"The Holocaust"

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Event.png The Holocaust  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Interest ofEdwin Black, Martin Brech, Alison Chabloz, Robert Faurisson, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, Greville Janner, Mati Kochavi, Fred Leuchter, Paul Rassinier, Germar Rudolf, Timothy Snyder, Wilhelm Stäglich, Georges Theil, Frederick John Partington Veale, Udo Walendy, Ingrid Rimland Zundel, Ernst Zündel
DescriptionIn its capitalised form 'The Holocaust' has become the concensus Western term for the treatment of the Jewish populations of Germany and German occupied territories through the period of the second world war (1939-45). Its use in this format stems from about the mid-1960's (i.e. more than 20 years after the events it claims to define). It does not appear in histories or documents before that time.

Official narrative

There are three fundamental tenets which together comprise the Official Narrative of "The Holocaust":

  1. That extermination of the Jewish populations of Germany and the countries it occupied during World War II had become official German government policy by 1941.
  2. That a large majority of the Jews killed during the war died in purpose-built gas chambers from the effects of inhaling the gas produced by the cyanide-based industrial compound Zyklon-B.
  3. That the total number killed was about 6 million.

Criminal offense to question the official narrative

In much of Western Europe it is a criminal offense to publicly question any one of the trinity of holocaust tenets. The laws defining such offenses are justified on grounds of the prevention of incitement to racial/religious hatred - hence their generic description "Hate Laws". Anyone who does so is also likely to be branded (and "branded" is the operative word) a "Holocaust Denier" by Official Narrative defenders and apologists. Thus the term is ubiquitous on Wikipedia pages about people who raise such questions.


Auschwitz Map

One of the first, or perhaps the first, holocaust revisionist is actually a French communist, pacifist and holocaust survivor Paul Rassinier. He was a member of the French resistance effort, although he was against violence, he distributed fake identity documents and helped people to escape the Nazis and their collaborators. Due to the Nazis discovery of many of Rassinier's fake papers, and subsequent interrogation of the owners, Rassinier was identified and arrested. The Gestapo arrested him on 30 October 1943. They tortured and interrogated him, crushing his hands, breaking his jaw and rupturing his kidney. After this he was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp. Here it is said that the conditions were atrocious, hunger, disease, overwork, exhaustion and physical abuse by the S.S. and the corrupt mafia of the Häftlingsführung. (A group comprised of prisoners who formed a self-government). However Rassinier attributes his survival to several factors, his relationship with a work-shy SS officer at the camp, landing a cushy job and as he had developed nephritis as a result of his torture, he was put in the infirmary for no less than 250 days. After the war finished, Rassinier was confused by the claims of gas chambers in Buchenwald, since he knew first hand that there were none. He knew that those who had claimed this were among those who had added to the torment inside the prison as part of the Haftlingsfuhrung. However, he still believed that there were gas chambers in other camps.

Rassinier then decided to visit those who claimed to know of such chambers with a very specific list of questions. A rigorous test of whether their story was consistent. According to Rassinier, everyone he interviewed would not be able to answer his pressing questions and would say that they themselves had not seen it, but that they had had a friend who died there and that the story comes from them. The essence of historical revisionism, as it applies to "The Holocaust", is the rigorous and detailed probing of the three tenets of its Official Narrative. There is no settled consensus among those labeled as Revisionists by a deeply hostile Establishment, other than that dispassionate examination of the available evidence renders the Official Narrative deeply suspect.

Holocaust Revisionists such as David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zundel, Udo Walendy, Germar Rudolf and many others, who are often labeled "Holocaust Deniers", do not dispute that the German National Socialist Party set up a network of concentration camps and that large numbers of Jews and others considered "enemies" of the Third Reich died from abuse, starvation, disease outbreaks, cruel-unusual human experimentation and other war crimes. Rather they dispute one or more of the three fundamental tenets of the Official Narrative detailed above.

Holocaust revisonism example

The validity of the label "extermination camp" and in particular the use of Zyklon-B gas in purpose-built gas chambers as a mass killing method are put into question by Revisionists: Revisionists accept that Zyklon-B gas was routinely used to delouse clothing in purpose-build delousing chambers as part of pervasive measures against typhus outbreaks; but a number of studies, notably by U.S. government execution expert Fred Leuchter and chemist Germar Rudolf found no traces of Zyklon B in most of the samples taken from the "gas chambers" A barely detectable trace of cyanide compound was found, which was taken from the "gas chamber" in Krema building II in Birkenau. The Polish government agency the Institute of Forensic Research replicated these findings. However, given that the ruins of the gas chambers at Birkenau have been washed by a column of water at least 35m in height based on climatological records since 1945, the team was not optimistic at being able to detect cyanides so many years later. [1] Additionally, tests conducted at Auschwitz in 1945 revealed the presence of cyanides on ventilation grilles found in the ruins of Crematorium II. Given, the exposure period (to Zyklon B) is much greater in delousing operations than in homicidal gassings. This means that a much lower concentration is necessary to kill people than to get rid of lice, etc. In delousing, concentrations of up to 16,000 ppm (parts per million) are sometimes used, and exposure time can be up to 72 hours; while 300 ppm will kill people in fifteen minutes or so.[2] Later Museum Director Dr Franciszek Piper in a video-taped interview with David Cole in 1992, confirmed by the Polish government agency the Institute of Forensic Research (Instytut Ekspertyz Sadowych) of Krakow, which replicated the findings of Fred Leuchter. [3] [4]

Summary of Samuel Crowell's Literary Analysis

Samuel Crowell attempts in File:TheGasChamberOfSherlockHolmes.pdf to explain the rumours before, during and after the war. First, he explains what historical revisionism is and how the response by the historical community has been one of revilement. This is far removed from the normal scepticism which is expected from historical inquiry. Crowell asserts that a campaign of censorship would be dishonest. "The further erosion of free speech on this matter must be considered intolerable to anyone who takes the intellectual life seriously. Therefore the purpose of this essay will be to deliberately review the gassing claim, with the object, not to prove that gassings did or did not take place, but rather to investigate whether there is a plausible basis for revisionist doubt".

With the object to identify the strength of the ground for doubt, Crowell avoids making conclusions before reviewing the evidence. First, either the claims are true or they are not (or some middle ground where some part of claims are true). If they are true, then it should be possible to establish the basis in evidence for the claims. If not, then we must explain where these claims came from, and why they were believed. In essence, Crowell wished to put the claims into their cultural context. The context being the late Victorian era up to the second world war. To accomplish this he sets out to provide a narration of the gassing claims from 1942 to 1947. He highlights many unsubstantiated rumours during the time of the war and before the war including gas vans, electrocution chambers etc. And then provides a clear rationale for the origin of these rumours and further rumours. He demonstrates that witness testimony continually reflected a changing story of Nazi atrocities, that the soviets may have manipulated witnesses, that many witnesses were tortured before their confessions and possible cases of evidence tampering. And finally shows the role of the media in creating a positive-feedback loop which greatly enhanced the credibility and authority of rumours that continued to develop throughout the war.

In summary, Crowell concludes that even if the gassing claims are not true, still the Jews and other groups suffered tremendously from the concentration camps, further that this could still be called a holocaust of sorts, and that wherever there is censorship, government or otherwise, conspiracy theories will arise because the curious will fill in the gaps by guessing.


An example

Page nameDescription
Operation Reinhard


Related Quotations

Robert Faurisson““The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the state of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.””Robert Faurisson11 December 2011
Mati Kochavi“The memory of the Holocaust outside of Israel is disappearing,” Mr. Kochavi said in an interview. “We thought, let’s do something really disruptive. We found the journal and said, ‘Let’s assume that instead of pen and paper Eva had a smartphone and documented what was happening to her.’ So we brought a smartphone to 1944.” The buzz around the project has been intense. Even before the fictional Instagram account was activated, it had more than 200,000 followers, the result of an aggressive marketing campaign involving billboards and online promotions by celebrity social media influencers. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed the project.”Mati Kochavi30 April 2019
Dale Vince“Anyone who says the climate crisis is not happening or it's not man-made, honestly, I think they're a dangerous fool, because it's like denying the Holocaust happened”Dale Vince29 June 2023
Elie Wiesel“I cry out with all my heart against forgiveness... Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate — healthy virile hate — for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.”Elie Wiesel1 December 1962


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of AuschwitzarticleMarch 2001Germar RudolfA review of the the series of forensic examinations of the Auschwitz concentration camp alleged gas chambers that began with The Leuchter report and ended with the imprisonment in Germany of this author for authoring a similar though more rigorous report that was published without his authority
Document:Another Word for Holocaustarticle11 November 2013Jim Goad
Document:Big Pharma pushes Cure for Holocaust Denial Syndromearticle20 February 2006Michael JamesBig Pharma launches cure for 'Holocaust denial'
Document:David Irving and the Aktion Reinhardt Campsarticle1 April 2009Jürgen Graf
Document:Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witnessarticle1987Robert FaurissonSuppressed information about the "Chief Witness to The Holocaust" together with home-truths and opinion for which its author was beaten close to death.
Document:Guardian’s Zionist gatekeeper rewrites Holocaust historyArticle22 August 2024Tony GreensteinA leading protagonist in the false anti-Semitism campaign in the Labour Party between 2015 and 2019, Jonathan Freedland's choice of a non-Zionist Jewish Holocaust hero as the subject of a book is therefore curious to say the least. It appears that Freedland’s motive was in order to both justify Rudolf Vrba’s silencing by Zionism’s Holocaust historians and obscure his message that Zionism was a quisling Jewish movement during the Holocaust.
Document:Immortalising the Mytharticle22 December 2013Anthony Lawson
Document:Impact and Future of Holocaust Revisionismreview1 January 2005Robert FaurissonA comprehensive review of research into the Official Narrative of "The Holocaust" and the legislation, court cases and other events that publication of this research precipitated, between about 1970 and 2005.
Document:Jonathan Freedland rewrites history to hide an ugly truth about Israelblog post25 August 2024Jonathan CookThe anti-Zionist Rudolf Vrba's story exposes the ideological foundations of Israel to be fully in sympathy with ugly European ethic nationalisms that culminated in Nazism. Vrba's story explains how Israel was always capable of, and is now committing, a genocide in Gaza.
Document:Social Psychology, Religious Belief, Censorship and the Holocaustessay1 January 1998Simon G. SheppardA psychological examination of "The Holocaust" Official Narrative as a manifestation of religious belief
Document:The American Jewish scholar behind Labour's "antisemitism" scandal breaks his silenceInterview3 May 2016Norman Finkelstein
Jamie Stern-Weiner
Norman G. Finkelstein is clear: "It’s time to put a stop to this periodic charade, because it ends up besmirching the victims of the Nazi holocaust, diverting from the real suffering of the Palestinian people, and poisoning relations between the Jewish and Muslim communities. You just had an antisemitism hysteria last year, and it was a farce. And now again? Another inquiry? Another investigation? No."
Document:The Antisemitism Industry doesn’t speak for Jews. It speaks for Western elitesblog post14 March 2024Jonathan CookFilm-maker Jonathan Glazer’s crime at the Oscars was to threaten the establishment’s stranglehold on the West’s Official Narrative about Israel – and itself
Document:The Confessions of Rudolf Hossarticle1986Robert FaurissonText and commentary on the confessions of Auschwitz camp commandant Rudolf Hoss secured under torture and gross ill-treatment by both his British and Polish inquisitors
Document:The Warsaw Ghetto mytharticle23 December 2013Eli GatReflection of a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto
Document:The World Through the Prism of Europearticle2013Ingrid Rimland ZundelA retrospective on how Europe now views the events of World war II and its aftermath by the wife of Ernst Zundel who has been relentlessly persecuted by the western Establishment for no reason other than stubbornly authoring and publishing research on WWII and The Holocaust.
File:Affaire Williamson.pdfarticle22 May 2005E. Michael JonesThe hounding of Bishop Williamson by the Catholic Church Hierarchy over his opinions about 'The Holocaust'
File:Auschwitz - A judge looks at the evidence.pdfBookMarch 1979Wilhelm StäglichA systematic, critical examination of the documents, testimonies, confessions and personal accounts relating to Auschwitz as a center of programmatic extermination by gassing and other means
File:Did 6 Million Really Die.pdfbookAugust 1992Barbara KulaszkaA witness account of the 1980's Canadian trials of Ernst Zundel in which he was charged with "...disseminating false news" concerning the treatment of Jews by Germany during WWII
File:Eavesdropping on Hell.pdfreport2004Robert J. HanyokOfficial NSA report on US Intelligence German police intercept decrypts concerning monthly concentration camp reports during WWII. Gas chambers are nowhere mentioned by the German police but inferred by the author of this report
File:Heresy in 21st Century France.pdfbook2006Georges M TheilA book about the status of historical revisionism in early 21st century France, sub-titled "A Case of insubmission to the Holocaust dogma"
File:Israeli Founding Myths.pdfBook1995Roger GaraudyDescribed by the author as "...the History of a Heresy". It presents evidence-based criticisms of official narratives that remain absolute taboo in the West, most notably on The Holocaust, Zionism, and the Nuremberg Tribunal
File:Resistance is Obligatory.pdfeBookApril 2012Germar Rudolf
File:Stolen Identity.pdfbook2007Mikolaus GrunerA book by Buchenwald survivor Nikolaus Grüner (A-7713): "... to expose "Elie Wiesel" who took my friend Lazar Wiesel's tattooed Number from Auschwitz A-7713, without being registered in Auschwitz. This spineless profiteer turned the graves of Auschwitz Birkenau - into an industry and himself into an "impostor" of the worst kind."
File:Tales of the Holohoax.pdfBooklet2000Michael HoffmanBiting, cartoon-based satire on the official narrative of The Holocaust
File:The Holocaust Industry.pdfbook20 July 2000Norman FinkelsteinDevastating criticism of the way in which Jewish organisations use their Official Narrative of "The Holocaust" to extort money from the alleged perpetrators and of those who weren't sufficiently focused on that extortion
File:The Leuchter Reports.pdfbookOctober 2005Robert Faurisson
Germar Rudolf
Fred Leuchter
Three technical reports on the alleged existence and operation of homicidal gas chambers at concentration camps in Germany and Poland during WWII.
File:The Luftl Report.pdfreport1992Walter LüftlAn Austrian Engineer's Report on the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz and Mauthausen. It concludes that the Official Narrative claims are technically impossible.
File:TheGasChamberOfSherlockHolmes.pdfbookApril 2011Samuel CrowellA useful and readable non-technical review of the evidence for the alleged extensive use of homicidal gas chambers by Germany during WWII.
File:TheRudolfReport.pdfeBook2003Germar RudolfA science-based forensic examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz.
File:Wiesel and Catholics.pdfarticleNovember 2004David O'ConnellAnalysis of Elie Wiesels relationship with various naive senior Catholic Church prelates, including the Pope, through the 1990's and early 2000's


The Official Culprits

Adolf EichmannEichmann: the logistics chief of the Holocaust
Reinhard Heydrich
Heinrich Himmler
Adolf Hitler=Austrian painter turned German politician. Played a massive role in World War 2.
NazismOver 70 years on, the word "Nazi" is still used as a pejorative, underlining is key role as an enemy image in the just war narrative
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