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Sergei GurievRussian born but working in France, Single Bilderberg banker economist
Alfred GusenbauerClub de Madrid, quad Bilderberger Austrian politician
Gönenç GürkaynakTurkish corporate lawyer for Google, Twitter and Wikipedia who attended the 2015 Bilderberg. His brother attended the 2023 Bilderberg.
Victor HalberstadtA professor of economics, with a minimal Wikipedia page, who has attended all Bilderberg meetings since 1975.
Erich HampelBilderberger banker
Demis HassabisDialled into a SAGE meeting at the request of Dominic Cummings. First Bilderberg in 2015
Wolfgang HesounDirector of Siemens Austria, attended the 2015 Bilderberg
Philipp HildebrandBIS, IMF, Quit as Swiss National Bank/Chair after details of his wife's currency trades emerged. Later vice chair of BlackRock.
Reid HoffmanVenture capitalist, CEO of LinkedIn
Wolfgang IschingerSpooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Kenneth JacobsBilderberger financier
James A. JohnsonUS politician, Bilderberg Steering committee, various USDS connections
Alain JuppéFrench PM, suspected deep state operative, Bilderberg, Le Cercle
Julia JäkelGerman publisher who attended the 2015 and 2016 Bilderbergs.
Joe KaeserGerman businessman Bilderberger
Alex KarpCEO of Palantir, Big Data & Surveillance Advocate, Paypal mafia
Gilles Kepel"Terror expert" with a focus on "Islamic terrorism" who attended the 2015 Bilderberg
John KerrScottish businessman and diplomat, attended all Bilderbergs from 2004 up to 2016
Ilhan KesiciTurkish politician
Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Klaus KleinfeldUS/German businessman. Bilderberg steering committee, CFR, ERTI
Klaas KnotBIS, 4 Bilderbergs, Central banker,Trilateral Commission
Mustafa KoçTurkish businessman. Attended all Bilderbergs from 2004 until his death in 2016
Henry KravisLike his wife, Marie-Josée Kravis, a billionaire multi-Bilderberger
Marie-Josée KravisLike her husband, Henry Kravis, a billionaire multi-Bilderberger
André KudelskiBilderberg Steering Committee businessman
Christina Markus LassenDanish diplomat. Ambassador to Syria 2009-2012, including when the 2011 regime change proxy war started. Attended Bilderberg 2015 as EU Ambassador to Lebanon. From 2022 Ambassador to the United States.
Kurt LaukBilderberg businessman and politician, advisor to Angela Merkel, heavy Munich Security Conference habit
Carola LemneSwedish business executive in private health care. Board member of the Wallenberg sphere Investor AB.
Stuart LeveyUnder Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence from 2004-2011. HSBC legal officer 2012. Attended the 2015 Bilderberg.
Ursula von der LeyenBilderberger President of the European Commission promoting Vaccine passports
Thomas LeysenBilderberg Steering Committee Member. Trilateral Commission.
Shiraz MaherUK writer and commentator on "radicalisation" who attended the 2015 Bilderberg. Reported in March 2020 that he had a tough time recovering from a mild case of COVID-19.
Jessica MathewsCarnegie Endowment for International Peace President, Far heavier Bilderberg habit than her husband (a US general), former(?) Steering Committee member
James Mattis“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
Pierre MaudetSwiss politician who attended the 2015 Bilderberg
David McKayPresident and CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada
Nuray MertTurkish journalist reportedly arrested on charges of "conducting terrorist propaganda" after calling for peace.
Jim MessinaWhite House Deputy Chief of Staff, Bilderberg, "the most powerful person in Washington that you haven’t heard of.”
Charles MichelAttended 3 Bilderbergs during the 2010s while Prime Minister of Belgium
John MicklethwaitEditor of The Economist for 9 years then Bloomberg News
Mario MontiPrime Minister of Italy. Bilderberg Steering committee. 27 Bilderbergs from 1983 to 2015
Craig MundieMicrosoft. Bilderberg Steering committee member.
Heather Munroe-BlumMulti-Bilderberger Canadian executive and academic
Leena MörttinenFinnish well-connected economist
Michael O'LearyCEO Ryanair, union buster
George OsborneSuspected UK deep politician, heavy Bilderberg habit,
Dimitrios PapalexopoulosGreek business leader
Richard Perle"widely considered a core representative of the neoconservative political faction"
David PetraeusSpooky general, DCIA, Multi-Bilderberg