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|description=Paedophilia has a long history of use by the [[Australian deep state]] to facilitate covert control, especially of politicians, police and the judiciary.   
|description=Paedophilia has a long history of use by the [[Australian deep state]] to facilitate covert control, especially of politicians, police and the judiciary.   
}}'''Many allegations of [[VIPaedophile]] networks in [[Australia]]''' suggest that it is used by the [[Australian deep state]], as by [[deep state]]s, to control prominent individuals from the legal profession, media, political establishment and medical profession. The stand [[limited hangout]]s, a.k.a. "Royal Commissions" established to investigate these allegations have noticeably avoided politics and the judiciary.
There have been several revelations of alleged [[VIPaedophile]] networks in [[Australia]], of prominent individuals from the legal profession, media, political establishment and medical profession. The Royal Commissions established to investigate these cases have noticeably avoided politics and the judiciary.
==Fiona Barnett==
==Fiona Barnett==

Revision as of 18:03, 25 August 2022

Concept.png Australia/VIPaedophile
Interest of• John Fahey
• Terry Griffiths
Paedophilia has a long history of use by the Australian deep state to facilitate covert control, especially of politicians, police and the judiciary.

Many allegations of VIPaedophile networks in Australia suggest that it is used by the Australian deep state, as by deep states, to control prominent individuals from the legal profession, media, political establishment and medical profession. The stand limited hangouts, a.k.a. "Royal Commissions" established to investigate these allegations have noticeably avoided politics and the judiciary.

Fiona Barnett

Fiona Barnett.jpg

Fiona Barnett told of a VIP pedophile ring that has been operating in Australia for decades with impunity. [1][2]

She said "the key to understanding organised paedophilia in Australia were the thousands of Eastern European collaborators who had committed horrible acts, that Australia knowingly let immigrate after World War 2. "Together they worked, attended orgies, and practiced the mystery religion that I understand underpinned Nazism — just as they had back in Europe. I witnessed many of their offspring raised as victims of the paedophile ring and I saw some become perpetrators themselves."[1]

According to Barnett, her parents gave her over to a national child sex trafficking ring when she was preschool age. "My perpetrators abused me until the time of my fifteenth birthday. The ring included police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors, including a local Engadine GP". The network also involved former CIA and U.S. military psychologist Dr John W. Gittinger. Barnett "witnessed multiple acts of child abduction, drugging, child sexual assault, torture and murder. Members of the paedophile ring were sexually aroused by necrophilia, bestiality and sadism. The ring also contained a large number of female perpetrators."[1]

In 1985, Barnett "witnessed approximately 10 children raped and murdered in Bathurst, during the weekend of the famous Bathurst car race. Some of these children were victims of kidnappings. Other children were born unregistered so that they could be used as sex slaves. The abuse was orchestrated by a former Whitlam Government Education Minister Kim Edward Beazley, a police commissioner, an Australian sporting icon (cricketer Richie Benaud), a Sydney University lecturer and a prominent screen actor."[1]

Antony Kidman

Fiona Barnett alleged Antony Kidman (the father of actress Nicole Kidman) was part of a Sydney-based paedophile ring she was a victim of. She had reported it to police in 2008 and the Royal Commission in 2013.

Antony Kidman died after suffering from an apparent heart attack or a fall[3] at an exclusive social club while visiting his youngest daughter Antonia, son-in-law banker Craig Marran and his six grandchildren in Singapore.[4] At the time he left for Singapore, Kidman was under investigation by the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC), the Psychology Council of NSW and, presumably, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, as well as the police.[5]

Bill Heffernan allegations

In 2015, senator Bill Heffernan, used parliamentary privilege, charged that former NSW Supreme Court judge James Roland Wood had failed to properly investigate lawyers who allegedly attended a Kings Cross "boy brothel", as new details emerge of a "secret list" containing the names of high-profile alleged paedophiles.[6]

Senator Heffernan said the list of 28 people formed part of police documents that had been "signed off" by Gary Crooke, QC, the former senior counsel assisting NSW's Wood royal commission into police corruption in the 1990s.

Heffernan stated that a former Australian prime minister (presumably Bob Hawke or Paul Keating[citation needed]) was on the list, which he said forms part of a police document. Many of the people on the list and otherwise named in the documents were "prominent", Senator Heffernan said: "They were delivered to me by a police agency some time ago because no one seems to want to deal with them." He also claimed every Commonwealth attorney-general since Philip Ruddock had seen the list.

Senator Heffernan has previously used parliamentary privilege "to falsely accuse a former judge of using Commonwealth cars to procure young men for sex in 2002." He was later forced to apologise.

Senator Heffernan wants the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse to investigate his list but said he had been told this was not within its terms of reference.

George Pell case

George Pell is an Australian Cardinal Curia of the Roman Catholic Church. He was Archbishop of Melbourne from 1996 to 2001 and Archbishop of Sydney from 2001 to 2014. From April 2013 to October 2018 he was a member of the Pontifical Council of Cardinals. From February 2014 to February 2019 he was Prefect of the newly created Economic Secretariat of the Roman Curia; but since June 2017 he was released from his official duties for the duration of his court proceedings in Australia. In 2008, Pell was charged with covering up abuse cases; In 2017, police investigations began against him for sexually abusing boys. In the subsequent court proceedings, the jury unanimously found him guilty in December 2018.[7][8] The judgment, which was confirmed in the 2019 appellate court, was unanimously overturned by the High Court of Australia on April 7, 2020, and Pell was acquitted of all allegations.[9]

The case reveled not only an extensive system of abuse in the Catholic Church, but a wider network in outside society. Ten people gave character references in court to Pell, including former PMs John Howard and Tony Abbott[10]; Australian Catholic University vice-chancellor Greg Craven; Sydney lawyer Terence K. Tobin, QC; Pell's private secretary between 1997 to 2014, Michael Casey; Katrina Potter,who worked with Pell in the media office of the Archdiocese of Sydney. Other character witnesses include Sue Buckingham, the founder of religious group David's Place; Ellie Heiss, the former coordinator of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry; and a former colleague at the Archdiocese of Sydney, Daniel Casey.[11]

Several media personalities including News Corp’s Miranda Devine and Andrew Bolt declared their belief in Pell’s innocence.

Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, a noted critic of Pell had to resign over a financial scandal in October 2020.[12]

Franca Arena

Franca Arena was a Labor politician in the NSW upper house who gained national attention in 1996 when she named two people – retired judge David Yeldham and former state MP Frank Arkell – as potential paedophiles. At the time, a royal commission into the NSW Police Service headed by Justice James Wood was in full swing, but Arena and others believed it was not doing enough to look at people in high places.

An upper house inquiry into her ‘‘conduct’’ resulted in a push to suspend her from Parliament unless she apologised for alleging that a criminal conspiracy of politicians had covered-up paedophilia. Arena refused, reading instead a ‘‘statement of regret’’ that angered her Labor colleagues but attracted enough Coalition and cross-bench support for her to serve out her full term.[13][14]

Limited Hangouts

Noticeably, there have been accusations that members of the Commissions themselves were deeply involved in these networks or covered up for powerful people[citation needed].

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was a royal commission established in 2013 by the Australian government pursuant to the Royal Commissions Act 1902 to inquire into and report upon responses by institutions to instances and allegations of child sexual abuse in Australia. The commission inquired into child abuse in a wide range of institutions, including sporting groups, schools, churches and after-school care services - noticeably leaving out possible organized trafficking in high places.

The establishment of the commission followed revelations of child abusers being moved from place to place instead of their abuse and crimes being reported. There were also revelations that adults failed to try to stop further acts of child abuse.[15] The commission examined the history of abuse in educational institutions, religious groups, sporting organisations, state institutions and youth organisations.[16] The final report of the commission was made public on 15 December 2017.[17]

Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service

The Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service, also known as the Wood Royal Commission was a royal commission held in the State of New South Wales, Australia between 1995 and 1997. The Royal Commissioner was Justice James Roland Wood. The terms of reference were to determine the existence and extent of corruption within the New South Wales Police; specifically, it sought to determine whether corruption and misconduct were "systemic and entrenched" within the service, and to advise on the process to address such a problem. [18]

In 1995, the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption referred a matter to the Commission regarding the possibility of collusion between organised paedophile networks with members from the legal profession, media and political establishment, and the senior ranks of the NSW Police Service and judiciary.[18]

The allegation of the existence of this conspiracy was made by Colin Fisk, a convicted sex offender and member of such a network; the background to this allegation was his arrest, along with Detective Larry Churchill, for child pornography and drug offences. Fisk alleged the existence of a vast network of prominent individuals from the legal profession, media, political establishment and medical profession who were paedophiles/pederasts and were colluding with senior ranks of the police service to protect its members from prosecution.[18]

In pursuing this term of reference, the commission investigated the activities of the particular pederastic/hebephilic network of which Fisk was a member, and its relationship with a group of corrupt NSW Police Service detectives. The network operated as a mutual syndicate and was designed to facilitate the distribution of child pornography, the procuring and sharing of underage sexual partners by members, investment in property such as an underage male brothel in Surry Hills and a pooling of resources and information for the purposes of evading law enforcement and maintaining access to illicit markets. Syndicate members also carried on an amphetamine-trafficking enterprise to raise money to help with the significant expense imposed by the requirement to pay bribes, and the high price of illicit materials and services.[18]

The relationship between the network and the group of corrupt detectives was extensive and multifaceted, including regular bribe payments to the detectives in exchange for advance warning of law enforcement scrutiny, consignment of large amounts of methamphetamine to the network members on a profit-sharing basis and the planning of insurance frauds and financial crimes. The detective closest to the network, Larry Churchill, also shared some of the hebephilic tendencies of the network members.[18]

The Commission found that the syndicates were effective and efficient in protecting the perpetrators from law enforcement scrutiny and facilitating their criminal activities, and there had been a corrupt relationship between the Fisk syndicate and a group of corrupt officers led by Larry Churchill. The inquiry also conceded that there were probably other such networks and corrupt dealings unknown to them but based on the extensive evidence provided by large numbers of sex-offenders, victims and law enforcement officers, it felt able to put that aside and concentrate on its instruction to examine police procedure and care arrangements for minors. [18]

However, the inquiry debunked the most sensational allegations made by Fisk and was emphatic that there was no compelling evidence for the existence of a large network of prominent professionals with paedophile tendencies and a criminal bargain with senior officers of the police service to protect them from prosecution. [18]

Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in NSW

A Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in NSW was set up in June 2006 and reported in November 2008. It was led by James Roland Wood AO QC.[19]


An example

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Hungarian MafiaA powerful organized crime network of Jewish-Hungarian "businessmen" in Australia
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  1. a b c d https://archive.md/mPAAm
  2. http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2013/05/child-abuse-poland-uk-australia-usa.html
  3. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-09-12/antony-kidman-nicole-kidmans-father-has-died-after-a-fall/5741018
  4. https://www.9news.com.au/national/antony-kidman-farewelled-at-sydney-funeral/03498b0f-75ef-460e-aeb3-ea2774d25629
  5. https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/antony-kidman-dies-amidst-child-abuse-allegations,6918
  6. https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/bill-heffernan-paedophile-list-allegation-former-royal-commissioner-james-wood-hits-back-20151021-gkeawj.html
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20181215230726/https://www.catholicregister.org/home/international/item/28607-australia-s-cardinal-pell-found-guilty-of-sex-abuse-expected-to-appeal
  8. https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2018/12/12/cardinal-pell-top-advisor-pope-francis-found-guilty-historical-sexual-offenses
  9. https://www.smh.com.au/national/pell-to-walk-free-after-high-court-overturns-conviction-20200407-p54hqe.html
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/feb/28/commentators-doubting-pell-verdict-sends-damaging-message-to-survivors
  11. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/thoughtful-considerate-the-people-who-wrote-character-references-for-george-pell-revealed-20190227-p510pp.html
  12. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/vatican-cardinal-angelo-becciu-resigns-from-office-and-rights-of-cardinals-60883
  13. http://www.theherald.com.au/story/3459818/ian-kirkwood-franca-arena-was-right-on-the-mark/
  14. https://www.australianpeacemakers.com/learning-library/franca-arena-was-right-on-the-mark
  15. https://web.archive.org/web/20121115102106/http://www.pm.gov.au/press-office/establishment-royal-commission-child-sexual-abuse
  16. https://web.archive.org/web/20170719193706/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-38877158
  17. https://web.archive.org/web/20171221045446/http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-14/royal-commission-child-sex-abuse-case-studies/9250972
  18. a b c d e f g https://web.archive.org/web/20100602124719/http://www.pic.nsw.gov.au/RoyalCommission.aspx?Culture=en-AU
  19. https://www.dpc.nsw.gov.au/assets/dpc-nsw-gov-au/publications/Child-Protection-Services-in-New-South-Wales-listing-438/c6f68ee38d/Terms-of-Reference-Special-Commission-of-Inquiry-into-Child-Protection-Services-in-NSW.pdf