Biological weapon

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Concept.png Biological weapon 
(WMD,  poison,  disease,  organism)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Interest of• Jeffrey Amherst
• Francis Boyle
• Catastrophic Contagion
• Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
• Clade X
• Emergent BioSolutions
• George C. Marshall Institute
• Steven J. Hatfill
• Tom Inglesby
• Bruce Ivins
• Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
• Robert Kadlec
• Robert Malone
• Tara O'Toole
• Project MKNAOMI
• Jim Talent
Subpage(s)"Biological weapon/Terrorism"
Biological weapon/Preparation
Biological weapon/Research

Biological weapons are organisms intended for use as destructive agents, typically by infecting and killing people.

2009 avian flu contamination

In February 2009, Baxter International shipped 72 kg material to 16 laboratories in 4 countries. The material was marked as vaccine, but contained live H5N1 avian flu virus material as well as a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses[1].


Research into biological weapons is allowed for defensive purposes. In practice, this is difficult or impossible to differentiate from offensive research.

Level 4 Bioweapons labs

Research into the most hazardous substances are carried out at Biosafety level 4 facilities. The only such facility in mainland China is the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8.6 miles from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market identified by the World Health Organization as linked to a cluster of 44 people who became unwell with pneumonia of unknown cause, at the start of the 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.



Page nameDescription
"COVID-19/Vaccine"The "vaccine" for COVID 19?
2001 Anthrax attacksA week after 9/11, weaponised anthrax spores was sent from a US lab to media offices and to two U.S. Senators who were obstructing the rollback of civil liberties. A $100M FBI investigation concluded that posthumously blamed a "lone nut" researcher. In 2015, the FBI head of the investigation sued the US Attorney General alleging that exculpating evidence had been withheld.
African swine fever
Alpha-gal syndromeA tick-borne allergy to red meat that some have speculated is a biological weapon.
France/Biological weaponsThe French government is still highly secretive about this research .
Infectious cloneArtificially created homogenous copies of a single RNA virion, usable as a bioweapon creating symptoms of acute respiratory distress
Israel/Biological weaponsAmong the most advanced in the world.
MERSReportedly very deadly coronavirus, known since 2012 without evidence of spread outside hospitals.
Morgellons diseaseDisputed condition described as the "formation of strange fibers growing out of unbroken skin", that the official narrative stamps as a psychiatric illness - possibly because it might be a biological weapon.
Potato beetle
SmallpoxDeadly virus eradicated in the wild after a vaccination campaign.
South Africa/Biological weapons
UK/Biological weaponsAn advanced and extensive biological weapons program based in Porton Down


Related Quotations

1959“A US Army operating manual from 1956 stated explicitly that biological and chemical warfare were an integral operating portion of US military strategy, were not restricted in any way, and that Congress had given the military “First Strike” authority on their use. In 1959, an attempt by Congress to remove this first-strike authority was defeated by the White House and bio-chemical weapons expenditures increased from $75 million to almost $350 million.”Larry Romanoff2020
David Baltimore“When I first saw the furin cleavage site <a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. (...) These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2.”David Baltimore
Anthony Fauci“After the 9/11 attacks, and the mysterious anthrax mailings that began a week later (which said, “TAKE PENACILIN [sic] NOW / DEATH TO AMERICA / DEATH TO ISRAEL / ALLAH IS GREAT”), the desire for biopreparedness became all consuming. Now there were emerging biothreats from humans as well as from the evolving natural world. Fauci’s anti-terror budget went from $53 million in 2001 to $1.7 billion in 2003.”Anthony Fauci
Nicholson Baker
4 January 2021
Genetic Extinction Technology“And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”Project for the New American Century
Genetic Extinction Technology“Given that Darpa is a military agency, we find it surprising that the obvious and concerning dual-use aspects of this research have received so little attention,”Felix Beck - lawyer at the University of Freiburg2018
Genetic Extinction Technology“It is very much easier to kill or sterilise a plant using gene editing than it is to make it herbicide or insect-resistant.”Guy Reeves
Expert in GM insects at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Robert Kadlec““If several kilograms of an agent like anthrax were disseminated in New York City today, conservative estimates put the number [of] deaths occurring in the first few days at 400,000. Thousands of others would be at risk of dying within several days if proper antibiotics and vaccination were not started immediately. Millions of others would be fearful of being exposed and seek or demand medical care as well. Beyond the immediate health implications of such an act, the potential panic and civil unrest would create an equally large response.””Robert Kadlec1998
Sasha Latypova“The perpetrators desperately, at all cost, need you to to believe that "mutating viruses in a lab" achieves some scary result, that then can be "leaked". That anyone can do it, even a PhD student in their garage. That our enemies are doing it and will "release" a super scary bug any time now, unless the Government is "prepared" by making a stockpile of "predictive vaccines" that can be deployed in DAYS after a new scary virus is detected in China. Or Timbuktu.

It is, however, a narrative. There is no way to "mutate viruses" in a lab in the way they all imply - to artificially make them deadlier and more transmissible at the same time. This is a propaganda fairytale with a very specific goal. You should be very concerned about any person (on "their" side or "ours") who repeats it with a serious face.

Sure, scientists can experiment with soups of DNA/RNA and grow things in petri dishes. They can design mutations on the computer and try to make concoctions of things. Are those "viruses" that can "leak from the lab" and "infect the world"? No. The proof of this is that while there are 1000 biolabs in the US and Western world playing with viruses. no pandemics or epidemics have resulted from these activities.”
Sasha Latypova27 January 2023
Toxoplasma gondii“You want to know something terrifying? Here's something terrifying and not surprising. The U.S. military knows about Toxo and its effect on behavior. They're interested in Toxo. They're officially intrigued. An I would think they would be intrigued, studying a parasite that makes mammals perhaps do things that everything in their fiber normally tells them not to do because it's dangerous. But suddenly, with this parasite on board, the mammal is a little more likely to go and do it. Who knows? But they're aware of Toxo.”Professor in neurology and neurosurgery Robert Sapolsky2 December 2009


Related Documents

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Document:All Roads Lead to Dark Winterreport1 April 2020Whitney Webb
Document:Bioterror: Manufacturing Wars The American Wayforeword1 April 2003William H. Schaap
Ellen Ray
Document:Operation Black Dogarticle2000David GuyattThe story of a US covert, airborne biological weapons attack on Iraq during the first US-Iraq war of 1990
File:US-biowarfare in Korea.pdfreportSeptember 1952Joseph NeedhamReport of investigations into the use of biological weapons by the US military during the Korean war of 1951-53
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