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|summary=An explanation of one of the pillars of [[Wikipedia's censorship]].
|summary=An explanation of one of the pillars of [[Wikipedia's censorship]].
|description=Wikipedia's explicit policy on what belongs there is very revealing. This explains how it allows Wikipedia to be an effective extension of [[Operation Mockingbird]].}}
|description=Wikipedia's explicit policy on what belongs there is very revealing. This explains how it allows Wikipedia to be an effective extension of [[Operation Mockingbird]].}}{{Rate
|page=Andreas Straßmeir
|summary=An interesting guy.
|description=This is only a selection of pointers really, but it's a story not well told elsewhere that I've seen.}}

Revision as of 10:24, 27 July 2019



I was born in UK in 1970, but have been living abroad for about half my life. Long a believer in the folly of sorting the world into 'good people' and 'bad people', into winners and losers - as money inevitably does - I'm an economic dissident.


Many of the activities described on this wiki are technically crimes, but I do not believe it would be fruitful to apply the old systems of "justice" in connection with them. If this strikes you as odd, I ask you to consider the depth and breadth of the deep state, which is only sketched out on this website. I share Mark Gorton's conviction that a Truth and Reconciliation Commission may be the best practical way forward towards the world I would like to live in. Marshall Rosenberg has taught me that if we are to live long here, us humans must transcend "enemy images"[1] and maybe even re-conceive what it is to be a human...[2]

Activity on Wikispooks

2012: Discovered the site while researching Unwelcome Guests and stopped to help out.
2013: Coded Wikipedia+ as a tool to help people get here, and for their own, information decentralising purposes.
2014: Started to roll out SMW to improve organisation and presentation.
2015: More or less finished SMW rollout. Still doing bits of tidying. Added about Le Cercle.
2016: Coded Template:SMWQ, the Year and Decade objects and one or two other snippets.
2017: Added quite a lot of content, such as the Bilderberg reports.
2018: Made a page for every known attender of the Bilderberg or Le Cercle. 2019:


It seems slightly immodest to rate some pages of which I'm an author, but Oh well, it does increase the visibility of important pages...

 Has targetHas valueHas publicationDateHas summaryDescription
RobinDocument:The Moral Decoding of 9-1148 March 2019A challenging and similarly rewarding read about 9-11John McMurtry explains the context for the 9-11 event, and why such events are business as usual for life blind corporate capitalism.
Robin9-11/WTC7/Destruction/Foreknowledge413 September 2016A useful pile of evidenceOn its own, foreknowledge of a buildings collapse is suspicious, add to that the unprecedented nature of the collapse, and we have very compelling evidence of deception. This page is a solid run down of the evidence of foreknowledge.
RobinOperation Gladio/B521 June 2016Maybe the best summary on WWW of this essential event.This is not mentioned in the controlled corporate media, preventing it from having its own article on Wikipedia. In light of the increasing number of false flag events in Europe, it is essential information.
RobinConspiracy theory49 December 2017An overview into this pejorative so beloved of the commercially-controlled mediaThe phrase "conspiracy theory", as this page demonstrates, was created by the CIA to tackle dissenting views about the culpability of Lee Harvey Oswald. It continues to try to equate scepticism in government with dangerous craziness.
RobinTorture317 July 2017A thought provoking view on this topic.Although far from complete, this page explains why torture is employed (not to gain reliable information, since it is not effective at this).
RobinJerusalem Conference on International Terrorism38 November 2017A good overview of this seminal conferenceThe Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism is little remarked upon, even in the independent media, but deserves much greater attention since it ties together George H. W. Bush, Benjamin Netanyahu and Le Cercle. The article lacks details, but is a recommended starting point for anyone seeking to understand the "War on Terror".
RobinCorporate media/Deep state control428 February 2022An important set of observationsGood explanation of how the corporate media is controlled by agents of the deep state.
RobinBarry Jennings411 September 2016One of the best summaries of this 9/11 WhistleblowerA clear description of the activities and testimony of Barry Jennings on the 9/11, and of the unexplained disappearance of him and his family, just days before that testimony was to be contradicted the the 9/11 Commission report.
RobinCounter-extremism311 February 2019A brief introductionA brief introduction of this piece of Orwellian language.
RobinAssassination430 November 2018Mostly, a long list.Dozens of examples of both overt and covert assassinations, many by deep state groups.
RobinRichard Gutjahr318 July 2017Better information than elsewhere!This article has plenty of gaps, but is a reasonable introduction to this interesting figure.
RobinDocument:The Coup of '63, Part 1417 July 2017Unfinished but solidA solid start on understanding the JFK Assassination.
RobinDeep state/2017 Popularisation43 December 2018An important topicAn overview of how the corporate media, after years of ignoring the phrase, suddenly started to talk about the "deep state", possibly an unsuccessful effort to stem its rising popularity.
RobinDeep State418 July 2017A good introductionThis introduces this now popular term, in line with its use on this website, that is, in line with the definition accorded by peter Dale Scott, who coined the term.
RobinWikipedia/Notability39 July 2019An explanation of one of the pillars of Wikipedia's censorship.Wikipedia's explicit policy on what belongs there is very revealing. This explains how it allows Wikipedia to be an effective extension of Operation Mockingbird.
RobinGeorge H. W. Bush/Exposure511 February 2019A solid expose of this key US Deep politicianIn spite of his best efforts to cover up his spooky past, GHWB's life long career as a spook is now confirmed by multiple documents. This article lays them out.
RobinCorporate Media413 October 2016A solid answer to why not trust corporate mediaA sound run through of objections to corporate media, with many leads to follow up for those now to scepticism of the corporate media and a note on modern alternatives.
RobinWillem Matser318 July 2017Better information than elsewhere!This article has plenty of gaps, but is a reasonable introduction to this interesting figure.
RobinLone nut41 July 2016A good overview of this staple part of official narratives of deep eventsThis explains why the "lone nut" is such a convenient part of official narratives, and presents a good summary table of the "lone nuts" described on this site.
RobinCCTV526 April 2022A very useful collection of pointers to the deceitful ways in which CCTV is usedA very short page, but one with many links to deep events in which CCTV footage was unavailable, lost or falsified.
RobinBilderberg46 September 2016A good overview and vital and original insightsThis page contains not only a solid overview, but also important original research about the Bilderberg done by Wikispooks editors. Who knew that the Bilderberg have controlled the NATO Secretary General since 1966?
RobinFake News34 December 2017An overview of this phraseThis article tells how "Fake News website", a concept intended to increase trust in corporate media, became "fake news", which increased circumspection about corporate media.
RobinLe Cercle510 April 2016A good summary of a hugely under-reported deep state milieu.Le Cercle is a good deal more secretive than the Bilderberg, and is still very little known. This page showcases the excellent work of Joël van der Reijden in exposing this group.
RobinStructural deep event49 July 2019A set of useful good starting points for research.A brief page, but one which lists a lot of key events. If you haven't got an overview of these events, and how they fit together, you may wish to look into them...
RobinGary Caradori430 November 2018A good introduction to this PI who was assassinated by the US deep stateA short summary.
RobinDeep state38 March 2019Still needs work...A solid start, but lacking polish.
Robin9-1141 July 2016A pretty authoritative tour round the circumstances of that terrible day.This is actually fairly patchy and by no means the last word on the subject; 9/11 was a hugely complex affair. However, there is a lot of information on this page and its subpages, and it gives an idea of the scope of the deception.
RobinJohn Taylor Gatto330 November 2018A good introduction to a formidable intellect whom I will miss.John Taylor Gatto, a highly decorated US teacher, did more than anyone else in US to unmask the fraud of compulsory schooling.
RobinIllegal drug trade430 July 2017Disorganised but helpfulThis article needs a revision, but is packed with important leads.
RobinFreedom of speech49 April 2019Good overview of this important topicA useful closer look at this increasingly important topic.
RobinCorporate media38 November 2017Good information but lacks structureThis article lacks a good historical overview, but has important and current information to assist in reading between the li(n)es of the corporate media machine.
RobinWar on Terror52 July 2016Everyone should be familiar with this back storyThe "War on Terror" is not a mistake, nor did it begin in 2001 in response to a surprise attach on 9/11. This page clears up a number of misconceptions about this so-called "war" which like the "war on drugs" was designed to be endless.
RobinArms for Libya44 July 2016Summary of a very revealing event which has slipped down the memory hole.In the late 1970s, the deep state shipped the entire US stockpile of plastic explosive to Libya, and trained the Libyans how to use it to destroy jumbo jets. When this was exposed, the #3 person in the CIA perjured himself by denying any knowledge. When this deception was exposed, almost 20 years later, no legal action was taken against him.
RobinCIA/Drug trafficking430 November 2018A solid introduction to this major activity of the US Deep state.Not particularly well structured, but this page contains links to a lot of hard evidence that the CIA has owned the cocaine import business into the US for decades, and also profits from a lot of the rest of the world's drug illegal trading.
RobinCOVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg526 April 2022Over 150 Bilderbergers involved in COVID-19This page lists >150 Bilderbergers involved in every aspect of COVID-19, from Virus R&D, fearmongering, lockdowns, researching public opinions about it, creating and mandating vaccines, orchestrating the COVID bailouts and so forth.
RobinDocument:Fifty Years of the Deep State525 January 2015Excellent summary of the US deep state since the JFK assassinationIf you're new to the concept of the deep state, this is a highly readable introduction, while even if you've got a general overview, this is likely to connect up some important dots. I liked it so much, I read it as an audiobook for a radio show I produce. Although it is very sparsely referenced and says next to nothing about the Mossad, the bibliography at the end is excellent, and everything I've looked into seems to check out.
RobinDocument:Countering Criticism of the Warren Report49 July 2019A good start to deciphering the meaning of the phrase "conspiracy theorist"A CIA memo on us of media assets to try to bolster the flagging official narrative about the JFK assassination. Amongst the tactics - use of the phrase "conspiracy theorist".
Robin9-11/Premature death318 July 2017A compelling pictureBy assembling the various premature deaths associated with 9/11, this article suggests that many of them may not have been accidental.
RobinOfficial opposition narrative39 July 2019An introduction to a key concept.An overview of this important concept, including its application to permanent wars such as the "war on terror" or "war on drugs".
RobinWar on Drugs426 August 2016An expose of the truth behind this elaborate fictionA still slightly random assortment of ways in to the purposes of the fiction of drug interdiction and the reality of the multi-trillion dollar business which this charade evolved to protect.
Robin2016 Saumur Daesh Cell317 July 2017An important clue to the origins of modern "terrorism" in EuropeThe page collects the evidence of a telling mistake by the "terrorists" employed by the French military. Corporate media quickly lost interest in the story.
RobinNTSB330 November 2018A good set of leads for those interested to investigate whether the NTSB is fully captured by the US deep state.Pointers to key deep events such as Korean Air Lines Flight 007 and TWA Flight 800.
RobinInternet/Censorship49 April 2019Good overview of this important topicA useful closer look at this increasingly important topic.
RobinAustralia/1975 coup d'état45 June 2019A good overview of an important memory hole eventThis is a brief summary, but tells the events a story that contrasts with Wikipedia's official narrative of the event.
RobinCold War Then and Now?326 May 2019A brief introduction into this eventAn overview of this underresearched event organised by the Integrity Initiative.
Robin2005 London bombings36 September 2016A rather disorganised overview of this deep eventThe 7/7 bombings are comparable to 9/11, but Wikispooks has only a single page on the topic. Although outdated and jumbled, it contains thought provoking information which should assist in understanding this deep event.
RobinDeep politics330 July 2017Basic but helpfulThis article needs revision, but summarises an important topic.
RobinUK/Deep state411 February 2019A very important topicA still fairly untidy but useful introduction of how UK politics have been manipulated from behind the scenes and what the group is currently up to.
RobinUS/Deep state530 November 2018A summary of the secret powers which have conspired to control the US government.A long page, which focuses on how secret powers conspired in the 20th century (particularly after the JFK assassination to control the US presidency. It contains links to over a dozen key events which they have staged.
RobinSchool49 September 2016A thought provoking set of observationsThis page could do with more examples, but sketches out a distressing picture of how schools - particularly in the USA - are being used to prepare the next generation for an obscene, totalitarian autocracy.
... further results
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