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A Group Headquartered HereDescription
Paley Media CouncilThe "Davos of the Communications Industry." Henry Kissinger "took a great interest and played an active role" in it.
PantheraConservationist NGO accused of being a secret regime change operator against Iran.
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New AmericansFellowship of handpicked future US leaders from immigrant background. Financed by Paul Soros, brother of deep politician George Soros.
PfizerA multinational big pharma company. Made a killing during COVID
Planned Parenthood
Population CouncilFounded by world's richest family to reduce population
Project SyndicateSyndicate to spread "free" op-eds subjects in corporate media to influence what people think. But 'he who pays the piper calls the tune' - in this case mostly George Soros and Bill Gates.
Rockefeller UniversityPart of a system created by Rockefeller money to buy control over American medical life.
Ruder FinnPR agency known for its close ties to Israel and its decades of work for Philip Morris. It was also the main agency used to create war propaganda during the Croatian, Bosnian wars and Kosovo wars in the 1990s.
Standard OilHugely profitable oil conglomerate that made John D. Rockefeller the richest man in the world.
State University of New York at PurchaseNew York university with heavy focus on the arts
Stuyvesant High SchoolPublic high school in New York City ranking among the top schools in the nation. Offering offer tuition-free accelerated schooling to city residents.
Sullivan & CromwellNotorious New York law firm used by the Dulles brothers.
The TerraMar Project
UNThe successor of the League of Nations, the UN was founded after World War 2 - purposely or not - couldn't be prevented by the LoN. Although the IGO officially claims to aim for Peace, in particular the UN Security Council often rules against intervention often resulting in more casualties in controversial and prolonged conflicts.
UN/Population Fund
Union Theological SeminaryA bastion of progressive Christian scholarship.
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
United States Merchant Marine AcademyTrains cadets to serve as officers in the United States Merchant Marine, branches of the military, and the transportation industry.
United States Military Academy
Vassar CollegeExclusive and rich New York college, traditionally for women, now co-educational.
VenrockRockefeller family venture capital firm investing in IT, healthcare and nanotechnology
Verint SystemsAn Israeli technology company which provides technology relevant to the "war on terror", receiving a lot of government contracts.
Vocativ"A mouthpiece for Israel’s armed forces... that's half soft porn and half IDF press releases".
Xavier High SchoolJesuit high school for boys in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.