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     Page name     InterestsDescription
Alvin FelzenbergPrincipal spokesman for the 9-11 Commission.
Niall FergusonPoly Bilderberger Hoover Institution Fellow historian, WEF YGL 2005, attended the WEF/Annual Meeting/2020
Herbert A. L. FisherUK deep state operative
André FontaineFrench historian and journalist
Samuel T. Francis"Terrorism"
Andrei Fursov
John GaddisCold War
Daniele GanserIntelligence agency
Operation Gladio
Resource wars
Swiss historian who has focused on Operation Gladio
François GodementChinaFrench historian with deep state connections interested in China. First attended the Bilderberg in 2019.
Russell Grenfell
G. Edward GriffinChemtrails
Central bank
Federal Reserve
Yuri Bezmenov
Exposed banking cartels and "The Rothschild formula"
Johannes GroßmannLe CercleA historian interested in deep politics.
Robert J. Hanyok
Lars HedegaardBerlingske TidendeDanish historian, author and journalist
Chris HedgesWar
Corporate media
A fearless speaker of truth to power, Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for almost 20 years, when he quit and began a blistering series of books which challenge different aspects of corporate capitalism. In 2012 he filed suit contending that the NDAA's provision for indefinite detention without trial was unconstitutional. Unbowed, he remains a thorn in the side of the establishment.
Peter HennessyEnglish establishment historian and academic specialising in the history of government.
Gertrude HimmelfarbUS neocon historian and cultural critic. Marries neocon godfather Irving Kristol, mother of William Kristol
Eric Hobsbawm
Michael Howard (Historian)War
Ivan IllichPhilosophy
Social change
Not particularly celebrated during his lifetime, Illich was one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century, perhaps of all time.
David IrvingWW2Having personally interviewed most of the senior NAZI Party members who survived the victor's justice of Nuremberg, plus many of the secretaries, wives, children etc of those that did not, David Irving is probably the most distinguished and knowledgeable English-speaking historian of World War II
Pierre JoannonIreland/HistoryHistorian invited to the 1984 meeting of Le Cercle in Bonn
Charles JonesCuba
David KaiserJFK AssassinationAmerican historian. In his book on the JFK assassination, he accepts the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, but posits that he was an opponent of Castro used by mafia leaders who wanted Kennedy and Castro dead.
Elie KedourieMiddle EastVisitor to the Washington Conference on International Terrorism who wrote a paper for the 1982 Bilderberg
John KeeganWar
Ibram Kendi"Racism"
George KennanCold WarSuspected US deep politician, member of the Georgetown Set
Rashid Khalidi
Paul KlebnikovBoris Berezovsky
Russian oligarchs
Russia/Deep state
US journalist who was shot dead for his reporting in Russia.
Max KohnstammMember of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee, visited the Bilderberg 28 times. European chair of the CFR
Nicholas Kollerstrom2005 London bombingsEnglish writer and historian of science who has written extensively on false flag attacks
Stephen KotkinStalinSenior fellow, Hoover Institution
Michael KurtzJFK Assassination
Jeremy KuzmarovSerena Shim Award
Ann LambtonIran/1953 coup d'état
Marnia LazregTorture
Historian with interest in the systemic function of torture
Wolfgang LeonhardSoviet Union
German historian who wrote a working paper on The Soviet Union and East Europe: Their Problems, Contradictions and Perspective for the 1981 Bilderberg
Louis Leprince-RinguetFrench nuclear physicist and European Movement leader
Fred Leuchter"The Holocaust"
Bernard LewisSpooky academic who attended the 1979 and 2002 Bilderbergs, as well as the Washington Conference on International Terrorism.
Geir LundestadNorwegian historian who wrote obsequious thesis on how the U.S. became a military empire "by invitation" - so no surprise he became Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. Attended the 2005 Bilderberg.
Roy MacLarenFive Bilderberg visits spanning 27 years, Canadian politician
Margaret MacMillanCanadian multi-Bilderberger historian
Jim MacgregorWW1
Victor Madeira"Russian Propaganda"
A UK academic who has focused on Russian espionage. A member of the IfS and the II.
Jahan Mahmood"Radicalisation"UK "terror expert", member of the Institute for Statecraft, reported that UK authorities are radicalising young Muslims.
Noel MalcolmKosovo War
Bosnian War
Paul ManningMartin Bormann
David MantikJFK AssassinationAn assistant professor of physics and researcher into the JFK assassination