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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Reorganised the Secret Service after the JFK hit". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • J. Daniel Howard  + (Reagan diplomat involved in Poland and [[Iran-Contra]])
  • Eric West  + (Real estate agent who lived close to the burn area of the [[2023 Hawaii wildfires]]; now investigating the circumstances.)
  • Rosa Koire  + (Real estate appraiser who during her work learned about [[Agenda 21]] and became an activist.)
  • University of Western Ontario  + (Rebranded in 2012 to give it less of a national identify)
  • University of Haiti  + (Rebuilt after the 2010 earthquake)
  • Bell Pottinger  + (Received $500 million from the US DOD to create a range of propaganda, including fake Al-Qaeda videos)
  • Iman al-Obeidi  + (Received worldwide media attention during the Western bombing campaign of Libya when she burst into the restaurant of the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli and told the international press corps there that Libyan troops had beaten and gang-raped her.)
  • John Bolton  + (Recess Appointment. Never Confirmed by the U.S. Senate)
  • Jeremy R. Hammond  + (Recipient of the [[Project Censored]] 2010 Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism.)
  • Bournemouth University  + (Recognised for its work in the media industry)
  • Document:Chris Donnelly Recommendation for the Appointment or Extension of Tenure of an Honorary Colonel of a T/A Reserve Regional Unit  + (Recommendation for Extension of Tenure of an Honorary Colonel for [[Chris Donnelly]] working in [[Specialist Group Military Intelligence]])
  • William Tapley Bennett  + (Recommended US invasion)
  • Amphetamines  + (Recreational drugs with potential for use in combat.)
  • Sciences Po Aix  + (Recruitment university for the deep state and secret services)
  • Üstün Ergüder  + (Rector of Bosporus University, Board Member of the [[Vehbi Koç Foundation]])
  • Ghassan Abu Sittah  + (Rector of [[Glasgow University]])
  • File:CIA Research Paper SW91-100076X Redacted.pdf  + (Redacted CIA Research paper SW91-10076X titled 'Project Babylon' as it appeared on the CIA web site in July 2012)
  • Robert Askin  + (Redistribution in 1973)
  • Barry O'Farrell  + (Redistricted in 1999)
  • Crimea referendum  + (Referendum in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol on the future status of the peninsula)
  • Donbas status referenda  + (Referendums on the future status of the Donesk and Luhansk Oblasts in Eastern Ukraine take place)
  • Fourth Estate  + (Refers to the [[corporate media|press and news media]] both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues)
  • Document:The Warsaw Ghetto myth  + (Reflection of a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto)
  • Charterhouse School  + (Regarded to be among the most prestigious schools in the world due to the school's history and influence)
  • 2014 Ukraine coup  + (Regime change war in [[Ukraine]].)
  • Eastern Kentucky University  + (Regional Kentucky university)
  • Grant Winthrop  + (Regular Bilderberg rapporteur)
  • Armin Laschet  + (Regular MSC visitor, CDU politician)
  • Helga Schmid  + (Regular at the [[Brussels Forum]] and [[Munich Security Conference]])
  • Joseph Ratzinger  + (Reigned as Pope Benedict XVI, then resigned)
  • Emile van Lennep  + (Rejected multiple requests to become minisRejected multiple requests to become minister but went consulting for [[Shell]] instead. Was member of the advisory board on European Economical and Monetary Integration. He was personal advisor to several Finance Ministers and visited the [[IMF]]'s meetings yearly.[[IMF]]'s meetings yearly.)
  • Macpherson Inquiry  + (Relating to the murder of Stephen Lawrence)
  • Wikileaks/Vault 7  + (Release of electronic [[surveillance]] and [[cyber warfare]] tools from the [[CIA]] arsenal.)
  • Integrity Initiative/Leak/5  + (Released on the 24 January 2019, the fifth [[Integrity Initiative Leak]].)
  • Scientology  + (Religion/Sect known for its hardball tactics against critics.)
  • North Greenville University  + (Religious Southern Baptist institution)
  • Operation Snow White  + (Religious cult breaks into 100s of international government buildings to remove their own names, is not banned.)
  • Dakota Wesleyan University  + (Religious university in [[South Dakota]], [[George McGovern]] alma mater)
  • Lebanon  + (Religiously diverse [[Middle East]]ern country.)
  • John Micklethwait  + (Remarkable number of [[Bilderberg meetings]] and [[WEF AGM]]s)
  • Tony Blair  + (Remarkably popular at the time, Tony Blair was a UK prime minister, now infamous for lying the UK into invading Iraq, notwithstanding massive opposition. He is currently sought for War crimes by many people.)
  • Shinzō Abe  + (Remilitarizing Japan)
  • Document:In Eisenhower's Death Camps  + (Reminiscences of a US soldier assigned as a guard to one of the Allies' Rhine Meadow concentration camps for "disarmed enemy combatants" after the German WWII surrender in 1945)
  • The Parallax View  + (Reminiscent of the assassinations of the 1960s and the attempt on Ronald Reagan)
  • Drone  + (Remote controlled flying robots, used for a wide range of purposes by governments or private companies as they're getting banned throughout the world for personal use.)
  • Spiro Agnew  + (Removed by the cabal as vice president before the Watergate coup so Gerald Ford could retake the presidency for them.)
  • Melvin Carraway  + (Removed from office after a report found TSA agents failed to find fake explosives and weapons in internal tests.)
  • Internet/Censorship  + (Removing things from the internet has become a high priority for those who seek to contain knowledge and shape ideas. This is done under a range of covers, notably the "[[war on terror]]".)
  • Erich Gysling  + (Renowned Swiss journalist)
  • Max Weber  + (Renowned [[sociologist]])
 (Reorganised the Secret Service after the JFK hit)
  • James Rowley  + (Reorganised the Secret Service after the JFK hit.)
  • Thomas Müller  + (Repeat visitor to the [[Munich Security Conference]].)
  • Chris Martenson  + (Repeatedly deleted from Wikipedia)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand  + (Replaced [[Hillary Clinton]]'s seat as Senator from New York.)
  • Document:Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the COVID-19 virus  + (Report of a thorough investigation into the origins of the virus that caused the pandemic. Whilst the author is circumspect, the evidence presented points clearly to the virus being the product of laboratory engineering.)
  • File:US-biowarfare in Korea.pdf  + (Report of investigations into the use of biological weapons by the US military during the Korean war of 1951-53)
  • File:IAP Maidan Investigations Review.pdf  + (Report of the Council of Europe International Advisory Panel on its review of the Maidan Investigations. It focuses on the 12 month period following the February 2014 coup.)
  • Pentagon Papers  + (Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force)
  • File:Gold-Tungsten-Genesis.pdf  + (Report on just one incident of ostensibly ''"Good Delivery"'' gold bars - 60 metric tonnes of them - stored at an asian depository, that turned out to be 95% Tungsten. Oops!)
  • Strive Masiyiwa  + (Reported that his "immediate task has been to deal with supply chains.")
  • 2016 Berlin attack  + (Reported truck hijacking in Berlin attributed to [[ISIL]].)
  • John Deutch  + (Reportedly "moved quickly to change things".)
  • Peter Hayman  + (Reportedly a key liaison between UK and USA intelligence.)
  • Boris Fyodorov  + (Reportedly died of a stroke)
  • Katherine Horton  + (Reportedly engaged in conflict with [[intelligence agencies]]Reportedly engaged in conflict with [[intelligence agencies]]. As well as calling for [[exposure of the Deep State]], she has repeatedly called for violence against those involved in it, leading former supporters to view her as an [[agent provocateur]] and infiltrator.[[agent provocateur]] and infiltrator.)
  • Oswald Allen Harker  + (Reportedly ineffective.)
  • Kari Kairamo  + (Reportedly killed himself)
  • George Kennedy Young  + (Reportedly resigned due to dissatisfaction with the MacMillan government. The start date is speculative, but matches the departure of James Easton.)
  • Walter Page  + (Reportedly resigned due to unspecified "ill-health". Died in December.)
  • Suh Hoon  + (Reportedly tried to shake the agency up)
  • Linda Greenhouse  + (Reporter who covered the United States Supreme Court for nearly three decades for ''The New York Times.'')
  • Black-boxes handed to Malay officials  + (Reports of Black-boxes handed over to Malaysian officials by DPR Militia)
  • SBU siezes Ukraine ATC tapes  + (Reports of Ukraine SBU seizing the Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk ATC tapes of conversations between MH17 and Ukraine air traffic control)
  • Willi Krichbaum  + (Representative of Gestapo chief [[Heinrich Müller]].)
  • EU-RF-Ukraine agreement  + (Representatives of the Russia Federation, the EU and Ukraine (President and opposition) meet in Kiev and reach agreement on the way forward)
  • Bernard Snoy et d'Oppuers  + (Represented [[Austria]], [[Belarus]], [[Belgium]], [[Hungary]], [[Kazakhstan]], [[Luxembourg]], [[Slovakia]], [[Czech Republic]] and [[Turkey]])
  • Bernard Snoy et d'Oppuers  + (Represented [[Belgium]], [[Luxembourg]], [[Slovenia]])
  • Richard McCormack  + (Representing the State Department at a number of functions abroad.<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup>)
  • Vivek Ramaswamy  + (Republican candidate in the [[US/2024 Presidential election]])
  • Karoline Leavitt  + (Republican political aide)
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene  + (Republican politician from Georgia.)
  • Mary Miller  + (Republican politician from [[Illinois]]. Target of the [[ADL]].)
  • Jackie Walorski  + (Republican politician from [[Indiana]]; premature death after winning her primary election.)
  • Dan Crenshaw  + (Republican politician from [[Texas]].)
  • Liz Cheney  + (Republican politician from [[Wyoming]]. Daughter of former Vice President [[Dick Cheney]].)
  • Susan Brooks  + (Republican politician; former member of congress)
  • Tom Feeney  + (Requested (and was supplied with) software to rig a US election.)
  • Jaap de Hoop Scheffer  + (Requested to join the [[Iraq War]] ''one year before all other MPs'', became [[Secretary General of NATO]] the next year. In that role he held an "[[anti-terrorist exercise]]" in Madrid 3 days before the [[2004 Madrid train bombings]].)
  • Philip Ruddock  + (Rescheduled in 1977 and 1993)
  • Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies  + (Research center that is part of [[Columbia University]]'s School of International and Public Affairs)
  • Biological weapon/Research  + (Research into editing DNA and biological chemicals, because these [[human experiments]] have '''always''' been ethically responsible...)
  • Document:The Deep State: Germany, Immigration, and the National Socialist Underground  + (Research on the NSU has shown that the intResearch on the NSU has shown that the intelligence services had the fascist terror organization under surveillance the whole time, without passing its information on to the police. It had many Confidential Informants (CIs) in leading positions in the fascist structures – or rather, the CIs even built up large parts of these structures. built up large parts of these structures.)
  • Florida State University  + (Research university in Tallahassee, Florida.)
  • Albert Stubblebine  + (Researched psychic warfare)
  • Wayne Smith  + (Researched the use of euthanasia drug Midazolam in the UK during the Covid event. One of 28 people in the UK to die "of Covid" that day.)
  • Nick Redfern  + (Researcher into UFO's and the [[Men in Black]])
  • Chris Exley  + (Researcher into aluminium toxicity and [[vaccines]] who was pressured to quit from [[Keele University]] after pressure from big donors.)
  • Richard Booth  + (Researcher into the Oklahoma City bombing)
  • Robbie Graham  + (Researcher with an interest in the UFO phenomenon.)
  • Lori Handrahan  + (Researcher with twenty years experience inResearcher with twenty years experience in humanitarian and human rights work in [[Central Asia]], [[Africa]] and the [[Balkans]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup>)