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Tucker Carlson journalist and TV personality. Against COVID, but with a connection to the CIA and its operation in Nicaragua.
Pablo Casado Bilderberger politician
Center for Countering Digital Hate group to coordinate internet censorship, i.e. to "deplatform"/"demonetize"/shadow ban dissident opinion on YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, Apple, Paypal etc.
François-Philippe Champagne Champagne/Canadian Bilderberger politician, lawyer
Cheltenham Ladies' College English girls school.
Jacob Collins American entrepreneur and real estate developer
Susan Collins's Republican Senator
Conservative Post /Conservative Post is a website.
Giuseppe Conte ufficiale/Former Italian Prime Minister
Darren Conway
Covid Action UK uk/A British campaign group. Associates are experts on "conspiracy theorists", "anti-vaxxer misinformation"
Crimes of Britain website focused on exposing the crimes of the UK
Liz Crokin
Canan Dagdeviren academic who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
Clarissa Delgado an Obama Foundation Fellow in 2018 and a WEF Young Global Leader in 2022.
Carla Denyer
Michelle Dewberry British businesswoman, stood now a TV presenter on GB News
Dan Dicks Dicks is a regular watcher of Bilderberg.
Die Linke wing populist party in Germany.
Tiffany Dover dover /A nurse who fainted during showcase rollout of Pfizer vaccine. The sporadic corporate media "proof of life" efforts since then raises more questions than provides answers.
Donald Duke Nigerian politician whom the Institute for Statecraft were keen to meet
Jay Dyer of 'Esoteric Hollywood'
Eurocontrol central organisation for coordination and planning of air traffic control for all of Europe
FDP liberal party
Cassandra Fairbanks journalist; reported on Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.
Bill Fairclough billBill Fairclough's biography
Mykhailo Fedorov government minister; WEF/Young Global Leaders/2022
Fiat company of the Agnelli family, with tentacles all over Italian society.
Free University of Berlin berlinCreated as a Cold War showcase of Western freedom.
Friends of Al Aqsa
GB News's newest news channel.
Tulsi Gabbard presidential candidate running on peace anti-war platform, who in March 2020 suspended her campaign in favour of warmonger Joe Biden.
Gayatri Galloway presenter and anthropologist wife of George Galloway.
Bill Gates computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Melinda Gateshttp://melindafrenchgatesFormer wife of Bill Gates. Billionaire, deep state functionary promoting vaccines and internet censorship.
Kristalina Georgieva World Bank
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime toc/
Ariana Grande popular singer willing to make jab propaganda
Filippo Grandi bureaucrat, WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1999
Richard Gutjahr spookily prescient journalist who just happened to be situated twice in two weeks to shoot video of "terrorist" attacks.
Luana Génot uncritical promoter of COVID-19 vaccines
Danny Haiphong haiphong/At the UN Security Council on 18 August 2023
Caryn Ann Harlos Libertarian, serving as secretary of the Libertarian National Committee.
Health Freedom For Humanity group of health professionals; who advocate for Health Freedom.
Anne Heche actress who died in fiery car crash
Mils Hills"Academic Evangelist, MBA pathway for UK armed forces & veterans, UK Government's First Anthropologist"
Jackson Hinkle American YouTuber.
Chris Hipkins Zealand PM since 2023
Shelby Hosana /