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Latest revision as of 15:21, 24 February 2018

Group.png Tufts University  
(UniversitySourcewatch Twitter WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
MottoPax et Lux
(Peace and light)
Type Private non-profit
Subgroups Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies
Sponsored byClimateWorks, Hewlett Foundation, Omidyar Network
Other nameJumbos


Related Quotations

Victor Marchetti“To the Clandestine Services the universities represented fertile territory for recruiting espionage agents. Most large American colleges enrolled substantial numbers of foreign students, and many of these, especially those from the Third World, were (and are) destined to hold high positions in their home countries in a relatively few years. They were much easier to recruit at American schools — when they might have a need for money, where they could be easily compromised, and where foreign security services could not interfere — than they would be when they returned home. To spot and evaluate these students, the Clandestine Services maintained a contractual relationship with key professors on numerous campuses. When a professor had picked out a likely candidate, he notified his contact at the CIA and, on occasion, participated in the actual recruitment attempt. Some professors performed these services without being on a formal retainer. Others actively participated in agency covert operations by serving as "cut-outs," or intermediaries, and even by carrying out secret missions during foreign journeys.”Victor Marchetti1974
Victor MarchettiHelms asked his staff to find out just how many university personnel were under secret contract to the CIA. After a few days of investigation, senior CIA officers reported back that they could not find the answer. Helms immediately ordered a full study of the situation, and after more than a month of searching records all over the agency, a report was handed in to Helms listing hundreds of professors and administrators on over a hundred campuses. But the staff officers who compiled the report knew that their work was incomplete . Within weeks, another campus connection was exposed in the press. The contact was not on the list that had been compiled for the Director.”Victor Marchetti1974



World Peace Foundation



ClimateWorksLarge funder of projects intended to steer public opinion and take control over all government policy under the pretext of fighting climate change. Part of "a blob" of similar very wealthy interconnected foundations with opaque structures. Backers include Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg.
Hewlett FoundationHuge foundation setting the agenda by funding lots of deep state projects.
Omidyar NetworkFoundation owned by the the deep state-connected billionaire Pierre Omidyar, financing preferred NGOs


Alumni on Wikispooks

Richard E. BissellUSSpook
CSIS,United States Information Agency, USAID...
Barbara Bodine28 August 1948Diplomat
Richard Boucher1951USDiplomatUS career diplomat
Richard Burt3 February 1947USDiplomat
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Charles Dallara25 August 1948USBankerBanker who attended the 1989 Bilderberg
Jamie Dimon13 March 1956Banker
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Jeffrey Feltman1959USDiplomat
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US deep state diplomat who has led colour revolutions
Leslie Gelb4 March 193731 August 2019USJournalist
Deep state actor
President of the Council on Foreign Relations and opinion-making New York Times journalist.
Shukri Ghanem9 October 194229 April 2012Politician
Richard Goodwin7 December 193120 May 2018USAuthorAide and speechwriter to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, and to Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Helped plan 1964 Brazil coup.
Robert D. Hormats13 April 1943USEconomistDeep state connected vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates.
Roberta Jacobson8 March 1962Diplomat
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David KramerAcademicUS academic with multiple deep state connections
Peter Krogh1937USAcademicBecame Dean of the Walsh School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University at age 32, which provides the personnel backbone for the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense,State Department, and other organs of the national security state. Got job possibly after attending Bilderberg/1969. Also attended Bilderberg/1970 and at end of career Bilderberg/1994.
Susan Livingstone13 January 1946
William LutiUSMariner
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Special Advisor for National Security Affairs to Dick Cheney. Attended the 2004 - 2007 Bilderbergs
Mariana Mazzucato16 June 1968Italy
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Gina McCarthy3 May 1954EPA administrator 2013-17
Cynthia McKinney17 March 1955USActivist
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Daniel Moynihan16 March 192726 March 2003USDiplomat
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Siamak Namazi14 September 1971Iran
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Pierre Omidyar21 June 1967Billionaire
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Thomas Pickering5 November 1931USDiplomat
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Bill Richardson15 November 19471 September 2023USPoliticianUS Bilderberger who went to Myanmar in 2021 "to speed the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines from the COVAX facility to Myanmar and to help mitigate a possible fourth wave of COVID-19."
Chuck Rosenberg10 September 1960Administrator of the US Drug Enforcement Administration
Richard Snyder1933USPublishing executiveExecutive in corporate publising giant Simon & Schuster.
G. Richard Thoman25 June 1944USBusinesspersonTriple Bilderberger US business executive.
Don Craig Wiley21 October 194415 November 2001USBiologistNational expert on infections diseases who "accidentally fell off bridge" in November 2001.
Walter Wriston3 August 191919 January 2005USBanker
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Peter deFazio27 May 1947PoliticianU.S. Representative for Oregon. Opposed Patriot Act.
Behlül ÖzkanTurkeyAcademicTurkish academic Bilderberger
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