Title | Born | Place of birth | Died | Summary | Description |
Thomas Carnegie | 6 January 1874 | | 22 September 1944 | | |
W. Somerset Maugham | 25 January 1874 | France Paris UK Embassy | 16 December 1965 | Author Spook Playwright | English writer, known for his plays, novels and short stories. He also was an intelligence operative during World War 1 and the Russian Revolution. |
John D. Rockefeller Jr | 29 January 1874 | Ohio Cleveland U.S. | 11 May 1960 | Financier | |
Luigi Einaudi | 24 March 1874 | Italy Piedmont Carrù | 30 October 1961 | Politician Economist Central banker | President of Italy for 7 years after WW2 |
Jesse Jones | 5 April 1874 | US Tennessee Robertson County | 1 June 1956 | Politician Businessperson | |
John Baird | 27 April 1874 | London Chelsea UK | 20 August 1941 | Politician | Governor-General of Australia 1925-1930 |
D. F. Malan | 22 May 1874 | | 7 February 1959 | Politician | Started South Africa's system of apartheid |
G. K. Chesterton | 29 May 1874 | | 14 June 1936 | Author Philosopher | English writer, cousin of A. K. Chesterton. |
Herbert Hoover | 10 August 1874 | West Branch Iowa U.S. | 20 October 1964 | Politician Engineer Businessperson | US President 1929-1933 |
William Mitchell | 9 September 1874 | US Minnesota Winona | 24 August 1955 | Lawyer | US Attorney General 1929-1933 |
Chaim Weizmann | 27 November 1874 | Motal Russia/Tsarist Russia | 9 November 1952 | Politician Chemist | President of Israel 1949-1952 |
Charles Beard | 27 November 1874 | | 1 September 1948 | Historian | US historian |
Winston Churchill | 30 November 1874 | Blenheim Palace Woodstock England | 24 January 1965 | Author Soldier Journalist Politician Historian Artist | UK PM who founded The Other Club with F. E. Smith. |
William Lyon Mackenzie King | 17 December 1874 | Canada Ontario Berlin | 22 July 1950 | Politician Deep state actor | Three times Prime Minister of Canada between 1921 and 1948 |
William Vinson | 22 December 1874 | US South Carolina White Oak | 26 October 1951 | Lawyer | "A key member of the Suite 8F Group" |