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Andrew LiverisDow Chair and CEO, member of the Australian Covid task force
Kevin LynchCanadian Bilderberg banker businessman
Maurice LévyLeader of Publicis Groupe,the world's third largest advertising and communications group for 30 years. Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Le Siècle. French Association of Private Enterprises. Compagnie financière Edmond de Rothschild. Deutsche Bank.
Peter LöscherBig pharma Bilderberger
Christophe de MargerieA Total CEO who died in a plane crash in Moscow in 2014. WEF AGM regular
Beatrice Weder di MauroInternational Monetary Fund, World Bank, advisor to German Chancellors Gerhard Schroeder and Merkel. World Economic Forum. Etc.
John MicklethwaitEditor of The Economist for 9 years then Bloomberg News
Aditya MittalIndian billionaire heir to steel empire. WEF Young Global Leader 2005.
Liz MohnGerman billionaire businesswoman friend of Angela Merkel
Patrice MotsepeSouth Africa's richest man, GLT 1999, very heavy WEF AGM habit
Craig MundieMicrosoft. Bilderberg Steering committee member.
Moisés NaímOne of only a handful of Bilderbergers from outside Europe and North America.
John NegroponteUS deep state operative. Oversaw the elimination of non violent resistance in Iraq after the US invasion
Robin NiblettChatham House Director/Chief executive from 2007-2022...
Denis O'BrienBillionaire single Bilderberger
Mabel van OranjeAbnormal influential spook. Helped destroying Yugoslavia. Lover of Drug Kingpin and friend of the royals Klaas Bruinsma. Burned publicly by an AIVD-agent.
Frédéric OudéaFrench financier
Mehmet OzYGL Celebrity doctor who in March and April 2020 advocated use of hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19 and cautioned against shutting down schools, but later fell into lockstep the WEF official narrative on matters COVID.
Marco PanaraItalian "center-left" business journalist, regular at WEF AGMs
Dimitrios PapalexopoulosGreek business leader
Laurence ParisotFrench businesswoman
Carlo PesentiBy inviting David Rockefeller, Pesenti lead to Le Cercle to having regular US meetings.
Robert PestonBBC journalist, broadcaster, editor
Victor PinchukRussian oligarch, The Giving Pledge, does WEF AGMs
Ajay PiramalWEF AGM regular billionaire businessman, WEF GLT 1996
Jean Pisani-FerryFrench economist widely published on resetting matters economic
Paul PolmanBilderberger who was made a member of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19
Stephen PolozCanadian deep state functionary who as Governor of the Bank of Canada in March 2020 increased the money supply.
Penny PritzkerPritzker family billionaire who advanced career of Barack Obama early. Carnegie Endowment chairperson.
Tom PritzkerMember of one of the United States' richest families, the Chicago Pritzker family.
Alessandro ProfumoItalian financier
Gideon RachmanQuad Bilderberg UK journalist and friend of MI6 whistleblower Richard Tomlinson
Maria RamosMember of the Executive Committee of the International Business Council at the World Economic Forum. In 2021, she was appointed to the World BankInternational Monetary Fund High-Level Advisory Group (HLAG) on Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery and Growth, which sounds suspiciously like the Great Reset.
Vivek RanadiveEngineer businessman who kicked a heavy WEF AGM habit in 2020
Subramanian RanganAcademic with a heavy WEF AGM habit
James RiadyIndonesian billionaire businessman with long-standing ties to the Clintons.
Steen RiisgaardCEO of the Denmark-based biotech company Novozymes, the world’s largest producer of industrial enzymes. “Sugar will be the new oil”
Johan RockströmCo-wrote the Planetary Emergency Action Plan for the Club of Rome in 2018, predicting that 2020 will be a “Super Year” for international policy action, leading to "the fastest economic transformation in our history." Presumed speaker at 2019 Bilderberg conference.
Kenneth RogoffChief Economist of the International Monetary Fund 2001-3, WEF AGM regular
Urs Rohnerbanker
Gideon RoseUS journalist, WEF regular
Irene Rosenfeld
Kenneth RothUS lawyer, serial WEF AGM and MSC visitor
David RubensteinBillionaire Bilderberger Brookings co-founder and Managing Director of the Carlyle Group
Alan RusbridgerBritish establishment journalist, editor-in chief of The Guardian.
Alpo RusiFinnish diplomat
Christian Rynning-TønnesenAttended 2014 Bilderberg as CEO of major hydropower (now also wind power) public company Statkraft
Daniel SachsFunctionary for George Soros.
Sheryl SandbergThe Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook
Anthony ScaramucciUS financier, White House Director of Communications for 10 days in July 2017. Regular at WEF AGMs