Centre for European Policy Studies/Corporate Members

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Membership• Association française des entreprises privées
• Afore Consulting
• Allianz SE
• Amfori
• Apple
• Assonime
• Axa
• Banco Santander
• Bank of New York Mellon
• Barclays
• BNP Paribas
• Brunswick Group
• BusinessEurope
• Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
• Commerzbank
• Confederation of Danish Industry
• Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
• Covington & Burling LLP
• Credit Suisse
• Danish Agriculture & Food Council Brussels
• Danish Insurance Association
• Deloitte
• Deutsche Telekom
• Deutsches Aktieninstitut
• EFTA Surveillance Authority
• Électricité de France
• Enel
• Equinor
• Ernst & Young
• Erste Group Bank AG
• European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• European Investment Bank
• ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical
• Facebook
• Finance Denmark
• FleishmanHillard
• FTI Consulting
• Google
• HeidelbergCement
• Hill+Knowlton Strategies
• Hitachi
• Huawei
• Norsk Hydro
• ING Group
• Intesa Sanpaolo
• Intuit
• J.P. Morgan
• JT International
• Kreab
• Marubeni Corporation
• MasterCard
• Microsoft
• Mission of Liechtenstein to the EU
• Mistra
• Mitsubishi
• Mitsui & Co. Benelux
• Morgan Stanley
• Nasdaq
• NLI Research Institute
• Orange
• Rabobank Nederland
• Raiffeisen Bank
• Repsol
• S&P
• Samsung
• Electronics
• Shell
• Siemens
• Swedenergy
• Telefonica
• Teneo
• The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
• Total
• Uber
• UniCredit
• Unilever
• United Technologies
• Visa
• Volkswagen
• Workday
• Zurich Insurance
• Bertelsmann Stiftung
• City of London
• Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
• Friedrich Ebert Foundation
• NATO Parliamentary Assembly
• Danish Trade Union Confederation
• Schuman European Affairs

Corporate members of the EU think-tank Centre for European Policy Studies[1]. The basic CEPS Corporate Membership fee is €15,000, with the possibilty of an upgarde to inner core membership.

The list includes a selection of institutional members[2]. Fees range from €750 to €2,500


Known members

30 of the 99 of the members already have pages here:

AppleA tech company, in a corrupt duopoly with Microsoft, its effective social engineering of children during the 2010s and 2000s and its adaption of youth culture made it the most valuable company in the world. PRISM-member. Throws activists or anyone not a WEF-member of their platform in geopolitical dilemmas. Fashion industry and wage slavery promoter.
AxaFrench multinational insurance firm with Bilderberg contacts
BNP ParibasWorld's 8th largest bank by total assets, paid the US Justice Department $8.97 billion after accusations of money laundering
Barclays Bank
Bertelsmann Foundation
Covington & BurlingWashington DC law firm with deep state connections
Credit SuisseBig bank and asset manager
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Investment Bank
FacebookThe world's most popular social network, with over 1,000,000,000 users in 2014.
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Friedrich Naumann Foundation
GoogleGlobal Internet/Skynet conglomerate
HSBCThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, one of the world's biggest banks
MicrosoftStarted in 1975 with Paul Allen, Bill Gates developed Microsoft from a operating system maker of computers into one of the most prolific companies of all time, valued over $1 trillion, 3rd most valuable in the world. MS has over a billion in fines from corruption, mass surveillance violations & tax evasion. MS has market shares in dozens of markets, leading in the Platformization-epidemic of the 2010s started by big tech. It was the first partner in the NSA-PRISM program.
Morgan Stanley
Norsk HydroNorwegian company with heavy Bilderberg habit. One of the largest aluminium companies worldwide. Formerly also world big in fertilizers and heavy water, used to make nuclear weapons.
SamsungAsian big tech company. Owned by a family caught bribing Korean presidents.
ShellBiggest Dutch company. Caused trillions in damage due to fracking in Groningen. Convicted worldwide for crimes against locals. Employs hitmen and deep state operatives in African countries. Mislead shareholders for up to $1bn.
TotalA big oil company.
Turkish Industry and Business AssociationPossible deep state milieu, under suspicion because it so well represented at the Bilderberg. Identifies with Western interests.
UBSSwiss bank many employees of which reportedly suffered a premature death.
UnileverMultinational specialized in providing people the illusion of choice in local supermarkets. Targeted by Operation Gladio-agents in the Netherlands with blackmail.
VolkswagenGerman Multinational corporation
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