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Tomer EigesAttempted whistleblower at the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate who died in military prison
Daniel EllsbergPentagon PapersA feted whistleblower who exposed some details of how the US government was waging the Vietnam War. The fact that he was not persecuted has lead several commentators to suggest that he may not in fact have been all he appears to be. Specifically, the Pentagon Papers may have been a limited hangout.
Rudolf ElmerRudolf ElmerA banking whistleblower.
Hervé FalcianiHSBCWhistleblower who is behind "the biggest banking leak in history".
Tony FarrellSelf-styled whistleblower whom Tom Secker doubts
Perry FellwockMass surveillance
The first NSA whistleblower
Harry FergusonUK/TortureA spook who admits that the UK tortured IRA members in Northern Ireland.
Alayne FleischmannJPMorgan ChaseA witness to massive financial crimes who was contacted by the authorities and blew the whistle publicly only in November 2014 after realising that the Justice department and the SEC were intent on hushing up rather than publishing the fraud.
Frank Gregory FordUS spook. Claimed foreknowledge of 911 and having discovered caches of Iraqi WMDs after 2003 invasion. Then whistleblower on torture in Iraq who was right away put in mental institution.
Howard FredricsKingston UniversityComposer and academic who was placed on the UK's "Most Wanted" list after releasing a satirical music video Circle of Corruption about Kingston University.
Communications Security Establishment
Norwegian Intelligence Service
Canadian SIGINT spook for 34 years who became a whistleblower
Stephen FrostUK/ArmyA doctor who expressed his doubts about the official narrative of the death of Dr David Kelly.
John Taylor GattoSchoolProbably the most famous teacher in USA, who became an unschooling activist, having turned up irrefutable proof that the forced schooling system was never intended to benefit children, but quite the reverse.
Mike GermanFBI/CorruptionExposed the corrupt management of 'counterterrorism' at the FBI
Subrata GhoshroyStrategic Defense Initiative
Government Accountability Office whistleblower who exposed that his agency had "ignored evidence" of how a $26 billion Boeing "missile defence" system had "doctored data, skewed test results and made false statements".
Bunny GreenhouseHalliburton
Exposed corruption in Halliburton. Awarded $970,000.
Frank GrevilAnders Fogh Rasmussen#LiesA major in Danish intelligence who revealed that Anders Fogh Rasmussen had been blatantly lying about Iraq's alleged WMD's. Sentenced to jail for revealing this.
Ben GriffinSAS#CultureSAS turned whistleblower and ant-war activist, subject to legal gags, who gives an unflattering inside perspective of the SAS culture.
Kay GriggsUS/Army
A friend of White House correspondent Sarah McClendon who exposed the Deep State.
Ray GuagliardiTSA/CorruptionFired from the Transportation Security Administration after notifying headquarters of violations of regulations for inspecting baggage.
Katharine GunGCHQ/Illegal spying
NSA/Illegal spying
A Chinese translator who exposed illegal efforts by the GCHQ to illegally bug the UN offices of 6 nations in an effort to start an illegal war. Considered a hero by many.
Ted GundersonUS policeman supposedly turned dissident who gave confusing revelations
Daniel Everette HaleDrone whistleblower who was arrested and indicted on allegations that he disclosed classified documents about the US military’s assassination program
Georgina Halford-HallDirector of the II-linked WhistleblowersUK, which later had strong allegations of misconduct.
Philip HaneyDOHSA DOHS whistleblower who suddenly died in February 2020
Frances HaugenFacebook whistleblower?
Tyrone HayesHerbicides/Dangers
A scientific whistleblower. Big Ag corporation Syngenta orchestrated an attack on Hayes' scientific credibility.
Bruce Hemmings"Iran-Contra"CIA officer who refused to cover up the Iran Contra affair
Ian Henderson (OPCW)Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical WeaponsOPCW whistleblower
Richard HigbieState Department whistleblower of investigations derailed by senior officials under Hillary Rodham Clinton. Had his emails hacked and deleted.
John HnatioUS nuclear whistleblower
Charles HoffeCanadian doctor who blew the whistle on large-scale RNA vaccine injuries.
Fred Holroyd
Barbara HoneggerOctober Surprise
Henry F. HughesTWA Flight 800NTSB investigator involved in the "investigation" into TWA Flight 800. Described it as "the most unusual investigation I've ever participated in and I investigated thousands of incidents".
Brook Jackson"COVID-19/Vaccine"A whistleblower who witnessed numerous violations of standard operating procedure in the experiments carried out regards COVID jabs
Natacha JaittVIPaedophile
Gustavo Vera
Assassinated model who became a whistleblower for child sex abuse by Argentina's elite class
Gerald JamesArms-to-Iraq"The most important and high-level whistleblower in the defence industry"
Steven E. Jones9-11/WTC Controlled demolition
Loyd JowersMLK/AssassinationConfessed on TV to involvement in the assassination of Martin Luther King, and was subsequently found guilty of involvement in a conspiracy to kill him.
Steve KangasThe cabalA spook turned whistleblower who was one of the first political campaigners on the internet. Probably murdered by the US Deep state.
Isaac KappyHollywood/VIPaedophileAn actor who died aged 42 after accusing former Hollywood friends of paedophilia.
Ron KavanaghFood and Drug Administration
Office of Clinical Pharmacology
David KellyDodgy DossierDr David Kelly, a biological weapons expert who died in highly suspicious circumstances
David KeoghAl Jazeera bombing memoA civil servant who together with Leo O'Connor was charged with exposing the "Al Jazeera bombing memo", about how Blair dissuaded Bush from bombing Al Jazeera in Qatar.
Niaz KhanAl-QaedaDefected from an al Qaeda plot to hijacker civilian airliners. Warned the FBI in 2000, but they were told by higher ups not to take him seriously.
John KiriakouCIA/Torture
Black site
The only CIA officer to go to prison for reasons connected to their torturing of suspects - the first whistleblower.
Mark KleinMass surveillanceA 2006 whistleblower who revealed how AT&T were partnering with the NSA to spy on their customers.
Karen KwiatkowskiPentagon/CorruptionFormer Pentagon staffer who has exposed the lies of the Pentagon.
Richard Lambert2001 anthrax attacksThe agent in charge of the FBI's Amerithrax investigation, who in 2015 publicly claimed that they had no feasible case against Bruce Ivins and that evidence exonerating him had been deliberately concealed.