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David MorseHeaded the International Labour Organization (ILO) until 1970. After the ILO, he started a CIA and deep state connected consulting partnership, offering global networking services to the top politicians in Europe and the Middle East, and doing lobbying work for among others the tobacco company Philip Morris. Attended the 1969 Bilderberg conference.
Philip MoselySpooky academic
Ken MoskowCIA officer who worked under cover as diplomat and real estate developer.
Bill MoyersWhite House Press Secretary in the 1960s. Former CFR. In 1987 published The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, an early expose of the US deep state
Daniel MoynihanUS diplomat who pushed the "war on terror"
John Edwin MrozUS businessman
Grayson MurphyUS deep state operative who was implicated in the Business Plot and died in 1937
Edmund MuskieHis legislative work during his career as a Senator coincided with an expansion of modern liberalism in the United States. ran for President several times, sabotaged by Richard Nixon in 1972.
Alfred NealUS economist who attended the 1958 Bilderberg
George NebolsineCFR, Russian born naturalised US lawyer who attended all Bilderberg meetings until his death the day after the 1964 Bilderberg.
David NewsomUS diplomat who attended the 1979 Bilderberg as US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Paul NitzeUS deep politician, hawkish United States Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Richard NixonA relatively independent US president who may have been removed from power because he was planning to expose the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.
Lauris NorstadIn 1945, drew up plans to launch a nuclear attack on the USSR. Made SACEUR for over 6 years in the 1950s.
William Paley
Morehead PattersonCEO of American Machine and Foundry, which he made one of the pillars of the US military-industrial complex, hiring former CIA director Walter Bedell Smith as vice-chairman. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg
Frederick PayneUS former Senator
Howard PetersenUS financier who negotiated the conclusion of the 1960-62 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade for the JFK administration. Attended Bilderberg/1965.
Peter PetersonLong time CFR chair
Gerard PielScience editor at Life magazine, then editor in chief at Scientific American 1947-1984.
Frank Polk
Don PriceFounding dean of the deep state milieu John F. Kennedy School of Government from 1958 to 1976
Charles PrinceOne of the main culprits for the 2008 economic crisis
Anthony C. E. QuaintonCoordinator for Counterterrorism
John S. Reed
Joseph Verner ReedProtege of David Rockefeller
Charles Byron RenfrewJudge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California 1971-1980.
Alice M. RivlinWrote a working paper entitled The Outlook For The Economy And Employment In The United States for the 1984 Bilderberg
Henry Lithgow RobertsOfficer in the Office of Strategic Services during WW2 who became leading Eastern Europe scholar while keeping up his intelligence activities.
David RockefellerUS deep politician. CFR founder. Only person to attend over 50 Bilderberg meetings.
John Davison Rockefeller IIIScion of the Rockefeller family with a lifelong passion for population control
Nelson Rockefeller
Felix RohatynNicknamed 'Felix the Fixer', a Lazard bankster who conspired with the CIA to start the 1973 coup in Chile and later led the French-American Foundation, a recruitment network to control future French leaders.
Robert RoosaBrown Brothers Harriman banker ,director at the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission. Attended 3 Bilderbergs as Chairman of the Brookings Institution.
Elihu RootUS deep politician. A member of J. P. Morgan's Corsair Club.
Eugene RostowAttended the 1967 Bilderberg as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, later directed the Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Walt RostowSuspected US deep state functionary member of The Georgetown Set
William RuckelshausUS Environmental Protection Agency leader, then lobbyist for Monsanto.
Dean RuskVery long serving US Secretary of State, 5 visits to the Bilderberg
Harrison SalisburyUS journalist
Charles SanfordAmerican bankster who attended the 1988 Bilderberg conference as chairman and CEO of Bankers Trust Company, where he introduced "innovative" financial instruments. Retired after tapes of "fleecing customers" and losses from financial speculation emerged.
Robert ScalapinoCFR and State Department expert on East Asia. Advocated closer relations with China years before President Richard M. Nixon’s historic 1972 visit. Wanted detente with North Korea in the 1990s.
Robert SchaetzelUnited States Ambassador to the European Union from 1966 to 1972.
Bob Schieffer
Adolf W. SchmidtSpooky diplomat, Le Cercle, 1965 Bilderberg
Daniel Schorr
Jack SheinkmanUS Labor leader, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Quill and Dagger
George ShultzUS Cold warrior who attended the 1984 Washington Conference on International Terrorism
Ron SilverUS Deep state operative.
Joseph J. SiscoAmerican diplomat, spook and university rector who wrote a working paper for the discussion on Western Power and the Middle East: A Case Study in Atlantic Relationships at the 1984 Bilderberg