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Group.png Mossad  
(Intelligence AgencyNNDB Powerbase WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Mottoבאין תחבולות יפול עם, ותשועה ברוב יועץ
(For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers. (Proverbs 11:14))
FormationDecember 13, 1949
HeadquartersTel Aviv, Israel
LeaderDirector of Mossad
TypeIntelligence agency.png intelligence agency
Subgroups Tevel
Interest ofPaul Lir Alexander, Nahum Manbar, Victor Ostrovsky, Herbert Pundik
SubpageMossad/Deputy Director
"Mossad" (Hebrew for Institute) is an abbreviation for ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim (Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks). It is the Israeli State Agency with overall responsible for external intelligence and covert operations.

The Mossad is the Israeli State Agency with overall responsible for external intelligence and covert operations.

"The Mossad has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinarily low total is that, unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers."[1]

Unit 8200

Full article: Unit 8200

The operations of the Mossad are supported by the Israeli signal intelligence agency Unit 8200.


Mossad's former motto, be-tachbūlōt ta`aseh lekhā milchāmāh (Hebrew: בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה‎) is a quote from the Bible (Proverbs 24:6): "For by wise guidance you can wage your war" (NRSV). Victor Ostrovsky, in his book by the same name, translated this into: "By way of deception, thou shalt do war.".[2] Google translates: "Deceit is essential in warfare".

The motto was later changed to another Proverbs passage: be-'éyn tachbūlōt yippol `ām; ū-teshū`āh be-rov yō'éts (Hebrew: באין תחבולות יפול עם, ותשועה ברוב יועץ‎, Proverbs 11:14). This is translated by NRSV as: "Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."


Full article: Director of Mossad


Events carried out

9-11New York
Washington DC
North America
A complex and spectacular set of events in New York and Washington. The US government was quick to blame Al Qaeda, though no evidence of guilt was presented and there is much suspicion about what Al Qaeda really is. In the USA 9-11 assisted the Patriot Act's roll back of civil liberties, the stepping up of domestic surveillance and the financial advancement of the military industrial complex. Abroad 9-11 helped launched wars on Iraq and Afghanistan that had been planned long before.
Lavon AffairEgyptA false flag bombing campaign carried out in Egypt against US, UK and Egyptian targets. Israel was caught and exposed - and officially admitted responsibility some 51 years later.
Lillehammer assassinationNorway
In 1973 Mossad assassinated a Moroccan citizen in Lillehammer,Norway.
Project UlyssesMossad covert operation to infiltrate and subvert the Palestinian political leadership


Mossad victims on Wikispooks

José Alberto Albano do AmaranteBrazilian nuclear physicist and officer assassinated in 1981 by Mossad and CIA with radioactive poisoning.
Mehdi Ben Barka


Related Quotations

2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack“Los Angeles, Alta California - October 12, 2001 - (ACN) We were alerted this morning by a subscriber from Mexico that two Israelis were arrested Wednesday inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lбzaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico City. Both were armed with 9 mm automatics and one was carrying a military hand grenade, electrical wiring and other bomb related materials. The Israeli Embassy at Sierra Madre 2155, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec has close its doors to the Mexican Press and are refusing to talk. The incident has been independently verified by La Voz de Aztlan through Mexican diplomatic, press and other sources in Mexico City.

The Chief of Legislative Security, Salvador Alarcуn, has also confirmed the arrest of the two Israeli terrorists. One of them Saur Ben Zvi is a confirmed citizen of Israel and the other, Salvador Guersson, recently immigrated to Mexico from Israel. It is has been determined by the Procuradurнa General de la Repъblica (Mexican Department of Justice) that Guersson is a retired Colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and that he may now be operating as a MOSSAD agent. It is not known how they were able to penetrate the extensive security system of the Mexican Legislative Palace.

This is a very grave incident with many serious international implications. Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the recent terrorist acts around the world including the ones against the WTC and the Pentagon. The Mexican public and congress has been reticent about declaring war against Islam along with the U.S. It is possible that an act of "terrorism" against the Mexican Congress was planned in order to "terrorize" Mexico into towing the line against Islam. La Voz de Aztlan will be on top of this developing story to report any additional developments.”
13 October 2001
Israel“Israel first encountered Islamists that would later form Hamas in Gaza in the 1970s. Back then they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel.
Israel realized that it could use the organisation to help splinter Palestinian society in the Gaza strip and hurt the Palestinian Liberation front which dominated Palestinian politics. So Israel helped and even gave funds to Hamas in the 1980s so it could establish itself in Gaza.
The Israeli government officially recognized the precursor to Hamas, called "Mujama Al-Islamiya" back then, registered the group as a charity and even supported it with funds to help it spread its influence in Gaza and in the occupied Palestinian territories.

At the time, Israel's main enemy was the late Yasser Arafat's Fatah party, which formed the heart of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
Fatah was secular and cast in the mold of other revolutionary, leftist guerrilla movements waging insurgencies elsewhere in the world during the Cold War.
Israel's military-led administration in Gaza in the 1980's looked favorably on Hamas, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza.
Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Documents from the 1980's show that Israel enabled Hamas to act in the first Intifada in order to enable it to strengthen, thus to cause a splitting of the Palestinian nation – in order to weaken the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which was responsible for the Intifada.

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.” says retired Israeli official Avner Cohen , a former Israeli official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades in an interview to the Wall Street Journal.
Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”).
General Segev himself even admits to funding Hamas himself with Israeli taxpayers money that was later used to kill the same people who were funding them.<a href="#cite_note-15">[15]</a>
Nicole Junkermann“The chairman of the board of directors is Ehud Barak, the 10th Prime Minister of Israel, the 14th Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, former Minister of Defense and former Head of Military Intelligence for Israel. Ehud Barak has had a long history as one of the more public faces of Israeli covert operations. Before he was Prime Minister, Ehud Barak was a big name in the IDF. (...) Another of Carbyne’s directors and board members is Brigadier Pinchas Buchris, the former Deputy Commander of an elite IDF operations unit and former Commander of the IDF 8200 Cyber Intelligence Unit. Amir Elichai is the Founder and CEO of Carbyne, he is also a former Israeli Army officer who served in various positions in the special elite forces and the intelligence corps. Alex Dizengof is Carbyne’s Co-Founder & CTO. He’s described as a Software Architect and Algorithms Developer. Dizengof had previously developed machine learning algorithms for robots and mobile platforms, as well as cyber security software for the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office. These people have always been serious Israeli State assets and it would be naive to think anything has changed. It seems that Nicole Junkermann has some serious partners, and it makes me wonder whether or not Jeffrey Epstein’s original meeting with the then recently graduated Junkermann was as a recruiter for the Mossad.”Johnny Vedmore
Nicole Junkermann
17 July 2019
Palestine“Israel first encountered Islamists that would later form Hamas in Gaza in the 1970s. Back then they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel.
Israel realised that it could use the organisation to help splinter Palestinian society in the Gaza Strip and hurt the PLO which dominated Palestinian politics. So Israel helped and even gave funds to Hamas in the 1980s so it could establish itself in Gaza.
The Israeli government officially recognised the precursor to Hamas, called "Mujama Al-Islamiya" back then, registered the group as a charity and even supported it with funds to help it spread its influence in Gaza and in the occupied Palestinian territories.

At the time, Israel's main enemy was the late Yasser Arafat's Fatah party, which formed the heart of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO).
Fatah was secular and cast in the mould of other revolutionary, leftist guerrilla movements waging insurgencies elsewhere in the world during the Cold War.
Israel's military-led administration in Gaza in the 1980's looked favourably on Hamas, which set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza.
Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Documents from the 1980's show that Israel enabled Hamas to act in the first Intifada so as to enable it to strengthen, thus to cause a splitting of the Palestinian nation – in order to weaken the PLO which was responsible for the Intifada.

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.” says retired Israeli official Avner Cohen, a former Israeli official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades in an interview to the Wall Street Journal.
Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the PLO and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”).
General Segev himself even admits to funding Hamas himself with Israeli taxpayers' money that was later used to kill the same people who were funding them.<a href="#cite_note-12">[12]</a>
Kevin Rudd“In his memoirs, Prime Minster Rudd told how in the National Security Committee of the Cabinet after the second Israeli passport incident, Dennis Richardson, chief of ASIO, stated that "unless Australia wished to be seen as a 'soft touch' by the Israelis, we had to act firmly and decisively. Everyone nodded in agreement except Julia Gillard. "I asked her explicitly whether she supported the recommendations. She grunted her assent. I knew for a fact that Julia had been cultivated by the Israeli Lobby in Australia".”Kevin Rudd2018


Events Planned

2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack10 October 2001 17:00:0010 October 2001 17:30:00Mexico
Mexican Legislative Assembly
Mexico City
Two Israelis caught with false passports grenades, explosives and guns in the Mexican parliament a month after 9-11. Later released without charge. Western corporate media aware but uninterested.
9-11/George Washington Bridge plot11 September 200111 September 2001New York
New Jersey
9-11/George Washington Bridge plot
The FBI arrested at least one van of men (two or three) which was found to contain tons of explosives. This was announced on the day, two conflicting reports, but later retracted. No alternative explanation is known to have been given.
Achille Lauro hijacking7 October 198510 October 1985Mediterranean Sea1985 hijacking of the Italian ocean liner MS Achille Lauro by four men representing the Palestine Liberation Front. Later revealed to in fact be an Israeli "black" propaganda operation.


Events Participated in

2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War/Israeli invasion of Gaza27 October 2023GazaAfter October 7, Israel invaded Gaza with widespread international support. The IDF went on a widely reported revenge killing spree. Even by Israel's own account, they killed 19,500 Palestinian civilians after half a year of bombing hospitals, schools and civilian towers, utilising numerous condemned tactics.
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War/October 77 October 20238 October 2023Gaza
Golan Heights
Hamas attacks Israeli settlements in Southern Israel, mass raping and abducting, which get called an Israeli "9-11" by CCM. The NYT and Al Jazeera claimed the Israeli government knew of the impending attack, ignored warnings, shot some of their own civilians, made up several stories and used the resulting increased death toll to go on a revenge killing spree in the 2023 Israeli invasion of Gaza.


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:After Mossad Targeted Soleimani, Trump Pulled the TriggerArticle3 January 2020Jefferson MorleyDonald Trump has now fulfilled the wishes of Mossad. After proclaiming his intention to end America’s “stupid endless wars,” the president has effectively declared war on the largest country in the region in solidarity with Israel, the most unpopular country in the Middle East.
Document:Black Cube, the "Mossad" of Commercial SpyingArticle28 February 2019George KerevanMichael Drury, the former legal head of GCHQ, has set up in practice defending Russian oligarchs and bankers being chased by the main UK bank regulator (FCA) and the Serious Fraud Office: I wonder what he does for Black Cube?
Document:Possible Israeli connection to the Oslo attackswebpage25 July 2011Stephen Lendman
Document:The plot to blow up El Al Flight 016Article6 April 2019Marianne Colloms
Dick Weindling
Two weeks after Nezar Hindawi's trial, French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac was interviewed on tape by Arnaud de Borchgrave, the editor of the Washington Times. When he was asked about the attempt to blow up the El Al plane Chirac said he had been told by the West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and the Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher that they believe it had been set up by Mossad agents to destabilise Syria's Assad regime.
Document:The slandering of a Russian “Elon Musk”article19 October 2020'Rhys James'A tongue-in-cheek analysis of strange goings-on in the Russian Drone design and manufacturing industry; but with a hard edge to it which plausibly suggests Isaeli-Mossad shenanigans
File:Conversations with Victor Ostrovsky-The Man Who Blew the Whistle on Mossad-1990 December.pdfinterviewDecember 1990Victor Ostrovsky
Mary Barrett
By Way of Deception, co-authored by Canadian writer Claire Hoy, provides an exceptional glimpse into the Mossad, ranging from its philosophy and training procedures to its methodology and field techniques. As Ostrovsky presents it, the Mossad is an immoral organization operating without oversight. He is outraged at the damage it does to the people in whose name it functions.
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  1. "By Way of Deception" by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy, page xi
  2. "By Way of Deception", chapter two
  3. "About Us - Directors", Mossad, accessed 14 May 2009.
  4. "Mossad", Federation of American Scientists, accessed 14 May 2009.
  5. "What's next for the charming head of the Mossad?"