Halifax International Security Forum/2012

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Halifax International Security Forum 2012.jpg
United States Senators Mark Udall, John McCain, John Barrasso, and Barbara Mikulski speak to members of the media at the Halifax International Security Forum 2012.
LocationHalifax,  Nova Scotia,  Canada
ParticipantsGeneive Abdo, Michael Abramowitz, Stéphane Abrial, Sagal Abshir, Mohammed Abu Lahoum, Prashant Agrawal, Mobashar Jawed Akbar, Rinat Akhmetshin, Mohammad Al Abdallah, Mohammad Al Ajlouni, Rafat Al-Akhali, Chris Alexander, Ali Alfoneh, Antony Anderson, Dewi Anwar, Michael Ashar, Madeleine Ashe, Derrick Ashong, Carlos Augusto de Sousa, Michael Auslin, Shlomo Avineri, Kenneth Baer, James Baker, Yaprak Baltacıoğlu, Shukria Barakzai, Wim Bargerbos, John Barrasso, Jennifer Barrett, Stuart Beare, Dawisson Belem Lopes, Jean Betermier, Adam Blackwell, Lincoln Bloomfield, Jr., Peter Boehm, David Bosco, James Boutilier, Richard Bradlow, Darrell Bricker, Laura Bridge, Yves Brodeur, Ian Brodie, Pete Brodnitz, Shlomo Brom, Christian Brose, Nancy Bui-Thompson, Sharon Burke, Mark Cameron, Cansu Çamlibel, Leslie Campbell, Cengiz Çandar, João Castro Neves, Blaise Cathcart, Nick Childs, Fotini Christia, Campbell Clark, Tom Clark, Steve Clemons, Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman, Eliot Cohen, David Collenette, Nusret Cömert, Heather Conley, Irwin Cotler, Ronald Covais, Michael Day, Antonio Jorge da Rocha, Arnaud Danjean, Rup Narayan Das, Premvir Das, Glenn Davidson, Francis Delon, Neelam Deo, Raghida Dergham, Peter John Devlin, David Dewitt, Robbie Diamond, Yoram Dinstein, Safeen Dizayee, Paula Dobriansky, Gary Doer, Marcela Donadio, Richard Downie, Michael Dubie, Dan Dugas, David Ellis, Mieke Eoyang, Jacques Fauteux, Dean Fealk, Marian Fernet, Eamonn Fingleton, Helga Flores Trejo, Jamie Fly, Stephen Flynn, Robert Fonberg, Johanna Mendelson Forman, John Forster, Joshua Foust, Liam Fox, Lisa Friedman, Dave Gardam, Ulf Gartzke, John Gastright, John Gaventa, Jennifer Gearey, François Géré, Rob Gillies, John Glenn, Misha Glenny, Jean-Franćois Godbout, Diba Nigar Göksel, Blake Goldring, Joanisval Gonçalves, Maggie Goodlander, Marc Goodman, David Gough, Heather Grabbe, Sebastian Gräfe, Bill Graham, Camille Grand, Jerrold Green, Mike Greenley, Maryscott Greenwood, François Guimont, Joseph Hall, Philip Hammond, Louise Hand, Andrew House, Husain Haqqani, Allison Hart, Doug Hattaway, Jan Havranek, Kerry Healey, Joshua Hersh, Peter Hogan, Matthew Mark Horn, Nadim Houry, Peter Hughes, Rex Hughes, Heather Hurlburt, Ravic Huso, Karl Inderfurth, Wolfgang Ischinger, Farahnaz Ispahani, Jeremy Issacharoff, Bruce Jackson, David Jacobson, Jackson Janes, Tom Jarmyn, Barbara Jensen, Said Jawad, Peter Jennings, Josef Joffe, Matthew Kaminski, Athena Katsoulos, Jonathan Kay, John Kelly III, Kai Michael Kenkel, Madonna Kent, David Keyes, Persis Khambatta, James Kitfield, Suat Kınıklıoğlu, Martin Klingst, Kathleen Koch, Richard Koo, Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, David Kramer, Irina Krasovskaya, Chad Kreikemeier, Hilary Krieger, Ján Kubiš, David Kurtz, Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Adam Kushner, Ron L’Esperance, Elise Labott, Francois Lafond, Miroslav Lajčák, F. Stephen Larrabee, Amer Latif, Michel Lavigne, Peter Lavoy, Thomas Lawson, Paul LeBlanc, Ariel Levite, Leonard Lidov, Klaus Linsenmeier, Graham Lintott, Shalom Lipner, Gal Luft, Brian Macdonald, John MacDonell, César Mac-Namera, Geoffrey Machum, Macha MacKay, Peter MacKay, George MacLean, Paul Maddison, Ashok Malik, Ilgar Mammadov, John Manley, Sergio Mantilla, Bruno Marescaux, Elisa Massimino, Djerdj Matkovic, Bill McCaffrey, John McCain, Jon McKenzie, Alan Mendoza, Jeanne Meserve, Ayman Mhanna, Leo Michel, Fred Midgette, Barbara Mikulski, James Miller, Wess Mitchell, Saad Mohseni, Duane Monea, Yusuf Muftuoglü, Jeff Mullen, Vago Muradian, Felipe Nasser, Walter Natynczyk, Pauline Neville-Jones, Kevin Newman, Natalie Nougayréde, Jamie O’Gilvie, Jacqueline O’Neill, Charles Dixon Osburn, Russell Page, Timothy Page, Ana Palacio, Jean-Paul Paloméros, Roland Paris, Jay Paxton, Tom Perriello, Smadar Perry, Ted Piccone, Livia Plaks, Dana Priest, Margaret Purdy, Jibril Rajoub, Albert Ramdin, Ahmed Rashid, Alison Redford, Stephen Rigby, Richard Riley, Sheila Riordon, Carla Robbins, Colin Robertson, Corin Robertson, Joshua Rogin, Rafal Rohozinski, Gideon Rose, Morris Rosenberg, Henri Rothschild, Craig Rowsell, Luis Rubio, Daniel Runde, Tom Ruth, Oussama Safa, Sven Sakkov, Amrullah Saleh, David Sanger, Samir Saran, Jo-Anne Scharf, Randy Scheunemann, Christian Schmidt, Christian Schmidt, Andrew Schwartz, Peter Semneby, Richard Sendall, Vance Serchuck, Robin Shepherd, Mohammed Shtayyeh, Vasil Sikharulidze, Péter Siklósi, Jill Sinclair, Lokman Slim, Julianne Smith, Eugeniusz Smolar, Carsten Søndergaard, Frits Stam, Barbara Stegemann, Janice Stein, Mercedes Stephenson, Yasushi Sukegawa, Michael Svetlik, Jane Taber, Andrew Tabler, Nobushige Takamizawa, Nobuo Tanaka, Andris Teikmanis, Jonathan Tepperman, Ishaan Tharoor, Guy Thibault, Eirik Thorshaug, Eneken Tikk-Ringas, Vic Toews, Russel Trood, Mark Udall, Tomas Valasek, Bernard Valcourt, Jonathan Vance, Peter Van Praagh, Joseph Varner, Robert Vass, Julian Ventura, Rogerio Verissimo, John Vinocur, Kurt Volker, Aleksandar Vučić, Alexandre Vulic, Abdul Hai Waheed, Bruce Wallace, Pamela Wallin, Abdul Rahim Wardak, W. Bruce Weinrod, Jonathan Weisstub, Margaret Wente, Christian Wernicke, Michael Werz, Kathryn White, Joseph Whited, Marc Whittingham, Alexis Wichowski, Andi Widjajanto, Taylor Wilson, Bogusław Winid, Joseph Wood, Mona Yacoubian, Kazuyuki Yamazaki, Chris Yonke, Dov Zakheim, Markus Ziener
DescriptionSpooky conference in Canada



Known Participants

44 of the 335 of the participants already have pages here:

John BarrassoUS physician and politician, multiple visits to the MSC
Ian BrodieAttended the 2008 Bilderberg as Chief of Staff to the Canadian Prime Minister
Steve ClemonsUS writer with a heavy HISF habit
Eliot CohenSpooky academic labelled "the most influential neocon in academe"
Heather ConleySpooky German Marshall Fund President 2022-
Irwin CotlerCanada's Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 2003-2006. "Totally unabashed defender and supporter of Israel". Member of numerous spooky think-tanks.
Paula DobrianskySpookily connected US politician
Liam FoxUK politician
Heather GrabbeAcademic BF regular, WEF GLT 2003 amongst other Deep State ties
Camille GrandAlphen Group member with MSC and HISF habits
Maryscott GreenwoodFunctionary with a heavy HISF habit
Wolfgang IschingerSpooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Bruce JacksonUS spook. His later career focused on accelerating the integration of the Western Balkan countries, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia into the European Union and NATO. Member of the Henry Jackson Society.
Peter JenningsUS TV news anchor
Josef JoffePublisher-editor of Die Zeit
David KramerUS academic with multiple deep state connections. Conduit for giving the Steele Dossier to Buzzfeed.
François LafondAcademic with a heavy Halifax International Security Forum habit
Miroslav LajčákSlovak diplomat with WEF AGM habit
Stephen LarrabeeRAND political scientist, MSC
Peter LavoyUS MIC "terror expert".
Ariel LeviteIsraeli nuclear expert and war hawk who attended Bilderberg/2012, where one of the subjects was "What Can the West Do about Iran?". Works for Carnegie Endowment.
Gal Luft"Terror expert" and co-founder of the Set America Free Coalition, in 2023 arrested for arms dealing
Peter MacKayCanadian politician with a heavy HISF habit
John McCainVietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot.
Alan MendozaExecutive Director of The Henry Jackson Society
Pauline Neville-JonesBBC governor, Chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee
Ana PalacioSpanish politician, member of various spooky groups, signed the People’s Vaccine, attended 10 meetings of the Brussels Forum
Tom PerrielloUS politician
Peter Van PraaghHISF president
Dana PriestWorked for nearly 30 years for The Washington Post
Alison RedfordAttended the 2012 Bilderberg as Premier of Alberta
Rafal RohozinskiCanadian expert and practitioner active in the fields of counterinsurgency, cyber warfare, and the globalization of armed violence.
Gideon RoseUS journalist, WEF regular
David Sangercentral New York Times correspondent
Randy ScheunemannUS neocon foreign policy advisor to presidential candidate John McCain.
Peter SemnebySwedish diplomat with a heavy HISF habit
Robin ShepherdFormer Moscow Bureau Chief for The Times now working for intelligence think tanks.
Nobuo TanakaExecutive Director of the International Energy Agency
Mark UdallUS senator who publicly criticised the CIA torture programme.
John VinocurUS editor/journalist who attended Bilderberg/2005 and Bilderberg/2006.
Kurt VolkerUS deep state operative, US Permanent Representative to NATO
Aleksandar VučićSerbian President with a penchant for WEF AGMs
Cansu ÇamlibelTurkish transatlantic journalist
Cengiz ÇandarTurkish journalist with Middle East as expertise area
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