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Halifax International Security Forum/2013

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Event.png Halifax International Security Forum/2013(Halifax International Security Forum,  meeting) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
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LocationHalifax,  Nova Scotia,  Canada
ParticipantsStéphane Abrial, Mohammed Abu Lahoum, Nazanin Afshin-Jam MacKay, M. J. Akbar, Rinat Akhmetshin, Farea al Muslimi, Mariam Al-khawaja, John Allen, Alejandro Alvargonzález San Martin, Simon Ancona, Eleftherios Anghelopoulos, James Appathurai, Siavosh Arasteh, Kelli Arena, Derrick Ashong, Terry Audla, Michael Auslin, Tuncay Babali, Craig Baines, John Baird (WEF), James H. Baker, Shukria Barakzai, John Barrasso, Berend Willem Bargerbos, Espen Barth Eide, Scott Bates, Stuart Beare, Christine Beerli, Henry Bensurto Jr, Jean Bétermier, David Black, Steven Blaney, Eric Block, Lincoln Bloomfield Jr, Scott Borg, Laura Bridge, Darrell Bricker, Yves Brodeur, Ian Brodie, Pete Brodnitz, Christian Brose, Kerry Buck, Mark Cameron, Leslie Campbell, Cengiz Çandar, Scott Carpenter, James Cartwright, Wendy Chamberlin, Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Asif Chaudhry, Sarah Chayes, Derek Chollet, Joseph Cirincione, Lamine Cissé, Tom Clark, Steve Clemons, Susan Collins, Marshall Conley, Karen Courington, Missy Cummings, Bill Dalson, Arnaud Danjean, Mikheil Darchiashvili, Premvir Das, Glenn Davidson, Howard Dean, Paul Dewar, Jackson Diehl, Yoram Dinstein, Paula Dobriansky, Gary Doer, Lyse Doucet, Howard Drake, David Ellis, Mieke Eoyang, Philippe Errera, Golnaz Esfandiari, Richard Fadden, Dean Fealk, Marian Fernet, Dexter Filkins, Kristian Fischer, Helga Flores Trejo, Chris Fomunyoh, Robert Fonberg, Liam Fox, Stephen Flynn, Bruce Friedman, Tidiane Gadio, Ulf Gartzke, John Gastright, Leslie Gatan, Jennifer Gearey, Matthias Gebauer, Jay Ghazal, Amos Gilad, John Glenn, Walter Goodfellow, Daivd Gough, Ladislav Grabar, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Camille Grand, Mike Greenley, Maryscott Greenwood, Robert Gruendel, Jakub Grygiel, François Guimont, Chuck Hagel, Joseph Hall, Aleqa Hammond, Fen Hampson, Husain Haqqani, Allison Hart, Sasha Havlicek, Laurie Hawn, Cho Hee-yong, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Steven Heydemann, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, Christine Hogan, Peter Hogan, Matthew Mark Horn, Andrew House, John Hudson, Heather Hurlburt, Wolfgang Ischinger, Farahnaz Ispahani, Oscar Izurieta, Bruce Jackson, Charles Jacoby, Roman Jakič, Jackson Janes, Cesar Jaramillo, Said Jawad, Daniel Jean, Josef Joffe, Matthew Johnson, Matthew Kaminski, Eiichi Katahara, John Kavanagh, Madonna Kent, Adam Kinzinger, Suat Kınıklıoğlu, Rachel Kleinfeld, Martin Klingst, Kathleen Koch, Kemal Köprülü, David Kramer, Ivan Krastev, Mirjam Krull, Tomoko Kurokawa, Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Ron L'Esperance, Francois Lafond, Evan Laksmana, Tim Kaine, Richard Kirkland, Karin Landgren, Isabelle Lasserre, Thomas Lawson, Paul LeBlanc, Pierre Lellouche, Lauri Lepik, Kadri Liik, Nancy Lindborg, Linas Linkevičius, Klaus Linsenmeier, Natalia Loukacheva, Jawed Ludin, Gal Luft, Brian Macdonald, John MacDonell, Geoffrey Machum, Peter MacKay, Macha MacKay, Mona Makram-Ebeid, Peter Mansbridge, Anja Manuel, Mikk Marran, Vivek Maru, Bill McCaffrey, John McCain, Audrey McLaughlin, Membathisi Mdladlana, David Merkel, Imad Mesdoua, Jeanne Meserve, Ayman Mhanna, Vladimir Milov, Don Moe, Duane Monea, Heba Morayef, Pedro Morenés, Mouaz Moustafa, John Mueller, Yusuf Muftuoglu, Jeff Mullen, Maureen Murphy, Andrew Murrison, Walter Natynczyk, Mary Naylor, Pauline Neville-Jones, John Newton, Robert Nicholson, Masashi Nishihara, Mark Norman, Elizabeth O'Bagy, Jacqueline O'Neill, Dixon Osburn, Mashbat Otgonbayar, Timothy Page, Jean-Paul Paloméros, Roland Paris, Sameer Patil, Benjamin Pauker, William Pentney, Fredric Pesme, Mike Pompeo, Nikola Poposki, Fabrice Pothier, Esa Pulkkinen, Diana Quintero Cuello, Bob Rae, Celina Realuyo, Edward Rees, Daniel Restrepo, Stephen Rigby, Richard Riley, Sheila Riordon, Julia Rivard, Carla Robbins, Colin Robertson, Genaro Robles Casillas, Joshua Rogin, Rafal Rohozinski, Gideon Rose, Todd Rosenblum, Kevin Rudd, Daniel Runde, Laurent Ruseckas, Tom Ruth, George Sabra, Baba Salah, Sana Saleem, Sabrina Saqeb, Mike Savage, Bente Scheller, Randy Scheunemann, Peter Semneby, Michael Semple, Richard Sendall, Baek Seung Joo, Jacob Shavit, Robin Shepherd, Makita Shimokawa, Newton Shortliffe, Vasil Sikharulidze, Donald Sinclair, Jill Sinclair, Randa Slim, Vaclav Smil, Milan Solár, Nancy Southern, Janice Stein, Edison Stewart, Karen Stewart, Yohanes Sulaiman, Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, Jane Taber, Andrew Tabler, Jonathan Tepperman, Sue Mi Terry, Ljuben Tevdovski, Alioune Tine, Ekaterine Tkeshelashvili, Kenneth Tovo, Peter Van Praagh, Robert Vass, Hubert Védrine, Nirmal Kumar Verma, Alexander Vershbow, Cindy Vestergaard, John Vinocur, Kurt Volker, Christoph von Marschall, Alexandre Vulic, Nicolai Wammen, W. Bruce Weinrod, Jonathan Weisstub, Jim Wellons, Michael Werz, Marc Whittingham, Alexis Wichowski, Einat Wilf, Taylor Wilson, Werner Wnendt, Peter Wright (ACOA), Harry Wu, Moshe Ya'alon, Hasan Kemal Yardimci, Chris Yonke, Dov Zakheim, Wendy Zatylny, Philippe Zeller
DescriptionSpooky conference in Canada in 2013



Known Participants

56 of the 304 of the participants already have pages here:

John AllenA Retired US Marine Corps 4 star General
James AppathuraiNATO apparatchik who attended Bilderberg/2024
John Baird (WEF)Canadian politician
John BarrassoUS physician and politician, multiple visits to the MSC
Christine BeerliSwiss politician who attended her first Bilderberg in 2018 as Vice President of the Red Cross
Steven Blaney
Ian BrodieAttended the 2008 Bilderberg as Chief of Staff to the Canadian Prime Minister
Steve ClemonsUS writer with a heavy HISF habit
Susan CollinsMaine's Republican Senator
Howard DeanUS politician whose 2004 campaign was involved in the 2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust.
Paula DobrianskySpookily connected US politician
Lyse DoucetCanadian journalist, Chatham House, heavy MSC habit
Espen Barth EideAttended the 2013 Bilderberg as Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Liam FoxUK politician
Amos GiladFormer head of the research division of Israel's military intelligence organisation, Aman
Camille GrandAlphen Group member with MSC and HISF habits
Maryscott GreenwoodFunctionary with a heavy HISF habit
Jakub GrygielUS academic who collaborated with the Integrity Initiative
Chuck HagelUS Secretary of Defense, Chairperson of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board
Sasha HavlicekCEO/Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Jeanine Hennis-PlasschaertDutch Defence Minister, connected to the 2015 Hawija bombing, lied about knowledge of any deaths and covered-up any juridical complicity with Mark Rutte & Bert Koenders.
Wolfgang IschingerSpooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Bruce JacksonUS spook. His later career focused on accelerating the integration of the Western Balkan countries, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia into the European Union and NATO. Member of the Henry Jackson Society.
Josef JoffePublisher-editor of Die Zeit
Tim KaineHillary Clinton's running mate in 2016 presidential elections.
Adam KinzingerWEF YGL YGL neoconservative US politician; the "Quintessential American Idiot".
David KramerUS academic with multiple deep state connections. Conduit for giving the Steele Dossier to Buzzfeed.
Ivan KrastevGeorge Soros protegé
Kemal KöprülüTurkish leader of NGO working to "establish a new political understanding" in Turkey. Heavily connected to the Koç Family and to Israeli and Western interests. Made an agreement with AIPAC of "Educating Future Leaders". Single Bilderberger (2006)
François LafondAcademic with a heavy Halifax International Security Forum habit
Pierre LelloucheFrench politician
Kadri LiikEstonian journalist Russia’s Strategy on NATO'S Eastern and Southern Flanks replete with fellow IfS UK inner core members, ECFR
Gal Luft"Terror expert" and co-founder of the Set America Free Coalition, in 2023 arrested for arms dealing
Peter MacKayCanadian politician with a heavy HISF habit
Peter MansbridgeCanadian news anchor who attended Bilderberg/2010
Anja ManuelAmerican deep state operative with focus on China and India. Frequently in corporate media.
Christoph von MarschallTranatlantic German journalist
John McCainVietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot.
Pauline Neville-JonesBBC governor, Chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee
Mike PompeoLawyer, US Secretary of State, CIA Director, friend & protegé of Mike Pence, advocated for the death penalty for Edward Snowden.
Peter Van PraaghHISF president
Celina RealuyoGoldman Sachs, "counterterrorist", national security
Rafal RohozinskiCanadian expert and practitioner active in the fields of counterinsurgency, cyber warfare, and the globalization of armed violence.
Gideon RoseUS journalist, WEF regular
Kevin RuddHad his big break after attending first meeting of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue in 1993. Later became Prime Minister.
Randy ScheunemannUS neocon foreign policy advisor to presidential candidate John McCain.
Peter SemnebySwedish diplomat with a heavy HISF habit
Robin ShepherdFormer Moscow Bureau Chief for The Times now working for intelligence think tanks.
Eka TkeshelashviliSpooky Munich Security Conference Young Leader with a heavy conference habit. Signed the Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19 call for mass injection.
Alexander VershbowSDS connected regular at the Brussels Forum
... further results
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