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PersonBilderberg MeetingsMunich Security ConferencesDescription
Graham Allison45Attended the Bilderberg in 2007 after a 33 year break. First attended, as a speaker, in 1970, aged 30. Multiple deep state connections.
Jim Hoagland43US journalist whose Deep state connections include the CFR, Hoover Institution, Institute for Strategic Dialogue and 4 visits to the Bilderberg
Otto Schily42Attended the 2004 Bilderberg as Federal Minister of the Interior of Germany. Argued against mandatory COVID jabs arguing that they were unconstitutional
Egon Bahr41Quad Bilderberger German SPD politician
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer42Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO. He held an "anti-terrorist exercise" in Madrid 3 days before the 2004 Madrid train bombings.
Ronald Grierson41Spooky financier/businessman
Ursula von der Leyen49Bilderberger President of the European Commission promoting Vaccine passports
Karl Kaiser412German academic and contact of Henry Kissinger. Spoke at 3 of the 4 Bilderbergs he attended
Karel Schwarzenberg49Deep state connected Czech diplomat and politician, MSC regular
Kurt Lauk415Bilderberg businessman and politician, advisor to Angela Merkel, heavy Munich Security Conference habit
William Burns47Poly Bilderberger US diplomat, US/Deputy Secretary of State
Brent Scowcroft33Bush family friend, twice National Security Advisor
Édouard Philippe31Attended the 2016 Bilderberg. Became Prime Minister of France in 2017.
Timothy Garton Ash36UK historian, Ditchley Governor with other connections. Presented a paper to the 1989 Bilderberg. Subsequently attended two more, over a span of 30 years.
François-Philippe Champagne31Canadian Bilderberger politician, lawyer
Wolfgang Reitzle39German manager in the automotive industry, including BMW and Ford.Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Munich Security Conference.
Eckart von Klaeden311Triple Bilderberg German politician
Bernard Émié34Attended the 2018 & 2022 Bilderbergs as DGSE Director
Gijs de Vries31Dutch "terror expert" WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1998...
Hubert Védrine31French Bilderberger politician
Daniel Yergin33US Bilderberger economist
Anders Fogh Rasmussen312Bilderberger, ex Danish PM, ex-Secretary General of NATO.
Dambisa Moyo31Goldman Sachs, World Bank, double Bilderberger, WEF Young Global Leader, Baroness
Teija Tiilikainen36Finnish security bureaucrat working to push Finland into NATO.
Charles Boyd333 Bilderbergs, CFR, husband of Jessica Mathews
Martti Ahtisaari3210th President of Finland, UN Commissioner for Namibia, 3 Bilderbergs
Roland Koch31German politician
Peter Orszag31Tri-Bilderberger US deep state operative who wrote a book for the Brookings Institution about 9/11. Council on Foreign Relations, Citigroup, Lazard Frères
Gro Harlem Brundtland24Deep state/WHO connected Prime Minister/DG, concerned about "too much freedom of speech"
Frank Wisner II26Former US Secretary of State, son of Frank Wisner of the mighty wurlitzer
Norbert Röttgen25Bilderberg German politician who blamed people who declined vaccines for a divided society
Friedbert Pflüger22German politician
Chrystia Freeland23"A bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neoliberal order"
Wolfgang Schmidt25German Chancellor "Olaf Scholz’s shadow foreign minister."
Wolfgang Schäuble25German Bilderberger, MSC, WEF AGM, lawyer and politician
Ziad Abu-Amr21Double Bilderberger Palestinian leader who attended Georgetown
Bassma Kodmani21A Syrian/French "trusted lieutenant of the Anglo-American democracy-promotion industry". who attended 2 Bilderbergs; in 2008 before the start of the 2011 regime change proxy war, and in 2012.
Malcolm Rifkind26British Conservative politician with many deep state connections
Wopke Hoekstra23Dutch Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister
António Guterres24Bilderberger US Secretary general, particularly aggressive promoter of COVID jab mandation
Josef Joffe212Publisher-editor of Die Zeit
Shashank Joshi21The Economist‘s defence editor. Bilderberg 2022. Also of interest for the Integrity Initiative
George Robertson21Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO with unknown deep political connections.
Garry Kasparov22chess champion turned Putin critic.
Laurent Fabius23French politician who attended the 1994 and 2016 Bilderbergs
Sanna Marin21World Economic Young Leader and Finland's youngest-ever prime minister.
Simon Coveney21Single Bilderberger Irish politician
Joe Kaeser210German businessman Bilderberger
Sam Nunn29USDSO? Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, founded the Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2 Bilderbergers, participated in both Operation Dark Winter & A Spreading Plague
Didier Reynders21Belgian FM/European Commissioner for Justice accused of corruption