Markus Söder

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Person.png Markus Söder  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Markus söder2.jpg
Born5 January 1967
Alma materUniversity of Erlangen–Nuremberg
Founder ofBavaria/COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council
Member ofAmerican Council on Germany/Young Leaders/2001, Bavaria/COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council, Hanns Seidel Foundation
PartyChristian Social Union
Bavarian politician first out with hard lockdowns in 2020. "The CIA's dream candidate". His campaign to create acceptance of COVID jabs included "an unheard-of public attack".

Employment.png Minister President of Bavaria Wikipedia-icon.png

In office
16 March 2018 - Present

Markus Söder is a German politician serving as Minister President of Bavaria since 2018. He was one of the foremost proponents of a hard lockdown and other measures to contribute to the COVID-19 panic, and launched "an unheard-of public attack" on the German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) after they refused to issue a blanket recommendation that German teenagers get the COVID-19 jabs.[1]

Background, education and military service

After graduating from the Gymnasium in 1986, he served his military service from 1986 to 1987. He then studied law at the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg from 1987 with a scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. He passed his first state examination in 1991 and was a research assistant at the department of constitutional, administrative and church law at the same university. He worked as a trainee and then as an editor with Bayerischer Rundfunk in Munich from 1992 to 1994, when he was elected to the Bavarian Parliament and became a full-time politician.

Söder has been a member of the Landtag, the state parliament of Bavaria, since 1994. From 2003 to 2007 he was secretary general of the CSU party; in this capacity, he worked closely with then Minister-President and party chairman Edmund Stoiber. During his time in office, he was also part of the CDU/CSU team in the negotiations with the SPD on a coalition agreement following the 2005 federal elections[2], which paved the way to the formation of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s first government.

As finance minister in the state government of Minister-President Horst Seehofer in the period 2011-18, Söder was also one of the state’s representatives at the Bundesrat, where he served on the Finance Committee.

School years

A teacher remember's him in the following way:[3]

The teacher says he would have remembered Markus Söder "even if he hadn't made this career. An excellent student, high intellectual potential." Söder never played truant, gave brilliant presentations, wrote excellent exams, got 15 points from him on every report card, "translates: one plus," which contributed to Söder's Abi (college-preparatory school diploma) average of 1.3.

As the teacher recalls, an almost audible "but" hangs in the air the whole time. He utters it when describing the team spirit of his class at the time as: a group of students among whom Söder "unfortunately" also stood out for a "lack of empathy." He enjoyed his A's the most, he says, as long as the others were writing C's. If someone had come too close to him in the grades, it could have happened that he complained that the exam had been too easy.

"Markus Söder always saw himself in competition with the group," says the teacher. Never, he says, was he asked for help by the others. "Who do you ask for help? The one you suspect wants to help."

Minister-President of Bavaria

In March 2018, lawmakers formally elected Söder as new Minister-President to replace Horst Seehofer, who had become German interior minister in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s new cabinet.

Söder recieved a "speed date" with WEF-leader Klaus Schwab in January 2020, two months before the lockdown[4]

He and his cabinet were one of the first state governments to decide to impose a "lockdown" to contain the virus and in April 2020 he invited 2 Bilderbergers and the wife of a Bilderberg Steering Committee member to the Bavaria/COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council‎‎,

Söder predicts a "Corona-RAF"

"Evil thoughts turn into evil words and at some point also evil deeds", warned Söder."That is why we not only have to improve the security measures for democratic institutions in Germany, but also fundamentally look at the sect-like movement of 'lateral thinkers' and other comparable groups."

"There is a risk that “a corona mob or a type of corona-RAF could form in Germany from the environment of the AfD, that could become increasingly aggressive and even violent” "[5]

According to him, the domestic security agency BfV has a central task to play here.

"Söder is the CIA's dream candidate"

The normally careful analyst Albrecht Müller, editor-in-chief the independent newsmedia NachDenkSeiten, published the assessment of an anonymous Berlin management consultant who "has contacts to the super-rich and super-influential." According to him, "Söder is the CIA's dream candidate; the imperial satrap for the next 20 years in the pivotal state Germany. He leaves nothing to be desired. See 16 years of Merkel. Every opponent of Soeder will be brutally crushed in the media.[..] You saw the value of Germany in election cheating against Trump. The CIA operations ran through Pakistan, Italy and Germany. And in the decline of the superpower you need stupid and brutal guys like Söder at every nook and cranny. For the tactics to maintain power, the interests of Germany, or democracy, are aboslutely irrelevant".[6]

Müller agreed with the assessment, pointing out how the system works. The "services of another country do their own personnel planning for our country as well as for other peoples. And through their influence on the media of the respective country, in this specific case with us through the abundance of pro-transatlantic people present in the media, they ensure that their candidate always gets a good picture and is verbally present with interviews."


Events Participated in

Munich Security Conference/201717 February 201719 February 2017Germany
The 53rd Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/201812 February 201814 February 2018Germany
The 54th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/201915 February 201917 February 2019Germany
The 55th Munich Security Conference, which included "A Spreading Plague" aimed at "identifying gaps and making recommendations to improve the global system for responding to deliberate, high consequence biological events."
Munich Security Conference/202014 February 202016 February 2020Germany
The 56th Munich Security Conference, in 2020, "welcomed an unprecedented number of high-ranking international decision-makers."
Munich Security Conference/202218 February 202220 February 2022Germany
Slightly less than 1/3 of the 664 of the participants have pages here
Munich Security Conference/202317 February 202319 February 2023Germany
Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists. The real decisions are made by deep politicians behind the scenes, elsewhere.
Munich Security Conference/202416 February 202418 February 2024Germany
Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists - in their own bubble, far from the concerns of their subjects
WEF/Annual Meeting/202021 January 202024 January 2020World Economic Forum
This mega-summit of the world's ruling class and their political and media appendages happens every year, but 2020 was special, as the continuous corporate media coverage of COVID-19 started more or less from one day to the next on 20/21 January 2020, coinciding with the start of the meeting.
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