.
Bill Browder101Spooky businessman. At one point the largest foreign investor in Russia, barred from entering Russia in 2005, he has actively worked for regime change since then.
Gideon Rachman102Quad Bilderberg UK journalist and friend of MI6 whistleblower Richard Tomlinson
Frederick Kempe1013Spook and deep state actor
John Kerry1011US Skull and Bones DSO, in Jeffrey Epstein's Black book ...
Liz Mohn102German billionaire businesswoman friend of Angela Merkel
Paul Kagame94Has been leader of Rwanda since he took power in 1994
Kenneth Roth913US lawyer, serial WEF AGM and MSC visitor
Oleg Deripaska97Russian billionaire, WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow
Zanny Minton Beddoes93Financial journalist, Bilderberger, IMF economist under Jeffrey Sachs
Johan Rockström93Co-wrote the Planetary Emergency Action Plan for the Club of Rome in 2018, predicting that 2020 will be a “Super Year” for international policy action, leading to "the fastest economic transformation in our history." Presumed speaker at 2019 Bilderberg conference.
Herman Gref97Russian banker/politician. World Economic Forum’s board of trustees. Played a prominent role in the development and production of the Sputnik V vaccine.
António Guterres94Bilderberger US Secretary general, particularly aggressive promoter of COVID jab mandation
Daniel Yergin93US Bilderberger economist
Ngaire Woods93Integrity Initiative connected single Bilderberger, regular WEFer, a lot of other deep state connections
Richard Gnodde93Multi millionaire South African money man. Attended his first Bilderberg in 2019
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala93GAVI/SDS connected Nigerian banker, twice Nigeria's Minister of Finance, and possible deep state functionary
Mark Rutte93Heptabilderberger, NATO SG & Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Protégé of Geert Wilders. Alleged boyfriend of Mabel van Oranje. Involved in a wide array of cover-ups. Often "has no memory" of them.
Joseph Stiglitz81"The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold"
Peter Maurer84President of the International Committee of the Red Cross. On the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Handy to have on board if you are planning to vaccinate everyone in the world.
Andrey Kostin83Russian banker and deep state operative. WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1999 with extensive ties to the WEF.
Angela Merkel85German deep state operative who aggressively pushed COVID-19 vaccines.
Victor Pinchuk89Russian oligarch, The Giving Pledge, does WEF AGMs
Michael Froman83Serial WEF meeting visitor with many other SDS connections
Alexander Stubb83Finnish top politician. At university, a CIA recruiter "put her claws into" him, and he kept his contact with agency people since then. He was selected a YGL 2009. Heavy WEF annual meeting habit. He attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting.
George Osborne81Suspected UK deep politician, heavy Bilderberg habit,
Mark Malloch Brown83George Soros-protegé
Seth Berkley83GAVI epidemiologist
Peter Sutherland81A deep politician who held some key posts including Chairman of Goldman Sachs, WTO head, Attorney General of Ireland ...
Tony Blair84Remarkably popular at the time, Tony Blair was a UK prime minister, now infamous for lying the UK into invading Iraq, notwithstanding massive opposition. He is currently sought for War crimes by many people.
Robin Niblett88Chatham House Director/Chief executive from 2007-2022...
Daniel Sachs81Functionary for George Soros.
Kofi Annan73Secretary-General of the United Nations 1997-2006 now working for Macro Advisory Partners
Penny Pritzker71Pritzker family billionaire who advanced career of Barack Obama early. Carnegie Endowment chairperson.
Carl Bildt715Swedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Erna Solberg74Prime Minister of Norway 2013 to 2021
Mathias Döpfner74CEO of mightiest media group in Germany and Europe, Axel Springer SE, member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee and other transatlantic networks, most notably Atlantik-Brücke. Became billionaire after receiving gift from elderly widow.
Ian Bremmer710President and founder of the Eurasia Group. Heavy MSC habit, CFR, TLC, YGL 2007, Bilderberg 2007
Kirill Dmitriev71CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the main financer behind the Sputnik V "vaccine". Goldman Sachs. McKinsey. Selected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2009. Goldman Sachs. McKinsey
Eric Schmidt71US billionaire who works for Alphabet (a.k.a Google). A 1997 WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow with numerous other deep political connections.
Ursula von der Leyen79Bilderberger President of the European Commission promoting Vaccine passports
Jens Stoltenberg74Norwegian Bilderberger, ex PM, Secretary General of NATO.
David Cameron72UK deep state operative, former UK PM
Dominic Barton71Bilderberger, businessman
... further results

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