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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "An international superstructure that has evolved since WW2". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Project MKUltra  + (An illegal mind control research programmeAn illegal mind control research programme, where psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture were used to gain control of individuals. were used to gain control of individuals.)
  • Project MKCHICKWIT  + (An illegal mind control research programme.)
  • Document:Pushing Ukraine to the Brink  + (An illuminating introduction to extent thaAn illuminating introduction to extent that control of both gas and oil pipelines defines Usaian global policy and actions - especially in the Middle East, Central Asia and Ukraine. It is essentially anti-Russian and aimed at maintaining Ango-US dominance over the EU and Europeg Ango-US dominance over the EU and Europe)
  • Document:The World War on Democracy  + (An illustration of the true nature of 'Globalisation' by recounting the story of the Chagos Islanders and their Machiavellian abuse at the hands of the UK government.)
  • 1981 Libyan hit squad scare  + (An imaginary "hit squad of terrorists" sent to Washington by Libyan leader [[Muammar Gaddafi]] to assassinate [[President Reagan]])
  • Dennis Stevenson  + (An important 'fixer' behind the scenes in the interface between business, politics and the Arts.)
  • "Anti-vaxxer"  + (An important [[enemy image]] during [[COVID]] to demonize resistance to [[COVID-19 injections]].)
  • University of Kent  + (An important centre for [[research into "conspiracy theories"]])
  • Heroin  + (An important component of the [[illegal drug trade]]. A highly addictive pain killing drug which which is widely used recreationally.)
  • Hanns Seidel Foundation  + (An important group in international parapolitical manipulation, active in Latin America, Fiji and other places.)
  • Gary Schmitt  + (An important neo-conservative intelligence theorist)
  • User:Robin  + (An important piece of the puzzle that fits together with other reports of CIA planes involving large shipments of money and drugs. Wikipedia doesn't even give this event its own page.)
  • Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs  + (An important step in the [[globalisation]] of the [[illegal drug trade]].)
  • File:Glyphosate - Pathway to Modern Diseases.Pdf  + (An in depth technical appraisal of the severe adverse effects on human health of the burgeoning use of Monsanto's Roundup, implicating it as a major factor in most of the so-called 'Western diet diseases'.)
  • Document:Rothschild TNK-BP Intriguers Drafted The Trump-Russia Report  + (An in-depth analysis of a 35 page UK-sourced intelligence document purporting to discredit Donald Trump and prove Russian involvement in the so-called 'hacking' of the 2016 presidential election.)
  • Coup d'etat in slow motion  + (An in-depth analysis of the events and politics surrounding the assassination of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme.)
  • Document:The Sordid Origin of Hate-Speech Laws  + (An in-depth analysis of the origins of modern western so-called 'Hate-speech' laws in the early post-[[WWII]] Soviet Union.)
  • Document:Wikileaks and the Mighty Wurlitzer  + (An in-depth discussion of how dissident organisations are co-opted and or otherwise used, abused, controlled or discredited and destroyed by the secret information services.)
  • 2008 Mumbai attacks  + (An incident of "terrorism" used to introduce the Indian [[National Investigation Agency]]. The perpetrators may have connections to the CIA and deep state.)
  • File:Anonymous-open-letter-to-us-citizens.pdf  + (An incitement to revolution)
  • Brussels Forum/Guests/List  + (An incomplete list of 3152 visitors to the 16 [[Brussels Forum/Meeting]]s detailed on this site)
  • Munich Security Conference/Guests/List  + (An incomplete list of 3933 visitors to the 15 [[Munich Security Conference/Meeting]]s detailed on this site)
  • Fracking  + (An increasingly desperate method to prolong the age of fossil fuels, one that threatens to cause long term harm to the biosphere, not only in the longer term by fueling climate change, but in the much nearer term by polluting drinking water.)
  • European Journalism Centre  + (An independent and non-profit institute sponsored by several influential government-backed [[NGOs]]. One of EJC's goals is to "retrain [[journalists]]", a similar geopolitical stance and aim of [[Stopfake]].)
  • Guerrilla News Network  + (An independent media organisation)
  • UK Column  + (An independent media source based in UK.)
  • Maverick  + (An independent minded person.)
  • Sandra Barr  + (An independent researcher into psyops and hoaxes. Examines the numerology and why certain dates are used for such events. Exposes establishment corruption.)
  • Chris Busby  + (An independent scientist whose work demonsAn independent scientist whose work demonstrates that inadequate risk models are used by the establishment in its estimation of the health impact of low dose exposure to radiation. A concerted campaign has tried to undermine his credibility because his message challenges the status quo.use his message challenges the status quo.)
  • MintPress News  + (An independent website.)
  • "Fact checker"  + (An individual or group trusted to investigate the truth of news. In practice, professional fact checkers test whether news conforms to their employers' opinions.)
  • Diligence  + (An industrial espionage network fronted by former members of the establishment.)
  • Aerospace manufacturer  + (An industry regarded as vitally strategic for great powers)
  • Hill & Knowlton Strategies  + (An infamous PR company, called "an unelected shadow government")
  • Lincoln Savings  + (An infamous part of the multi-billion dollar [[Savings and loan fraud]].)
  • Keith B. Alexander  + (An infamously mendacious tenure)
  • Harold Wallace Rosenthal  + (An influential jew who died reportedly from a "terrorist" attack 30 days after an interview about The Deep State)
  • Operations Coordinating Board  + (An informal and secretive committee of the US [[National Security Council]] in the 1950s.)
  • Document:How Reddit Was Destroyed  + (An informative summary of changes made to how [[Reddit]] works to facilitate its use as a means of disseminating propaganda and frustrate its use as a forum for uncensored self-expression.)
  • "Non-crime hate incident"  + (An infringement on freedom of speech.)
  • James Comey  + (An insider who decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton)
  • Esmé Howard  + (An integral member of the small group of men who made and implemented British foreign policy (the [[Milner group]]?))
  • University of Athens  + (An integral part of the modern Greek academic and intellectual tradition)
  • File:Analysis of CIA Research Paper SW91-100076X.pdf  + (An intelligence analysis and authentication of the un-redacted portions of CIA Research Paper SW91-100076X - Project Babylon: The Iraq supergun (1991))
  • Document:Top 3 deliverables/achievements of phase 1  + (An interesting document describing US parts of the network; NATO General Secretary [[Stoltenberg]] and other high level contacts;silencing pro-kremlin voices on Serbian TV; Spanish operation to fire [[Pedro Baños]])
  • Lori Klausutis  + (An intern for [[Joe Scarborough]] who in July 2001 was found dead at her desk aged 28, reportedly due to undiagnosed heart problems.)
  • File:Leaked-UN-Plan-for-Post-Gadhafi-Libya.pdf  + (An internal UN memo on the plan for UN involvement in 'post-conflict' Libya. It was obtained and first published by on 29 August 2011. Its authenticity is not verified but its contents indicate that it probably is a genuine UN document.)
  • Financial Stability Board  + (An international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the [[global financial system]].)
  • Christopher Black  + (An international criminal and human rights lawyer with advocate experience at both the [[ICIY]] and the [[ICTR]])
  • International Center for the Study of Terrorism  + (An international group affiliated with a number of research universities in Britain and the United States.)
 (An international superstructure that has evolved since WW2)
  • European Union  + (An international superstructure that has evolved since WW2.)
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child  + (An international treaty to afford legal rights to children, effective in almost all nations of the world except the USA.)
  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women  + (An international treaty to remove discrimination against women, effective in almost all nations of the world except the USA.)
  • International Criminal Court  + (An international tribunal to prosecute individuals for war crimes. Neither "international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal.")
  • SEIU  + (An international union of almost 2 million members.)
  • Diplomatic immunity  + (An internationally agreed arrangement to confers special legal privileges on diplomats.)
  • Truthstream Media  + (An internet based, independent media outlet.)
  • Joe Vialls  + (An internet journalist who cricitised commercially controlled media, and suffered a premature death,)
  • Document:President Bashar al Assad - Interview 17 June 2013  + (An interview with Syrian President Basher al-Assad)
  • Document:French volunteer fighters for DPR  + (An interview with two French volunteers with the Donbass Militia in Eastern Ukraine. The interview was conducted in Moscow.)
  • Document:The Octopus  + (An introduction to the involvement of senior US politicians, bureaucrats and the CIA in globalised criminal activities, the investigation of which cost investigative reported Danny Casolaro his life)
  • Document:The Spoils of War  + (An introduction to the murky subject of the gold plundered by the NAZI and Japanese militaries during World War II and what happened to it.)
  • File:Nanothermite Smoking Gun.pdf  + (An introduction to the nano-thermite issue and how the "investigators" chose to ignore this aspect.)
  • User:Robin  + (An introduction to this piece of Orwellian language.)
  • User:Robin  + (An introduction to this piece of Orwellian language.)
  • File:Church Committee - Congo.pdf  + (An investigation into CIA involvement in the murder of Patrice Lumumba.)
  • Saville Inquiry  + (An investigation into [[Bloody Sunday]] which left 14 people dead.)
  • Project ARTICHOKE  + (An investigation into interrogation methods using drugs and other methods: "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?")
  • File:Theorising Truth.pdf  + (An investigation into the claims broadcastAn investigation into the claims broadcast in two documentaries about the London bombings of 7th July 2005:- 7/7 Ripple Effect and the BBC’s Conspiracy Files: 7/7. It concludes that both documentaries construct truth that supports their contrasting political outlook and agenda. contrasting political outlook and agenda.)
  • File:Truthontherock.pdf  + (An investigation into the wholesale distorAn investigation into the wholesale distortion of news by the corporate media when reporting on the SAS killings of 3 IRA members in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988. It is a serious indictment of the British media's handling of the affair and particularly that of The Sunday Times.and particularly that of The Sunday Times.)
  • John Morgan  + (An investigative journalist who has written a series of books about the death of [[Diana Princess of Wales]] which convincingly demonstrate that her death was NOT accidental)
  • Tracy Twyman  + (An investigator into claims of [[paedophilia in Hollywood]]. She was found dead in 2019. A posthumously released video details death threats made against her.)
  • Gary Caradori  + (An investigator into the [[Franklin child prostitution ring]], killed with his son in a plane crash.)
  • Le Cercle/2012 (Morocco)  + (An invitation letter of this meeting was leaked online)
  • Phobia  + (An irrational, sometimes overwhelming fear)
  • East Timor  + (An island country in Southeast [[Asia]].)
  • Micronesia  + (An island nation in Oceania)
  • Nauru  + (An island nation in Oceania)
  • Solomon Islands  + (An island nation in Oceania)
  • Tuvalu  + (An island nation in Oceania)
  • Vanuatu  + (An island nation in Oceania)
  • New Zealand  + (An island state next to Australia which "has become a preferred bolthole for the ultra rich". Aggressively used [[contact tracing]] and [[lockdowns]] during the [[COVID-19]] event.)
  • Document:The Shameful Tragedy of Tariq Aziz. A Metaphor for the “New Iraq.”  + (An obituary - and requiem - for a courageous honest man whose treatment at the hands of his tormentors heaps further shame on their Western installers and puppet-masters who have very effectively destroyed his country)
  • Document:Roger Scruton obituary  + (An obituary for [[Roger Scruton]])
  • Interpen  + (An off the books assassination squad connected to a lot of murders possibly on the orders of the [[US Deep state]].)
  • Ivermectin  + (An off-patent, very safe, drug which the [[Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance]] termed "effectively a “miracle drug” against COVID-19." A third rail topic for the media/medical establishment.)
  • File:Owning the Weather.pdf  + (An official document of the US Air Force dealing with research and development of weather modification programs on a 25 year view. Its publication coincided with the start of an upsurge in public awareness and disquiet about 'Chemtrails')
  • DSMA-Notice  + (An official request to news editors not to publish or broadcast items on specified subjects for reasons of national security, a system of censorship in use in the UK.)
  • ABC Trial  + (An official secrets case of 1977-78 during which the UK [[Labour]] government prosecuted 3 people for holding an interview, using the [[Official Secrets Act 1911]], a law they earlier had promised to repeal.)
  • Westland New Post  + (An offshoot of Gladio in Belgium, with an unclear connection to the [[Brabant Massacres]])
  • Scottish Defence League  + (An offshoot of the English Defence League.)
  • 2024 Yemen airstrikes  + (An ongoing attack on [[Yemen]])
  • Everipedia  + (An online encyclopaedia which uses blockchain.)
  • SearXNG  + (An open community metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other [[search engines]] while not storing information about its users.)
  • Document:An Open Letter On Defence  + (An open letter the BBC published from a grAn open letter the BBC published from a group of academics and military men written to the [[UK Prime Minister]] highlighting "global threats", warning that "security is threatened in almost every corner of the globe" and that decreased military expenditure would "damage our international credibility". Authors included at least three members of the [[Institute for Statecraft]].[[Institute for Statecraft]].)
  • Document:Open letter to President Putin from 300 Germans  + (An open letter to President Vladimir Putin from 300 Germans about the secession of Crimea and events in Ukraine since November 2013)
  • Document:A targeted and evidence-based approach to the COVID-19 policy response (an open letter)  + (An open letter to UK PM [[Boris Johnson]] from prominent scientists to hinder a new lockdown and change other failed policies)
  • Searx  + (An open source decentralised search engine)
  • Yacy  + (An open source decentralised web crawler)
  • Gigablast  + (An open source search engine written in over 500,00o lines of C/C++. In 2019, Martin Wells warned against using the code.)