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     Page name     InterestsBornDiedDescription
Walter Gordon27 January 190621 March 1987Triple Bilderberger, President of the Canadian Privy Council
Robert GoreSDS1958Author, journalist interested in the Deep State
Mark Gorton9-11
US/Deep state
Urban transport
7 November 1966An active researcher into the US shadow government
John GossCOVID-19Former toolmaker and technical author with a degree in international relations and a Master of Letters (MLitt), John Goss has written extensively for the News Junkie Post
Allan Gotlieb28 February 192818 April 2020Quad Bilderberger Canadian diplomat
Stephen GowansIsrael
A Canadian-based writer and foreign policy analyst.
Robbie GrahamUFO
198117 February 2023Researcher with an interest in the UFO phenomenon.
Ashton GrayWatergate coup
Pentagon papers
Michael B. GreenDeep politics
2001 Anthrax attacks
US/Deep state
Retired forensic psychologist who has researched the US deep state
Graham Greene2 October 19043 April 1991
Meg Greenfield27 December 193013 May 1999US writer who attended the 1978 and 1982 Bilderbergs
Tony Greenstein
Glenn Greenwald6 March 1967
G. Edward GriffinChemtrails
Central bank
Federal Reserve
Yuri Bezmenov
7 November 1931Exposed banking cartels and "The Rothschild formula"
Wim GrommenFinancial fraud
Dow Jones Industrial Average
1929 Wall Street Crash
Alfred Grosser1 February 1925German-French writer known for his contributions towards the Franco-German cooperation. Attended Bilderberg/1980. Later known for criticizing Israel and the cynical use of antisemitism accusations.
Jan Guillou17 January 1944Swedish author and journalist.
Ulson GunnarA New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer
Chris GunnessNovember 1959Former chief spokesperson for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
David GuyattDeep politics
Financial fraud
Yamashita's gold
Arms trade
Erich Gysling17 July 1936Renowned Swiss journalist
Robert Habeck2 September 1969Singularly unqualified politician who was put in charge of the German economy in 2021
Nicky HagerNew Zealand-based investigative journalist
Danny HaiphongAt the UN Security Council on 18 August 2023
Anthony HallGlobalisation
"9-11/Israel did it"
Academic targeted by B'nai B'rith in 2016 for "using his academic credentials to deny the Holocaust and promote 9/11 conspiracy theories."
Dag Hammarskjöld29 July 190518 September 1961The 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations who died in highly suspicious circumstances while trying to make peace in the Congo.
Peter Handke6 December 1942
Lori HandrahanUN
Human trafficking
Child porn
Researcher with twenty years experience in humanitarian and human rights work in [[Central Asia]], [[Africa]] and the [[Balkans]].<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a>
Luke Harding21 April 1968Guardian journalist, expelled from Russia, "MI6 mouthpiece"
Robert HareSociopathy
Criminal psychology
Caryn Ann HarlosAnarchism
18 October 1967American Libertarian, serving as secretary of the Libertarian National Committee.
Keith Harmon-Snow
Michael Harrington24 February 192831 July 1989
Alan HartMiddle East
"9-11/Israel did it"
17 February 194215 January 2018UK journalist supporter of the 9-11/Truth movement.
Thom Hartmann7 May 1951US businessman, author and liberal pundit.
Bill Haseltine17 October 1944
Edward T. Haslam1951Investigated Dr. Mary Sherman and a "web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into cover-ups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys."
Pablo Hasél9 August 1988
Gabriel Hauge7 March 191424 July 1981Early member of the Bilderberg Steering committee, CFR
Lars HedegaardBerlingske Tidende19 September 1942Danish historian, author and journalist
Chris HedgesWar
Corporate media
18 September 1956A fearless speaker of truth to power, Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for almost 20 years, when he quit and began a blistering series of books which challenge different aspects of corporate capitalism. In 2012 he filed suit contending that the NDAA's provision for indefinite detention without trial was unconstitutional. Unbowed, he remains a thorn in the side of the establishment.
E. P. Heidner9-11
Richard HeinbergPeak Oil21 October 1950Warns of Peak Oil.
François Heisbourg"War on Terror"24 June 1949Promoter of the "war on terror". He wrote a working paper for the 1989 Bilderberg. Heavy MSC habit.
Paul Hellyer6 August 1923Hellyer is the longest serving current member of the Privy Council of Canada. A Minister of National Defence in the cabinet of Lester B. Pearson in the 1960s, he later promoted the merger of smaller and various left-wing activists to save Canada from the effects of globalization, as well as possible annexation by the United States. In early September 2005, Hellyer made headlines by publicly announcing that he believed in the existence of UFOs.
James Herbert8 April 194320 March 2013A best selling horror writer who died suddenly, 6 months after remarking that "I wanted to have another knock at the Establishment".
Edward S. Herman"Terrorism"
Terrorism expert
7 April 192511 November 2017
Theodore HerzlZionism2 May 18603 July 1904
Attila HildmannLeak
"Far right"
22 April 1981German-Turkish TV chef, turned "anti-vaxxer" and "far-right conspiracy theorist"
Symon Hill